Fang Han, who successfully tricked the skill, flew back to the side of the Boos Alien Pegasus with the help of [Close Flicker S].

Then, the [Scepter of the God King] waved.

The magic chanting officially began.

"Great God of Eternal Annihilation, with the help of your magical will, give me the superimposed power of [Crazy Bomb]!"

[Crazy Bomb (Enhanced Skill)]!

Boom! ~


On the body of the Alien Pegasus, the part above the belly of the human body was instantly attacked by a burst of artillery fire.

The flames soared up, almost missing the humanoid horse Boos in seconds!

"Ah, it's so hot, so hot!"

The Alien Pegasus skill [God Horse Assault] was forcibly interrupted in a split second.

Then, the flames of [Crazy Bomb] attacked it.

The life value collapsed!

Defense collapsed!

His face collapsed!

【Ding! Your "Crazy Bomb" successfully hits the target, and the vitality of Boos Alien Pegasus is weakened by 24%]

【Ding! Your "Crazy Bomb" successfully hits the target, and the Boos Alien Horse is triggered by the "Scepter of the God King" to passively "slow down the movement speed"]

【Ding! Your "Petrochemical Ring" successfully triggered the petrification second force, and the Boos alien horse is in the petrification state (disabled after 5 seconds, selectable)]

The sea shark king instantly covered his big mouth with his fins.

The famous Alien Pegasus Boos was actually "petrified" by the Human Eternal Annihilation Demon Mage!

Such a skill is too scary.

It's insanely scary.

Even the boss king of [Chaos Time and Space] might not have such strength.

This human race! ! !

"Brother Alien Pegasus, I'll save you!"

Boos Sea Shark King released a skill: "Thousand Ice Fish Bone" skill [Thousand Ice Fish Bone] is a demon-like strike skill.

All are made of indestructible "bone spurs", which become even harder after being frozen.

Whether it is [Tianwu Battle Armor] such Warrior armor. Or [Demon Robe] this magic equipment.

Can be easily pierced by "fishbone"!

It is especially important to note that after the defense is broken, the hollow part of the fishbone will release a poison. Paralyzing the target player is hard to guard against.

However, these [Thousand Ice Fishbone] arrived at Fang Han.

It doesn't seem to be of any use.

Because Fang Han skillfully dodged behind the petrified Boos Alien Pegasus!

This ingenious one-handed cracking method instantly stunned the Sea Shark King.

But [Thousand Ice Fishbone] has been released.

It is impossible to withdraw halfway.

The Sea Shark King had no choice but to reduce his demon-like power to a new low latitude in an instant, and the attack power of the fishbone was naturally not so terrifying.


"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!..."

Countless fishbone still pierced into the body of Boos Alien Pegasus.

Pegasus suffered from the pain, and the man stood up, and the two giant human arms raised the hammer, and slammed it towards Fang Han viciously.

At the same time, the five-second petrification time restriction has been lifted!

"Well, if you fight against Boos with such strength, it's kind of interesting."

The combat strength of the Alien Pegasus and the Sea Shark King are both terrifying.

Fortunately, Fang Han has now fully tested their combat effectiveness.

There is surplus food at home, so don't panic!

[Scepter of God King] opened, and [Wings of the Sun] protected the wings.

After blocking all the remaining [Thousand Ice Fishbone] bones, Fang Han incited [Sun Wings] to fly to a huge hole where he could see the bottom of [Chaos Time and Space].

[Chaos Time and Space] is just a huge map after all.

Below it, there is another world!

"Oh, did we kill too fiercely? We frightened the human race of 'Nirvana God' who would be annihilated forever, and wanted to jump down from this hole?"

"If he can die by himself, he is still smart. Otherwise, he will die under the cooperation of the two of us sooner or later! Brother Sea Shark King, you are right!"

"It's like this, it's like this."


Alien Pegasus and Sea Shark King Boos all laughed.

"It seems that you still haven't consolidated!"

Fang Han looked straight at him, and raised his head that was looking down. Then start standing next to the hole to cast spells.

"Not good, I feel the great power of God Nirvana, it has skyrocketed again!"

"This Nirvana god! It really is a difficult Mage!"

"Brother Alien Pegasus, attack him!"

"No problem, get your Thousand Ice Fishbone ready!"

Their conversations were heard in Fang Han's ears.

Only then did Fang Han come to his senses.

It turns out that these two bosses are fighting and cooperating.

And the locked target is naturally himself!


Fang Han [God King Scepter] has reached the end of casting.

The skill [Electric Stimulation Field] has been strengthened by the skill [Double Casting S].

next second.

It flew out of Fang Han's hand.

[Electric current excitation field] turned into a thunder-like existence from the sky.

At a speed invisible to the naked eye, it inherited the magic of space casting and turned into a radiance composed of countless fine electric-optical fireballs, which slammed into the positions where Boos Alien Horse and Boos Sea Shark King were standing.

"This attack range is too big, no good, my Alien Pegasus is locked!"

"If you really can't avoid it, then you have to attack by force. This human race must be torn to shreds, completely shredded."

Lululu! ~

Under the deterrence of [Electric Stimulation Field], the Alien Pegasus activated the sudden rush skill in advance.

But he didn't know that the reason Fang Han stood on the other side of the cave to cast spells was actually to prepare a trap for it.

This huge hole, which connects to the other layer of the [Chaotic Time and Space] world below, has a diameter of 7 meters.

The words of a "Alien Pegasus" fell down.

Totally enough!

"No, I was fooled!"

When his Boos skills approached Fang Han, the Boos Alien Pegasus suddenly saw the hole under [Chaos Time and Space].

The figure fell down involuntarily.

"Damn it, I was fooled!"

"Damn it, how could you be fooled by him!"

"Damn it, such a simple trap, I, Alien Pegasus, didn't see through it!"

After a scream of "Ah...".

Boos, the Alien Pegasus, fell through the hole.

Behind him was the exclamation from the Sea Shark King.

Then, Fang Han's [Electric Stimulation Field] slammed hard on Boos Sea Shark King.

【Ding! Your skill "Electric Field" hits the Boos Sea Shark King, and the life energy of the Boos Sea Shark King is weakened by 77,286,200]



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