In front of a cave of heaven and earth.

The figure of Fang Han appeared.


Landslides and ground cracks.

【Ding! You are stared at by the evil soul of the boos red dragon. Your appearance has already aroused the hatred of the boos red dragon evil soul, the hatred value is x5649]

"Oh, I knew that the boos red dragon evil spirit would not be polite to me. I am the master of Nirvana. This place is too hidden. After getting the [sword sheath], the red dragon evil spirit was probably afraid that others would find it , so it is deliberately hidden here. What it fears the most is that someone will come to its door and retrieve the scabbard of the holy sword from it!"

"Hey, Red Dragon Evil Soul, you are just the soul of [Red Demon Dragon]. You don't need to be so overbearing. Back then, when I, Nirvana, faced your main god, I was never so speechless.

"Now, by chance, you got the scabbard of the holy sword. I think you shouldn't be so selfish, hand over the scabbard, and save your master's master!"

"Heaven Designated, do you know what you're talking about? I'm going to kill you!"

The red dragon evil spirit was very annoyed.

It's fine for this guy to try to break into his evil soul cultivation field.

He even revealed the secret of the [sword scabbard].

And what about its master's master, such inexplicable strange words.

This made [Red Dragon Evil Soul] furious!

With a flick of the giant tail, a soul shadow flew out of the cave.

Above the cave where the canyon was located, boulders collapsed side by side.

The position it covers is exactly where Fang Han is standing.

"Well, it's angry. Very good, if the cave is not shaken down, I won't be able to find a place for a decisive battle. Now, let me lead it to a more open place, and go to a decisive battle."

Thinking of this, Fang Han showed a satisfied expression.


Then with the skill [Sudden SS], after a few figure changes, he flew over the rocks and landed at the bottom of the canyon, an open, flat place suitable for fighting.

"Red Dragon Evil Soul, I'm not bragging. The things I told you just now are all true. Now that you have become an evil soul, some memories may have been erased. But you should remember that you are a certain king The matter of the soul!"

"Shut up, Heaven Designated, I won't allow you to insult me ​​like that. I'm a proud Dragon Soul, I'm going to kill you!"

It seems that the heart of boos has conquered its will.

Therefore, the red dragon evil spirit has become very mad now.

Undoubtedly, under this change, some of the secret power of the scabbard also played the role of an "accomplice".

"Strange, why didn't the evil spirit of the red dragon bring out the scabbard of the holy sword?

That thing, it won't be swallowed by it.

Won't! It must not be like this.

Fang Han frowned, looked up at the red dragon evil soul.

I saw this huge soul dragon, the whole body exuded the color of flames.

The scales on his body were stained red like blood.

Somewhat like the afterglow of the setting sun.

Its anger all comes from the great god named "Nirvana".

Perhaps, if it wasn't for him standing here.

The red dragon evil soul will not be so angry!

"Baby evil soul, I will not hurt you. But in order to bring your master back to life, I will kill you without hesitation!"

The red dragon evil spirit listened to Fang Han's words.

Suddenly opened the huge dragon's mouth.

"Give it up," Di Xiemei laughed.

"Your head is probably squeezed by the teleportation time and space, and you dare to say such crazy words in front of me. I am the existence of lv130 boos! Although I am only an evil soul now, I am only short of [immortal] It’s just one step! This realm makes me salivate and impresses me forever, and one day, I will be able to be favored by [immortals] just like the fairies in the lake!"

"No, you probably will never be able to become a [immortal]! Xiehun, listen to me, and remember your past well. Don't continue madly. This will be very detrimental to you and your master. !"

"Bastard, Heaven Designated, don't think you can defeat me just because you found my dragon's lair. Now, you are the barrier for me to become a [immortal]. If I devour you, I can become a real dragon immortal! "


Facing the red dragon evil spirit who tried to persuade him to no avail.

What can Fang Han do?

next second.

The battle between him and boos [Red Dragon Evil Soul] has already begun!

"This soul dragon has already got the scabbard, which is immune to any damage. If you use ordinary magic to attack it, maybe even the fairies in the lake will laugh at me for not knowing how to fight!"

Think here.

Fang Han used [Sudden SS] to get close to [Red Dragon Evil Soul] while taking out the weapon [God King Scepter] as the existence of the great eternal annihilation demon Mage.

Fang Han relied on this artifact he had snatched from the Witch's Calamity.

You can summon boos monsters with great power!

This time, Fang Han was going to summon a soul beast to deal with the red dragon evil soul boos in front of him.

Such a war strategy is undoubtedly very correct.

"Tsk tsk, look at me scaring you. Why did you summon the weapon and then put it back? Am I right? You are afraid of me!"

After the evil dragon soul laughed.

Fang Han was already within 50 meters of it.

In his line of sight, it was this rough-skinned and thick-skinned guy.

"Evil Dragon Soul, right? Your good days are over!"

"Hahaha, human race, when you said this, did you consider that your end has come!"

Dragon Soul released his shadow stream to a farther place around him.

This is a protective color.

At the same time, it is also a very powerful magical energy.

boos [Evil Dragon Soul] can use it to fight this guy called "Nirvana God"!

It started with a dragon roar.

The whole body of the evil dragon soul began to surge like a swimming dragon coiled among the mountains.

Pieces of light scales formed a vast ocean, like a wind blowing a pine forest, producing a certain rhythmic rhythm.

"What is the evil dragon soul doing?

Fang Han showed a puzzled expression.

Knowing that ordinary magic attacks have no effect on it, he also gave up magic such as [Crazy Bomb] and [Freezing Ray].

"Summon, magic! Summon, a spirit beast that can control demon souls!"

Fang Han ignored all the actions of the evil dragon soul.

Start using some kind of magical summoning power endowed by [Scepter of God King].

Summoning magic was chanted.

【Ding! The summoning space of "God King's Scepter" has responded to your magical prayer, and the summoned beast "Peerless Balrog" has appeared in front of you]

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