Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 457 Immortal Immortal Grass

"What happened? Why is the whole sky covered by this damn vine? If this continues, how can our Boos attack and kill battle continue!"

"Go inside and have a look. God Nirvana is there."

Long Sniper Zhiyue and Bull Demon God crossed countless vines and finally walked behind Nirvana Great God.

However, when they looked over Fang Han's shoulder and saw the existence of [Old Immortal of Black Mountain], the three overlords, as well as the Warriors of the countless city-state alliance planes behind them, fell silent.

This is a ten thousand year tree spirit.

No wonder it is called Heishan Laoxian.

It turned out to be a Boos king of the monster clan who had practiced for thousands of years and almost became a [immortal].

In front of this gigantic old demon, the bull demon Shendu ate the turtle.

"Okay, so big!"

Saw the Dryad at a height of 500 meters.

Bull Demon God was not calm anymore.

at this time.

The dryad's mouth began to hum.

He issued a final threat to Fang Han: "Heaven Designated, I know you are here to attack me, but you will never be able to get those 'Ascension Immortal Grass'. I swear!"

Hear here.

Only then did Fang Han know that the task entrusted to him by the player [Skywalker] is to recapture these [Sacred Immortal Grass].

He still doesn't know the value of these [Ascension Immortal Grass].

Perhaps, [Old Immortal of Heishan] desperately wanted to get these things. It is estimated that there are objective reasons for it.

Now is the best time to find out why.

"Heishan old fairy, have you seen it? Although your vines are boundless, but my brother is also a galloping horse. Although you are good at using black magic to control vines, harass our army to fight, and protect your super god Boos Subordinate. But, after all, what is your reason for doing this? Why do you insist on getting those immortal celestial grasses?"

last question.

That's what Fang Han cares about.

However, Fang Han placed a few other inconspicuous questions in front of this question.

It is to confuse [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] to make it unconsciously fall into the trap set by him.

Sure enough, King Boos [Old Fairy of Black Mountain] fell into a trap.


This is a dryad who is about to become a fairy.

After laughing.

A faint expression was revealed.

"God Nirvana, aren't you the number one god of the human race in the Nine Layers of God Realm? Guess what! Immortal Immortal Grass, as the name suggests. Of course it is used to refine [Zhuanxian Pill]! With it, I can make [Tree Spirit ( Demon)] has become a [Tree Spirit (Fairy)]! Hahaha!~”

Boos King [Old Immortal of Montenegro] finished with a laugh.

The super god Boos around sent congratulations one after another.

"Congratulations to the old fairy, congratulations to the old fairy!"

"I wish [Old Immortal of Heishan] success in becoming an immortal!"

"I am willing to pledge allegiance to [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] and protect the sky of Xiuluo!"


Fang Han, Bull Demon God, Dragon Sniper Zhiyue, Tie Miansheng, and tens of thousands of Warriors from the city-state alliance all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Everyone had a confused expression on their faces.

They just can't figure it out.

Heishan old fairy, why is he so obsessed with the idea of ​​becoming a fairy.


In Fang Han's heart.

——This Boos king, I have decided on a strategy!

Make up your mind.

Fang Han let out a mocking laugh: "I see, it turned out to be for this! However, since I broke through this matter, then your road to [Transfer to Immortal] will never be completed."

Fang Han finally made a provocative voice.

Start using the [God King Scepter] to activate magic.

Then, countless [Crazy Explosive Bombs] blasted out from the [God King's Scepter].

["Boom!" Your skill Crazy Bomb hit successfully, and all the "fairy vines" have disappeared within the surrounding 7X24 meters]

["Boom!" Your skill Crazy Bomb hits successfully, and all the "fairy vines" within the surrounding 9X29 meters have disappeared]


At the same time, Fang Han issued an order to all the guild elites on the city-state alliance plane: "Fire magic, get rid of these vines. Restore the world map on the first floor of Luotian Sky to the way it was when you teleported into the map!"

Under the call of Fang Han.

The guild under the command of the city-state alliance plane.

Those mages, whether they are from the demon race, human race, or bull demon realm, joined in one after another.

They released countless magic skills.

All of them are all fire magic.

Immediately, the vast battlefield to which the Luo Tiantian 1st floor map belonged was blazing flames everywhere, almost swallowing the map...

"Meteor Fire Wall!"


"Burst flames!"


"Fire Flame Knife!"



Among the elites of the 10,000 city-state alliance planes, Mage accounted for 1/5.

Thousands of fire magics were released, and the ground in the sky of Xiuluo suddenly turned into a fiery hell.

The vines released by King Boos [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] were also quickly cleared away.

The inscriptions, birds and beasts engraved on the bricks and stones on the ground reappeared in everyone's field of vision.

[Old Fairy of Montenegro] Shocked!

A level 120 Boos [Iron Winged Demon] shouted wildly: "Old Immortal of Black Mountain, fight them!"

"The magic skills released by the human race are unbearable!"

"Yes, we are all super god Boos, use magic to deal with magic, use monsters to deal with human race, and devour them!"

"Let's go, use your demon king's eyes to sweep away these hateful mages. They come from the plane of the non-self-cultivation Luo Tian sky world. Kill them and let them become our tonic prey!"

A team of Super God Boos opened.

The previous bloody battlefield has returned to the state of melee again.

At the same time, [Old Immortal of Black Mountain] and Fang Han have also entered the battle mode after testing each other.

"Heaven Designated, your actions have exceeded my expectations. However, no matter whether you give up the plunder of [Ascension Immortal Grass], I have to say that today's [Xiu Luo Tian Kong]'s first-level territory is you The end of the land!"

Fang Han responded lightly: "【Old Immortal of Black Mountain】Let me also say that no matter whether you hand over the 【Ascension Immortal Grass】, I will burn down your Boos lair. Even your Demon Fusion God Furnace will be destroyed. And destroy it!"

Fang Han actually mentioned the melting furnace!

Still want to destroy it.

Simply inexcusable!

【Ding! Scanning Eye SS detects that Boos King "Old Immortal of Black Mountain" has awakened "Demon Forbidden Art" and the marked hatred value of people is growing crazily]

【Ding! Scanning Eye SS has detected that Boos King "Old Immortal of Black Mountain" has awakened the skill of "Vine Strike", and there are ten more "Strike Vine" around you]


These vines grow like Fairy Tail.

It reminded Fang Han of the scene when he was attacking [Frost Poseidon] on the attribute island.

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