Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 454 Boos, The Old Fairy Of Montenegro

This time it was Fang Han's turn to be surprised.

Good guy, this [Skywalker] has a bit of insight.

"Well, I am God Nirvana! Skywalker, you actually recognized my identity from the fact that I was able to practice [Magic Sky Cage] immediately. You must have deduced it!"

"Hey, God Nirvana, I made you laugh. You are my idol. Like this skill book, I occasionally get it when I do the task of 'Wharton'."

"I was so happy at the time. I wanted to get Misty City, go to the Palace of the Ruler, and sell it to you in front of you. But, an accident happened. The guard outside the Palace of the Ruler said, I am not A guild player under the plane of the City-State Alliance. I was not allowed to enter, so I was in a hurry, so I had to set up a stall outside, so I could make a move, and take this ten million gold coins as an emergency!"

Fang Han frowned.

"[Skywalker], it seems that you are in trouble. What's the matter, can you tell me."

"Master Nirvana, the potion spirit grass I planted in [Tianning Pavilion] was stolen by [Black Mountain Old Immortal]. The whereabouts of Xian. Therefore, the money must not be less.”

Medicinal herb is a spiritual herb used to refine various potions.

For example, [Super Healing Potion (God)] is something that is refined after the fusion of spirit grass and some treasures from Boos.

When Fang Han heard the name of [Old Immortal of Black Mountain], he suddenly showed a strange expression.

This Boos.

He actually ran to my Misty City and froze!

It must be cured!

"Give me these ten million gold coins. As long as Boos [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] appears in Misty City, it will not escape my palm. I am the great god of Nirvana!"

Skywalker listened to Fang Han's words.

Immediately overjoyed.

He hurriedly reported to Fang Han the lost medicine spirit grass in his [Tianning Pavilion]. Then, he also shared with Fang Han the time when [Black Mountain Old Immortal] appeared.

[11:24:56, Boos Montenegro old fairy appeared at position 54.23 of "Tianning Pavilion"]

[12:13:07, Boos Montenegro old fairy appeared in "Tianning Pavilion" at position 98.13]

[07:45:35, Boos Montenegro old fairy appeared at "Tianning Pavilion" at 19.42]

[08:18:21, Boos Montenegro old fairy appeared at "Tianning Pavilion" at 17.46]


【Ding! Skywalker is going to trade you 10 million gold coins, do you accept it? whether】

The business you get is not done for nothing.

With Fang Han's appeal in Misty City.

Finding the whereabouts of a boss is as easy as pie.

According to what Fang Han said, as long as Boos [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] appeared in the city.

Then where did it escape, it will not escape Fang Han's palm.


【Ding! You have already obtained the 10 million gold coin entrustment from the player "Skywalker"]

"You wait here for my news."


The player [Skywalker] seems to have something to say.

But he hesitated for a while and didn't say anything.

Fang Han activated the magic of [World Teleportation Stone].

Soon, they arrived at the location of [News Sea] in the city.

Declare your purpose to several [Bai Xiaosheng].

Bai Xiaosheng immediately got busy. Started to collect all the news about Boos [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] from various news sources in the city.

Finally, a [Class A Bai Xiaosheng] drove up to Fang Han.

"Heaven Designated, we found out after our investigation. Boos [Black Mountain Old Immortal] has passed through the magic circle and went to [Xiu Luo Tiankong]. According to the speed of this Boos' travel, its current location should be Xiu Luo Tian Empty first floor location!"

ok ok!

Fang Han revealed a smug expression.

Then, [World Teleportation Stone] teleported to [Skywalker].

"I've found out that [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] went to repair the Luo Tiankong! The current location where the Boos is stationed should be on the first floor of the Luo Tiankong."

The player [Skywalker] heard that he was repairing the Luotian sky map.

Immediately, a dizzy expression appeared.

He said anxiously: "But my level is not enough to enter the super god Boos map that has just been opened - Xiu Luo Tiankong! What should I do?"

Fang Han laughed.

"You issue a reward order, it depends on what price you can offer. If you are satisfied, I can complete the task of killing Boos [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] for you, and get back all the elixir for you."

[Skywalker] Overjoyed.

"God Nirvana, if you are willing to help. I am willing to pay 100 million gold coins to hire you to help me complete this task. The time limit is three days!"

Fang Han said: "How about not having to use three days?"

Because at noon tomorrow, 10,000 elites from the City-State Alliance plane will gather at the Fountain Square, enter the Xiuluo Tian sky map through the portal, and start the Boos annihilation battle.

The person who leads the team is not someone else.

It is the master of the city-state alliance, the great god Nirvana himself.

So, take over the task of 100 million gold coins.

It's just a little bit of effort.

Fang Han estimated that he could complete the task in half a day.

The price of 100 million gold coins.

For [Tianxingke], it is a sky-high price.

But for the plane of the city-state alliance.

Just a small bounty task.

But mosquito meat is also meat.

God Nirvana can complete the task easily, and earn a little more reward, so why not do it.

Soon, Fang Han reached a deal with the player [Skywalker].

100 million gold coins, credited in advance.

"That's it, you wait for me in Misty City. Before dark, you will get the elixir that was taken by Boos [Old Fairy of Black Mountain]."

"Thank you God Nirvana!"

[Skywalker] Turn around and leave.

Fang Han looked up at the sky.

Then, he said to himself: "This mission came too timely. It can just test the strength of my 10,000 elites after entering the Luotian sky map."

After all, it is very difficult to find a Boos among the Super God Boos.

But for well-trained guild forces, it is not too difficult.

Those 10,000 elite members are the elite among the elite in the guild. Belonging to the absolute main force of the city-state alliance plane.

Let them choose a Boos [Black Mountain Old Immortal] from among the countless super god Boos to kill.

This is indeed a test of their team action and efficiency.

This kind of training opportunity is once in a lifetime!

Fang Han took a deep breath, and when the time came, he would take those brats who were sharpening their knives to repair the first floor of Luo Tian Sky, and attack the super god Boos there.

【Ding! Great God Nirvana, you have received news from the castellan. 】

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