"The shield is there and the person is there, the shield is broken, and the person is dead!!!~~"

At this time, Tie Miansheng had already entered a guardian state of a king of defense.

The Shield of Glory City Lord, without any order, erupted with a sovereign-like holy light!

Under the shroud of holy light.

The powerful defense turned into a wall of ice.



The iron-faced "Destroying Aurora" was defended!

The shield of the Glory City Lord was actually at the moment when the opponent's "Aurora" collided.

A powerful anti-damage force was sent in the opposite direction, and entered the gun body.

Then, the rebound gave the eight-sided wind that released the invasion skill!

Bamianfeng pedaled, stepped back four steps in a row, and then stopped his footsteps.

Looking at the time when the iron face was born in horror.

Tough-faced and heart-wrenching, he cried out, "It's dangerous."

Then with a soul-breaking slash, he had already plundered the air and attacked the opponent.

"Eat me too! Boundless Wind Blade!"

"Kang ku ku ku ku ku~!"

The whirlwind brought by the wind blade formed a huge vortex on the Soul Breaking Slash.

After scanning the target horizontally, Broken Soul Zhan locked on Bamianfeng.

The opponent's [Dragon Light Holy Spear] instantly changed from offense to defense.

At this second, all the players in the Battle Canyon are extremely nervous.

In the stands, the Voodoo Sea King from the Valkyrie plane also clenched his fists nervously.

"You must win, brother Bamianfeng! This is the glorious moment of our Valkyrie plane, you must win, God bless you!"


[War Canyon Announcement: Ding! The player Bamianfeng was hit by the subsidiary skill "Boundless Wind Blade" of Shield Warrior, and Bamianfeng was defeated! 】

This news has completely slapped the face of the strong man in the Valkyrie plane - the owner of [Dragon Light Holy Spear], Eight Faces Wind!

With a look of shame on his face, Bamianfeng said to Tie Miansheng: "You are a qualified opponent! This round, I lost!"

"It's easy to say. Bamianfeng, you and I are almost the same in strength. You can cultivate to such a powerful level, and the city lord also admires you!"

Tie Mian Sheng won the second game!

At this time, the spectators in the War Canyon were all excited.

"I knew that Iron City Lord would not embarrass us! No, after regaining his form, he finally snatched the victory!"

"Wow, it's tied! I bought the Iron City Lord and won. Those who lost before finally made it back. It's great!"

"Well, it's very strong and violent. In this battle, I played the true level of the Iron City Lord. But I bought the final game. Only the final result of two wins out of three games will come out. Only then can I know whether I won or lost! Otherwise, again Buy the city-state alliance plane to win, and add five million gold coins to bet?"

"Buy it if you like it, Nirvana is the master. You can't lose money if you buy it, and you can't be fooled if you buy it. Could it be that the mere Valkyrie plane can tie with our city-state alliance plane! This is impossible!"

"Haha, I already got the ticket for the final victory game! Of course it was the city-state alliance plane that won, so I know it with my feet!"

"Interesting, guess who and who will play in the third game?"

"This one is a bit hard to guess."

"I heard that God Nirvana may appear in person."

"It's hard to say, but if the great god Nirvana plays in person, this match will be nothing to watch. Everyone knows that the great god Nirvana is the existence of eternal annihilation, the Nine Layers of God Realm [Disdainful]. He can use Mage as a Warrior with a shield Use. Who is not afraid of him!"

"However, this possibility cannot be ruled out, although the possibility is a little lower."

"Could it be the voodoo sea king, continuing to fight against our iron city lord?"

"Ah, if that's the case, I wouldn't dare to place a bet. After all, the iron city lord has fought twice in a row, and it won't be a big disadvantage to fight against the voodoo sea king again!"


After boiling.

War Canyon gradually quieted down.

In the stands, there was no extra discussion.


"Master Nirvana announced that in the third round of the match, the Voodoo Sea King from the Valkyrie plane will face the Bull Demon God True God from the city-state alliance plane! Let these two contestants come on stage, and everyone applauds and welcomes them!"

Voodoo Sea King took off his cloak.

Then he took the voodoo weapon Hong Ling thorn, and with the help of [Space Teleportation], he went up to the arena of the War Canyon.

As for [Bull Demon God True God], he had just heard the ring host's announcement.

He immediately became excited.

God Nirvana does not deceive me!

Sure enough, he sent me to fight!

Bull Demon God shot an intense and complicated look from his eyes, and glanced in the direction of Nirvana.

Then, he shouted loudly: "Your Grandpa Niu is here!"

Before anyone arrives, the Soul Seizing Fork arrives first.

The gigantic weapon [Soul Seizing Fork] possesses earth-shattering power. With such a throw, it formed ten thousand catties of gravity, and pressed towards the Voodoo Sea King who was already standing on the ring.

"mock up!"

The voodoo sea king snorted coldly, and the voodoo mana exploded. Then he waved the weapon [Hong Ling Thorn] like a fan.

The mighty force of the Soul Seizing Fork was immediately bounced back.

It just happened to be caught in the hands of the Bull Demon God who flew into the air.

With the Soul Seizing Fork in hand, the Bull Demon God, like a god of heaven, has already stood on the ring with a pair of huge horns on his head.

"Handsome, so handsome!"

"Aha, it's my Big Brother Bull Demon God!"

"The genius of the Bull Demon Field, the Bull Demon God is here."

"Niubaba! The number one bull god warrior under Nirvana! I want to buy him! Long live the city-state alliance!"

"Don't tell me. If God Nirvana lets the Bull Demon God play. Just one game, I can place a bet with my eyes closed."

"Well, it seems that everyone has a good impression of him."

"Of course, on the plane of the city-state alliance, the Bull Demon God is Nirvana God's number one favorite general. Nirvana God seems to like the Bull Demon God more than the Iron City Lord. I heard that some time ago, in the war training ground. Nirvana God He also taught Lord Niu Demon God a set of powerful skills and exercises."

"Is it real?"

"Is there such a thing? Then I will add an additional one million gold coins, and I will win the bet on the Bull Demon God!"

"Smart! Wake up! Your one million can be turned into five million in less than half an hour!"

"Haha, thank you for your good words. Which guild of you, I'll buy you a drink if you win the bet!"

"Okay, as soon as this game is over, whether you win or lose, you have to get drunk and celebrate."

"You don't need to guess, you can see the result of the war just by looking at the expression of God Nirvana."

"How to say?"



In the arena.

Voodoo Sea King glanced at Bull Demon God.

He raised his head and shouted to [Ox Demon God True God]: "Hey, brother, can you cancel the [Enlargement] skill? I have to look up when I talk to you, the neck is enough to suffer."

The 100-meter-tall Bull Demon God laughed loudly.

The gigantic form of human body and cow shape immediately shrunk slowly while shaking.


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