"God Nirvana, I..."

Tie Miansheng let go of the mysterious old man.

The latter coughed a few times.

Xiang Fang Han said in a strange way: "Heaven Designated, your subordinates are not doing well. The layout seems to have not been opened yet, and I will kill my mysterious old man every now and then. It's too ungentlemanly. Cough——"

Fang Han drank the wine that Tie Miansheng brought and ate the vegetables that Tie Miansheng bought.

"Tsk tsk! The wine is good!"

"Come on, cheers!"

The mysterious old man cast a slanted glance at his face, as if to say: "Look at your master Nirvana, come in and have a drink with me, that's what's going to happen!"

"Mysterious brother, make another drink! I can't give you a third drink."

"What's the meaning?"

It was the turn of the mysterious old man to be dumbfounded.

Fang Han smiled and said: "It's not that the two boys from the Martial God plane are not convinced. People say that even the mysterious old man has no more than that level of appraisal. Unless they see your elder brother showing his hands, they will believe that you have appraisal [Dragon Light Holy Spear] and [Shield of Glory City Lord] are capable!"

"Did they really say that? God Nirvana, bring me those two guys, and my mysterious old man will slap you in the face!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Fang Han winked at Tie Miansheng.

Then, Tie Miansheng left the tavern very cleverly.

—— "Ding! You have killed the Boos red-skinned snake demon and received a gold coin reward of X12.4458 million."


"How about it, is it enough to collect 800 million appraisal fees?"

"That's enough. Hey, I'm exhausted. I've never been so tired!"

"Well, it's time for us to return to Misty City. There are no wild monsters left in the Boos area reopened to us. Let's go back!"

at this moment.

The two great powers of the Valkyrie plane.

Received a message from the iron-faced city lord.

It's better to catch up sooner!

The two mighty warriors from the Valkyrie plane immediately returned to the city-state alliance plane with their gains.

Then, they were brought to Misty City, another strange tavern.

"Is everything here?"

"God Nirvana, everything is here. Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King, these two powerful men from the Valkyrie plane have brought all the appraisal fees and items that need to be appraised."

After finishing speaking, under the arrangement of Tie Miansheng.

Eight Winds put the [Dragon Light Holy Spear] on the table.

The voodoo sea king also put his voodoo weapon [Hongling Thorn] on the table.

The mysterious old man was dumbfounded.

"Heaven Designated, you're kidding me!"

"Ding! You have received 800 million gold coins from Bamianfeng and Voodoo Neptune players."

Fang Han chose to agree.

Then from Tie Miansheng, the repair, identification, and inlay costs of [Glory City Lord's Shield], a total of two billion gold coins, were traded to [Mysterious Old Man].

"Mysterious brother, don't let the powerful people of the Valkyrie plane look down on our city-state alliance plane. Accept it, you promised me Nirvana God before!"


The mysterious old man felt that he had been placed together.

However, the appraisal fee is quite generous.

Since I have said that I want to help God Nirvana.

Let's just try it out!


A big hand brushed on the equipped weapon [Dragon Light Holy Spear].

A mass of holy light awakens.

Then, the main attribute of [Dragon Light Holy Lance] appeared in midair.

[Identification Item: Dragon Light Holy Spear (Holy)]

[Equipment required level: lv90 level]

[Equipment Occupation: Warrior, Gun Repair]

[Equipment attack power: 2890-3224 (additional holy damage 879)]

[Equipment embedable position: two (up to three)]


Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King immediately knelt down.

"Mom, I love it! Before the Longguang Holy Spear was identified, it only had an attack power of more than 2,000 points. Now it is only the main attack power, which has increased by almost 1,000 points. And it has added more than 800 points of sacred damage. This is too overbearing. Yes! This is the best of the best!"

Bamianfeng wept with joy.

Kneeling on the ground, he kowtowed desperately to thank the mysterious old man, Nirvana, and the castellan.

The mysterious old man looked at Fang Han with his eyes.

It seems to be saying: "God Nirvana, look, you regret it! I have identified the holy gun with the best holy damage close to 1,000!"

Fang Han laughed.

He shouted: "Bamianfeng, congratulations, you have identified the best gun repair weapon among the best."

"Well, thank God Nirvana!"

Seeing that Bamianfeng had been successfully appraised, Voodoo Sea King said with great interest: "Mysterious old man, your skill is indeed the best in the Nine Layers of Gods! Now it's time to trouble you, old man, to appraise my equipment [Hong Ling Thorn]! "

The mysterious old man didn't even look at it.

"It's not as high as [Longguang Holy Lance]! It's a top-grade voodoo weapon. But it's not the best of the top-grade! Are you sure you want to identify it?"

"Of course, it's not easy to come to the plane of your city-state alliance from the plane of Valkyrie. Naturally, it needs to be appraised. It doesn't matter whether it is the best or not."

"Okay." The mysterious old man glanced at them.

An admirable magic hand.

Immediately put it on the equipment [Hong Ling Thorn].

【Ding! The voodoo weapon "Hongling Thorn" was successfully identified, voodoo attack 1896-2364, additional red poison damage 6.49%, additional green poison damage 12.37%, and has a certain chance to trigger group voodoo skills...]

Voodoo Neptune is overjoyed.

Hong Ling stabbed the voodoo weapon.

Before identification, there were only 1500-2500 voodoo attacks.

Now after the identification, the attack has increased by several hundred, and the group voodoo skill has also been added. This skill is also against the sky, and the additional attributes are created from scratch, which is naturally very exciting!

Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King are eager to take their weapons and go outside to try their power.


"Wait, you can't leave right now."


"We have already paid you the appraisal fee."

"You won't regret it, mysterious old man."

"Cut!" The mysterious old man sneered.

"I don't pay attention to hundreds of millions of appraisal fees. But your top-quality [Dragon Light Holy Lance] has a few inlaid bits. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave like this?"

"But I have no gold coins!"

Bamianfeng is also very hungry.

For inlays, I dare not expect extravagance.

After all, the level of wealth between the Valkyrie plane and the city-state alliance plane is simply not the same.

They came to the plane of the city-state alliance and brought only a little over 30 million gold coins.

Just the appraisal fee for the two weapons cost 800 million gold coins.

Or God Nirvana kindness.

Two Boos areas belonging to the city-state alliance plane were opened to them.

The great gift of letting them "feed for themselves" has been given.

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