Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 425 Desert Reaper, It's Your Turn

They are longing for the king of the desert to be able to chop off the head of this powerful magic reaper with an axe.

After all, it is also a good choice to be able to step on the beat and eat experience in [Chaos Time and Space], and wait to die all the time.

Who let fate send them to [Chaos Time and Space] and become the eternal existence here!

If you want to get rid of this [Time and Space Mastery].

or die!

Or loot!

Otherwise, there is no third way to go.

"Holly's battle-axe! I still like to call you Urst, the God of Desert Death!"

"Hey, I like to eat axes! You, Mage, a human demon, actually like to eat my axes! I'll kill them!!!"

"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

On the [God King's Scepter], there were three gaps that should never have appeared.

There is no doubt that each of these gaps represents a head-to-head confrontation with the desert god of death.

With the mighty power of a mage, if it can withstand the sharp ax attack of the desert god of death.

Probably there will be no more Boos who dare to speak ill of Fang Han in front of him.

"Look, this great god Nirvana actually used a mere magic staff to resist Erster's sharp ax attack! It's so frightening."

"He wasn't a pure Mage, yes, I still think so."

"It's because Nirvana's training is too perverted. I heard that in the Nine Layers of God's Domain, it also used Warrior combination combat skills to deal with other demon kings at level 120."

"This great Nirvana—"

In the chaotic vortex, the remaining Boos discussed again.

"Hey, don't make any noise. After I finish the Desert Reaper, it's your turn. Sea Shark King, clean your neck. Don't dirty my knife then."

Sea Shark King was furious.

He slapped his own body of Boos with the shark fin, and cursed angrily: "Master Nirvana, you are too arrogant, I will wait for a while, and I will definitely stab you to death with the fish bone spur skill!"

"Okay, I'll wait."

Fang Han's gaze returned to the King of the Desert.

"Reaper, you only have these three axes left? Use whatever skills you have, I can bear it."

Yes, Erster is exhausted now.

These three strikes with the broad ax almost consumed all of its energy.

Now, this monster known as "Desert Death".

There was an evil look in his eyes.

"God Nirvana, I don't know if you have heard of it? In addition to being able to attack the enemy himself, the King of the Desert can also summon desert soldiers to deal with the enemy!"

After another sharp breath.

Erster stood up abruptly.

Put the ax of death behind you.

Then, the summoning curse was uttered in his mouth.

Hundreds of desert soldiers actually appeared beside Fang Han, front and rear, left and right, the number reached tens of thousands!

In Fang Han's eyes.

In terms of the combat effectiveness of these desert soldiers, although there are many of them, I am afraid that none of them can compare with the lava hell monsters that have been conquered.

The lava trolls and lava soldiers there are all hell-level monsters.

In other words, desert soldiers are just summons.

And those trolls of the hell demons, rock warriors, are all creatures.

There is basically no comparison between the two in terms of combat effectiveness.

A hundred desert soldiers can be compared to a lava troll!

Fang Han began to sympathize with the desert god of death!

"Well, Erster, you've got a little too many soldiers, don't you?"

Erster probably misunderstood the meaning of Nirvana.

Then it let out Boos' hearty laugh.

"Gee-f-g-f-gw, you're right. I can't stop calling for more..."

next second.

Fang Han hates the coquettish laughter of "give it".

It's too ugly!

This Boos.

Kind of annoying!

"Go to hell! No matter how many desert soldiers you have, what's the use! I'm a [Crazy Bomb]!"


Another 【Xuntu SS】!

Continue with a 【Crazy Bomb】!


Crowds of desert soldiers fell down instantly under the call of Fang Han's fierce magic.

It took only a second for some desert soldiers to come to this "summoning field".

He didn't even take a serious breath of the air in [Chaos Time and Space].

He was sent away by [Crazy Bomb]!

Just a few breaths.

After the continuous "inspection" of [Xuntu SS] and [Crazy Bomb] tens of thousands of desert soldiers turned into a handful of loess. Disappeared on the smooth land of [Chaos Time and Space].

Seeing this scene, the God of Desert Death was dumbfounded.

It can't laugh anymore!

The laughter of "give it" is gone!

"Hey, God of the Desert, it's your turn! Raise the sharp ax behind you, and I'll kill you for nothing! I won't fight back. I just want to test the sharpness of your sharp axe. In other words, My fusion magic shield has been used for three months. It's time to get a new magic shield!"

"What does it mean?"

"Could it be possible that I am the king of the desert. I want to be the training partner of Nirvana?"


The king of the desert raised his ax decisively.

Seeing that God Nirvana was sitting on the Fire Beast King, he did not move.

It's tempting!

Now, isn't it the best opportunity to attack Nirvana?

If you miss this opportunity, you will probably regret it for the rest of your life.


The Reaper's Ax was raised.

Before raising the axe, the Desert Reaper spat in his hand, which made it more frictional...

"Ouch..." The Fire Beast King vomited when he saw such a disgusting action.

But Fang Han stroked its hair, and it lay quietly on the ground of [Chaos Time and Space].

"Reaper, sharp axe! Slash!!"


The magic shield shattered.

However, the Desert God of Death suddenly found that something had scratched his chest.

It's the sneak attack of the Fire Beast King!

The Fire Beast King took advantage of the moment when the desert god of death exposed his vitals and lost his protection.

Its animal claws violently split the opponent's chest cavity.


【Ding! The Fusion Beast Fire Beast King succeeded in killing the Desert God of Death, and you were allocated 115% of the experience, and the experience value was sent to your package in the form of a scroll...]

【Ding! You have plundered the LV120 boss Desert Reaper, and obtained skill entries - Fatal Strike, Death Axe, Aerial Axe, Lightning Pillar...]

【Ding! You have plundered the LV120 boss Desert Reaper, and obtained talent entries-blessing of eternal life, chaotic blood loss, quick strike in air combat...]

these skills and talents.

Fang Han didn't even like it.

In the end, he packaged and rewarded his mount, the Fire Beast King!

After looting the lv120 desert god of death.

Fang Han rode on the Fire Beast King.

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