Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 467 The Frozen Necklace That Adds One To Luck

【Ding! Your "Crazy Explosive Slash" hits successfully, Boos Shura Tai Sui's vitality is weakened by 13%]


The Fire Beast King saw that the Bull Demon God's attack had worked.

It seems that the words of God Nirvana.

Has successfully played a role in stimulating him.

So, now, it's your turn to attack.

[Ghost Claw] Continuous claw attack!

The Fire Beast King spewed flames all over his body.

As soon as the ghost claw skill is released.

The original red flame attack instantly turned into a black firework attack.

no doubt.

Its skills have been injected with more ghost power.


Boos Shura Tai Sui felt a piercing pain in his body.

Then, it's theropods.

He glanced at the two sides in the melee.

Hundreds of Super God Boos. And thousands of horned Tauren Warriors!

What a mess!

They must be killed as quickly as possible.

Then lead the super god Boos who listened to my orders, and return to the second floor to repair Luo Tiankong!

Think here.

Boos Shura Tai Sui.

Started the next wave of skills:

【Tail the flame】!

【Resistant Voodoo】!

【Sharp Teeth Kiss】!


The talents corresponding to the three skills are [Poisonous Demon], [Darkest Hour] and [Heart of Fire Curse].

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

"Ah, it hurts so much! My Bull Demon God has been tricked again."

"Don't worry about the old bull, God Nirvana is directing us." After a wave of sharp claw attacks, the Fire Beast King retreated behind the Bull Demon God.

Then released a "veterinary healing technique" to help the Bull Demon God heal his wounds.

Enjoy this long-lost orc healing technique.

Bull Demon God showed an expression of enjoyment.


Boos Shura Tai Sui.

They are not allowed time to heal.

【Tail the flame】!

"Peng!" "Peng!"

With the roar of death, the two flames flew towards the Bull Demon God and the Fire Beast King.

"Give up resistance, offense is the best defense!"

Fang Han gave a loud shout.

At the same time, use your [Sun Wings] to throw out two groups of winged "body protection".

"Boom!" "Boom!" After two sounds.

The wing horn bodyguard successfully enveloped the Bull Demon God and the Fire Beast King.

So it is!

The Fire Beast King, who understood his master's intentions, let out a violent roar.

Cooperating with the Bull Demon God, he launched a new skill [Rapid Cracking Soil].


On the ground, a group of black pits appeared.

[Rapid Cracking Soil] Success!

Boos Shura Tai Sui was trapped.

"Ox Demon God, it's up to you!"

"Brother, you are doing well."

The Bull Demon God retracted and released Fang Tian's painted halberd from Shenyu Fangtian.

Shout out.

"Awaken the maximum attack power, Fang Tian's painting halberd of God's Domain!"

Boom! ~

Times seem to come and go.

The blow of the Bull Demon God.

It's just in time.

When Boos Shura Taisui fell into the "cracking earth trap", the "awakening" skill of the weapon Fang Tian Huaji of Shenyu.

was successfully triggered at this moment.

【Ding! Your "Fatal Strike" was successfully triggered, Boos Shura Taisui successfully locked blood]

【Ding! Your "Fatal Strike" is successfully triggered, and Boos Shura Taisui's HP is reduced by 16%]

【Ding! Your "Fatal Strike" is successfully triggered, and Boos Shura Taisui enters the "full form defense" state]


"God Nirvana, what's going on?"

See Boos Shura Tai Sui.

During pit time.

Suddenly it turned into a mass of black.

Fang Han frowned.

He shouted: "This guy is bleeding!"

"Ah, use defense to restore blood?"

God Nirvana nodded: "Since it dares to enter the dog blood state, then attack it with confidence. I will use the strengthened magic shield to benefit you."

"Thank you God Nirvana!"

"Got it! God Nirvana, look at mine."

【Ding! Your skill "Crazy Explosive Slash" was successfully released, hitting the target Shura Taisui, reducing the enemy's vitality by 5,431,300]

【Ding! Your skill "Crazy Explosive Slash" was released successfully, hitting the target Shura Taisui, reducing the enemy's vitality by 4,036,600]

【Ding! Your skill "Crazy Explosive Slash" was successfully released, hitting the target Shura Taisui, reducing the enemy's vitality by 7.1847 million]


These few hits.

no doubt.

[Bull Demon God True God] The strategy is quite brilliant.

Fang Han recognized his ability.

Meanwhile, the Fire Beast King.

Continue to use [Cracking Pit] to imprison the opponent.

"So, if you are defeated by my Fire Beast King skills, you don't even think about getting out of the trap, you old Tai Sui!"

The Fire Beast King crazily released the trap.

One side let out a triumphant animal laugh.

"Damn, hate, hate!!"

Seeing his blood recovery speed, Boos Shura Tai Sui dared not match his blood loss speed.

When the life value was blasted to 307.6872 million, [Dragon's Taboo] was suddenly released.

Fang Han frowned.

"No, it seems that I also made mistakes. During this period of time, Shura Taisui is not only bleeding, but also brewing [Dragon Taboo]. I made a mistake."

Fang Han realizes that big trouble is coming.

Immediately gave the trigger attribute of [Frozen Necklace] to his beloved general—the Bull Demon God!

【Ding! You have received a request from God Nirvana to "Continue Equipment Attributes"]

"What is this for?"

"Ox Demon God, our time is running out. The incense is about to burn out."


Bull Demon God became nervous.

"Hurry up and accept the continuation!"

"Yes, God Nirvana!"

The Bull Demon God tensed up.

Entered a state of full combat.

【Ding! Frozen Necklace continued successfully! 】

[Crazy burst! 】

【Ding! Your skill "Crazy Burst" hits successfully. Trigger the passive skill "Frozen!" Boos Shura Taisui entered the "frozen state" for 5.00 seconds, and now there are 4.16 seconds left]

【Ding! Your skill "Crazy Burst" hits successfully. Trigger the passive skill "Frozen!" Boos Shura Taisui entered the "frozen state" for 5.00 seconds, and now there are 4.57 seconds left]


Hit three consecutive attacks.

And the trigger skill has been awakened three times.

This kind of luck is harder than winning the lottery!


The Bull Demon God couldn't believe his eyes.

How could he be so lucky this second.

"Get excited, that's my Nirvana God's lucky plus one frozen necklace! The mysterious old man doesn't know how much he has charged me for benefits, and his trigger rate has increased to an unimaginable level!"


[Bull Demon God True God] I was lazy at this time.

It unfolds the inner vision skill.

Start staring at [Frozen Necklace] for a closer look.

"What are you doing?"

The Bull Demon God was taken aback.

"Master, I'm curious about the properties of your necklace."


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