"Some are constantly practicing in order to become strong. But in the end, the strong who are eligible to join the city-state alliance plane guild account for only about one-tenth of the total number of people on this plane. The rest will become cannon fodder sooner or later. .”

"Well, what you said is clear. It's not just the plane of the city-state alliance. Take Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King's Valkyrie plane as an example. This plane will also become cannon fodder when the time comes. You know what I mean of!"

Fang Han said hello.

"Mysterious brother, you are not worried about the Valkyrie plane, are you afraid that I will lead the city-state alliance plane and eat the Valkyrie plane in one go!"

"Ah bah! The Valkyrie plane was originally suppressed by the city-state alliance plane. Whether it is the total wealth of the plane or the strength of the plane, the Valkyrie plane has no way to compare with the city-state alliance plane. However, Bamianfeng and Witch The Poison Sea King is finally the best in their plane. You should know why they came to the city-state alliance plane."

"I know, I know very well. They are here to step on the ground! If the city-state alliance plane is stronger than them, they will surrender, or choose the alliance to protect themselves. If they are weaker than them, then they will attack and sweep the city-state alliance plane, and then use the resources of the city-state alliance plane to strengthen themselves!"

The mysterious old man heard this.

Nodding with satisfaction.

"Well, the conversation between us has come to this point, this wine will be more interesting to drink."

"Mysterious brother, I've done this."

boom! ~

The cup touches.

The magic wine entered the throat.

"Tsk! Good wine."


City-state alliance plane.

field of war.

An open canyon.

At this time, as the challenger, the strongman of the Valkyrie plane, the overlord of a certain guild [Eight Winds], has arrived at the War Canyon.

The opponent in front of him is the iron-faced city lord who has just upgraded the [Shield of Glory City Lord].

The strength and qualifications of both parties are equal.

Under the auspices of Fang Han.

The sparring match has officially begun.

Many spectators came from Misty City.

At this time, the platform in the canyon heights has been seized.

"It's about to start, it's about to start."

"Which side do you think will win?"

"Who knows, as a player of the city-state alliance plane guild, I certainly believe that the iron city master will win."

"But he's just a Shield Warrior! His defensive power is really strong. He can fight in groups, and he can fight against one or two enemies alone. But the opponent is a [God]-level spear repairer. Ba Mifeng, that kid, came from the plane of the Valkyrie The overlord. It's amazing!"

"Why bother so much? The fight hasn't started yet, and both sides have the possibility of winning."

"That's right, I've already bought the Iron Miansheng City Lord to win. A bet of five million gold coins is enough!"

"Admiration, admiration. I bet a million gold coins, and if I win, I can lie flat for three months. If I lose, I will be a one-month Boos area for nothing!"

"Haha, it's interesting. Why don't you guys vote for Iron City Lord?"


In the stands around War Canyon.

It was already boiling.

When God Nirvana stood in the host position and announced the start of the challenge.

The ebullition of the audience has reached a climax.

"Students with iron faces must win!"

"The city-state alliance must win!"

"Oh yeah!!~"

There were crowds of people all around.

Tie Miansheng stood on the ring.

Face the enemy.

"Bamifeng, your gun repairer has an attack power of 50,000, which is not weak!"

"City Master Tie, your defense is just a large shield of the city master, which already has 7,000. With such a strong defense, I may not have a chance to break your shield!"

"Yes, then let's start. I also hope to defeat you, a strong man from the Valkyrie plane."

"Okay, then let's have a one-on-one, fair fight!"

the stands.

In front of the noble throne of God Nirvana.

【Bull Demon God True God】.

Can't wait now.

"Master Nirvana, let me do it. I agreed to let me do it for the first battle, why did I change it to Brother Tie!!!~"

Fang Han said: "Ox Demon God, just stay here honestly. The challenge is not a game to determine the outcome. When it is your turn later, if you can't win. As the master of the city-state alliance, I will clean up your."

"Don't worry, God Nirvana. I, the Bull Demon God, have already prepared the soul-snatching fork. Garbage from the Valkyrie plane. Come one, I'll kill one, hahaha!"

[Bull Demon God True God] Speaking of which.

He found a pair of angry eyes staring at him.

Suddenly saw a player named Voodoo Sea King.

He exclaimed: "Voodoo Sea King, are you not convinced? Grandpa Niu will use this soul-snatching fork to teach you how to be a man. Hahaha~"

The voodoo sea king seems to be Fang Han's subordinate in [Bull Demon God True God]. Not easy to get angry.

He said calmly: "Very good, very good, once the duel between Bamianfeng and Iron-faced City Lord is over, it will be my turn to challenge you as the overlord of the bull demon domain! My voodoo Hongling thorn, I will teach you how to be a man!"

At this point, the playing field.

Awakened the eight winds of the [Dragon Light Holy Lance].

Has launched an attack on the big shield of the iron-faced city lord.

Tie Miansheng played very steadily.

The large shield blocks the front and provides defense while attacking the enemy with a weapon from the side, above, or even from the middle of the [Shield of Glory City Lord] when the shield is opened.

for a while.

Bamianfeng did not find the entrance to attack [Shield of Glory City Lord].

The attack power of the gun repairer on the Dragon Light Holy Spear cannot lock on to the released target.

Bamianfeng suddenly became anxious!

"Iron City Master, dare to temporarily give up your holy shield with 7000 points of defense. Fight me head-on?"

"Come on, come, is this city lord afraid that you will fail?"

A [Soul Breaking Knife] rolled along the city lord's shield.

Then, a [Earth Splitting Slash] struck towards Gun Xiu Ba Mi Feng's lower body.

Bamianfeng let out a shriek.

"Well done."

Then, [Dragon Light Holy Spear] transformed forward into three streams of spear shadows.

The attack unfolds!

First use the exercises to jump to the left side of Tie Miansheng.

Then the Dragon Light Holy Spear struck down with lightning.

When Tie Miansheng mistakenly thought that the opponent would attack him from the front, the Longguang Holy Spear had already broken through the shield.


Chi! ~

Tie Miansheng let go of the main defensive position, and at this time wanted to close the [Shield of Glory City Lord] again to block the gap. But it was too late.


The Dragon Light Sacred Spear was close to the tip of the Five Thousand Attacks, and it hit the iron-faced armor fiercely.

The opponent wanted to return the shield to block, but suffered a dark loss. He was picked by the Longguang Holy Spear and fell to the ground.

clang! ~

"In the first round, the Valkyrie plane wins!"

The iron face is like dead ashes.

He never dreamed of it.

If you haven't exerted your shield's main attribute and fought with all your defenses, failure will come to your head.

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