Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 476 The More You Want It, The Less Likely You Can Get It

"Master, you came just in time. Please bless me with your fire magic. I fought this [Evil Dragon Soul] very hard."

Obviously, the Peerless Balrog has met an evenly matched opponent.

"Hahaha, Peerless Balrog, you've already done something. Hey, where's your lava arm!"

At this time, Fang Han discovered that the two lava arms of his summoned beast Boos, [Peerless Balrog] were broken from the root!

Look at the mouth of Boos [Evil Dragon Soul].

Only then did Fang Han come to his senses.

It turned out that it was Boos [Evil Dragon Soul] who took the lava arm of [Peerless Balrog] away!

No wonder [Peerless Balrog] asked himself for help.

No wonder these two Super God Boos are facing each other in the air.

It turned out that they were all seriously injured!

At this time, Boos [Evil Dragon Soul], who was breathing out dragon breaths, had already seen the scabbard in Fang Han's hand.

Immediately, flames spewed out from both eyes.

"Human race, you can't take this scabbard away. Give it back to me!"

"Hey, evil dragon soul, you want to use it to heal the dragon scale injury on your body!!"

The [Evil Dragon Soul] swimming towards Fang Han had scales and armor on its body, as if someone had pulled them off with pliers.

On the body of the dragon soul, a piece of naked flesh and blood was exposed.

A dragon soul without dragon scales is a tiger without teeth.

Its attack power, as well as the deterrence of the dragon soul, will be greatly reduced.

Now Fang Han has been restored with the magic of eternal annihilation.

Don't give this Boos a good look!

The scabbard of the holy sword is in hand.

In his skill bar, there is an extra [Full Blood] skill.

In any case, no harm will be done.

Therefore, he doesn't have to care about the threat of the evil dragon soul at all.

Instead, he summoned the [God King Scepter] in the other hand.

The injured【Peerless Balrog】has entered the breeding space.

When Fang Han avoided the first blow of the wounded evil dragon soul with the help of 【Close-up Flashing S】, he had already landed behind the opponent.

Fang Han suspended in mid-air.

Admire the scabbard of this holy sword.

"The more you want it, the less likely you are to get it!"

Fang Han raised his scabbard.

Showing a provocative expression of the evil dragon soul.

The angry dragon soul couldn't hold back the arrogance of the dragon's claws, and a Boos skill [Tear in the Air] blasted towards Fang Han.

"Well done!"


Fang Han stood motionless in the original space.

Let the opponent's dragon claws hiss wantonly.

The magic shield on his body didn't have any ripples.

This time, the dragon claw's attack was dissipated by the "curse" power of the holy scabbard.

【Ding! Your "full blood" skill has successfully immuned the damage of Boos' evil dragon soul, and the damage rate has been reduced to "0"]

【Ding! Your "full blood" skill has successfully immuned the damage of Boos' evil dragon soul, with a total immunity of 40.0268 million health points, and the damage rate has been reduced to "0"]


The evil dragon soul attacked Fang Han a few more times at this time.

After discovering that every attack is [nullified].

The evil dragon soul was stunned.

"Could it be that……"

Just when Boos [Evil Dragon Soul] was in a daze, Fang Han's summoned beast [Peerless Balrog] was released by Fang Han again.

"Go, with the curse of the holy sword scabbard, go and destroy the evil dragon soul."

[Scepter of God King] With a wave.

The Peerless Balrog threw the most fatal blow in front of its master.

The target of the attack has locked the evil dragon soul in the distance.

【Ding! Your summoned beast "Peerless Balrog" exerted the mighty power of the skill "Fatal Strike", and the life value of the evil dragon soul is already in the state of "residual blood"]

【Ding! Your "Infinite Plundering (SSS level)" skill was successfully activated. 】

【Ding! The summoned beast Wushuang Balrog was successfully immune to the "final damage" of Boos' evil dragon soul, and the damage rate was reduced to "0"]


Take advantage of this time.

Boos Summoned Beast【Peerless Balrog】It's time for revenge!

The continuous [Tail Flame Strike] acted on [Evil Dragon Soul] again and again.

This lv130 Super God Boos.

In the end, it was attacked by [Peerless Balrog].

But those who receive experience and rewards.

Of course it's the owner of the Boos summoned beast—God Nirvana!

"Well, your mission has been completed. Go in! Wait a while, after looting [Dragon Soul Pill], I will reward it to you."

[Scepter of God King] once again burst into magic light.

[Peerless Balrog] After thanking the master with satisfaction.

With a whoosh, it had penetrated into the [Scepter of God King] space, and disappeared at the same time.

【Ding! You successfully killed the Boos evil dragon soul and gained 753.0646 million experience points]



"You got the reward of the prop [Evil Dragon Soul]..."

Fang Han fulfilled his promise.

Put the Dragon Soul Pill in the space of the Divine King's Scepter.

Then, he heard the bite of a summoned beast...

"Well, the scabbard is in hand. It's time to go to Artoria's place!"

[World Teleportation Stone] Teleport, the power of magic!


next second.

He teleported to a strange place with the help of [Road Guide] given by Bedivere.

it's here.

Follow Fang Han's gaze.

He saw a familiar old friend.

Artoria as a king, and Bedivere as a knight!

Arturia was lying quietly on the ground at this moment.

Beside him was a blanket.

Maybe it's because the holy sword has been taken away by the fairy in the lake.

After Arturia lost the positive curse of the holy sword.

His body, as well as his handsome face, had aged.

When Fang Han's footsteps approached step by step.

Arturia opened her eyelids feebly.

Then, he called out the person's name.

"Miss Nirvana, you... finally... are still here!"

Bedivere heard Artoria's name.

Immediately knelt down.

Serenely told the "deed" of returning the holy sword to the fairy in the lake. However, a strong hand was pressed on his shoulder.

"Knight King, you can't just die like this! Even if the holy sword has been returned to the fairy in the lake, you can't die like this. Don't forget, this is not the ancient Camelot, but this is the Nine Layers of God Realm with infinite vitality! "

Fang Han's words.

It seemed to bring a ray of hope to Bedivere and Artoria whose life had been burnt.

Like lightning in the dark.

His words can always inadvertently touch the wounded who is the king.

"Miss Nirvana, you are right. Help me up... I can still fight!"

There was moisture in Bedivere's eyes.

It was what he had long wished to hear!

Then, with the help of Bedywell.


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