Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 434 Haha, I Can Only Wish You Good Luck

Fang Han said: "Although this task is quite difficult. But you are the joining city owner of my city-state alliance plane. I will help you with this favor!"

Alexander immediately thanked him a thousand times, and left after handing over his hand.

"Iron-faced students!"

"God Nirvana, your subordinates are here, God Nirvana, tell me!"

"You do this task. I will give you 70 million gold coins!"

"What did you say?"


The iron-faced city lord scratched his scalp.

"But I don't have level 100 yet! Immortal map [Xiu Luo Tiankong] I can't get in at all."

Fang Han smiled.

Then use a mysterious tone.

He whispered in the other side's ear: "I will only tell you one thing about this, you must not tell others, I have the ability to teleport you to this map, do you believe it or not?"

really? ? ?

The iron-faced city lord showed an expression of absolute disbelief.


Fang Han then brought Tie Mian Sheng to the teleportation entrance of Xiu Luo Tian.

Then, without the attention of the people next to him, he concealed his identity and all other equipment that exposed his identity.

Now he has become a "nameless"!

Seeing how mysterious Nirvana was, Tie Miansheng was dumbfounded.

Then, Fang Han equipped the "Golden Field Golden Orchid Necklace".

【Ding! God Nirvana, you have equipped the "Golden Orchid Necklace" and the attributes of this necklace are waiting to be activated! 】


"God Nirvana, what plane are you doing?"

"Don't talk! Listen to me. Turn on your team formation function."

Tie Miansheng nodded, and did as requested by God Nirvana without saying a word.

After his team-building function was turned on, Fang Han had already teamed up with Tie Mian Sheng.


【Ding! Tie Mian Sheng has joined the battle team, and your battle team now has 2/2 people (Note: If it is a guild battle, please change your battle mode to the enemy-friend mode)]

"God Nirvana, I still can't help but want to ask, what are you doing with me?"

It seems that Tie Mian Sheng is still not solidified!

This kid didn't even know that God Nirvana had already put on a prop and equipment [Golden Orchid Necklace] that could be teleported.

This piece of equipment has a hidden attribute.

That's "Teleport!"

Just ask for help.

Then form a team.

Fang Han can teleport up to five teammates to his side.

There is no lv100 level for Tie Mian Sheng now.

[Xiu Luo Tiankong] He couldn't enter this super god boos map at all.

So in order to give the task to Tie Miansheng to complete.

Fang Han can only work harder, use the mode of show operation, and become a "profiteer" for a time. According to his own words, all he earns is hard money.

"Come on, let's ask for help."

"Ah? What kind of operation is this?"

【Ding! You are hit x1 by Nirvana's "God King's Scepter", and your HP is reduced by 248 points]

Fang Han blasted a chestnut on Iron Miansheng's head.

"Stupid! I'll take you to get rich. I've agreed to listen to everything, and you forgot it so quickly."

It was already three minutes before this "teammate" was brought on the road.

At this time, the relationship between Tie Miansheng and the Great God Nirvana has become a "friend of eight worshippers."

Fang Han first entered the portal to repair Luo Tiankong.

Two seconds later, it was teleported to Fang Han who was repairing the Luotian sky, and using the teleportation power of the Jinlan Necklace, half of Tie Miansheng was teleported up.


【Ding! You have been blessed by the Golden Orchid Necklace and have been teleported to God Nirvana. Hurry up and join the team to fight together! 】

"Blind~! There is still such a showy operation. It's so cool! It's so cool that it hits Tianling Gai~"

Tie Miansheng's blood boiled all over.

This is a super god boos map that can only be entered with a restricted level.

He was actually able to cross taboos and enter the map without meeting the conditions.

That super satisfying feeling.

Let him burst into tears.

"Uuuuuuuu... Nirvana God, I love you so much. It turns out that you want to bring me to fight monsters. No, it's to fight Super God Boos!"

"I'll hit you on the head!"

"What? God Nirvana, why don't you bring me here to fight the boss? What are you doing sending me up? This is [Xiu Luo Tian Kong], the map is full of boos, if found, I can't hold on alone."

Fang Han smiled.

"Nothing else. I will give you 70 million gold coins. I just have one request."

Then, Fang Han handed over the entrusted task of [Alexander City Lord] to Tie Mian Sheng.

The iron face is numb!

You have accepted the mission entrusted to you by God Nirvana:

[Mission entrustment 1: Please go to "Xiu Luo Tiankong" to find the "Lost Civilization Ruins" at coordinates 7053 and 6624, dig out the treasure "Light of Civilization", and then hand it over to God Nirvana, the task will be completed]

[Task entrustment 2: Please go to "Xiu Luo Tiankong" to find "Lonely Brave" at coordinates 5843 and 7107, return the mission prop "Zhenrujie" and hand it over to God Nirvana, the mission will be completed]

"666, I understand what you mean. Haha, God Nirvana, you are so generous. I love you so much, God Nirvana! The 70 million gold coins are enough for me to upgrade two top-quality equipment."

Seeing Tie Miansheng's happy face, Fang Han smiled.

The commission price Alexander gave him was a total of 700 million gold coins!

He only gave Tie Miansheng one-tenth of the commission, and he made the difference himself, actually making 90% of it.

Such a good thing, where to find it!

Therefore, the first one to be promoted to the highest level of the Nine Layers of Gods will receive obvious rewards and other benefits, which are almost endless. As long as people are more diligent and run a few more tasks, they will not be able to make a fortune.

Under the guidance of Fang Han.

Tie Miansheng encountered a little problem in the middle.

However, the two tasks were quickly completed.

Then, Tie Miansheng traded what Fang Han needed.

Fang Han checked and found that there was no problem with the task.

"Why are you still squatting here? Hurry up and go back to the city."

"Ah, if you don't clear the two boos, how can you give up? God Nirvana, you have already got what you need for the mission, why don't you go back first?"

Fang Han saw through the intention of the iron-faced city lord at a glance.

This kid, I don't want to go back if I don't clear the two super god bosses!

"Haha, I can only wish you luck. Goodbye!"


[World Teleportation Stone]!

Fang Han teleported to Yixing City.

After entering the city lord's palace in Yixing City.

Alexander received the mission materials entrusted to Fang Han as promised.

"Heaven Designated, I'm not mistaken. Did you complete the mission so quickly?"

After reviewing the materials, Alexander immediately let out a pig laugh.

"Hurry up and send away the powerhouse who entrusted the task! Alexander!"


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