But the eight claws gathered again, gathered together, and immediately formed another cannonball shape!

"This guy - it's going to use the impact trick again!"

Fang Han narrowed his eyes closely.

He put his hand on his beloved [Scepter of God King], and then began to chant another defensive magic.

Fang Han couldn't take the initiative to attack until he had cheated out all the destruction skills of boos [Amaterasu Evil Emperor].

After all, after Arturia obtained the [Blessing of Mission].

He has been able to use the holy sword in his hand to suppress Mordred's holy spear.

This means that Mordred, who has lost the influence of the demon soul, is no match for his father, King Artoria.

And he, Fang Han, happened to be on the side of Artoria, serving the Knight King's domain hegemony!

in other words.

Fang Han only needs to concentrate on dealing with the boos [Amaterasu Evil Emperor] and that's enough!

Artoria and his right and left arms, Bedivere and Sun Knight Gao Wen, will work together to finish the battle in the knight field!

"You like to bounce like a cannonball, then come on. This time, I will let you experience the sadness of using this skill!"

The voice like an oath, after the magic chanting, rang in the ears of the enemy [Amaterasu Evil Emperor].

But the opponent's demon body is now in a state of ejection.

The skill [Strike of the Evil Emperor] has been released, and it is impossible to stop halfway.

"Go to hell, God Nirvana! You can become the ruler in the city-state alliance plane, but you can't be the ruler in the knight realm!"

"Really... don't be so excited, Xie Huang. Look at you, the eight demon claws are all twisted! Tsk tsk..."

This is a mockery from "God Nirvana".

Let boos [Amaterasu Evil Emperor] be stimulated!

The skill [Evil Emperor's Flame] erupted for the second time.

The power of the skill [Evil Emperor's Strike] has been increased.

It looks like [Amaterasu Evil Emperor] is really angry!

[Puppet ss]!


A false body of Fang Han. In an instant, he stood on the only way of [Strike of the Evil Emperor].

It's like sending prey to your door~!

[Amaterasu Evil Emperor] Licking his dry lips.

Then increase the attack power to extreme speed.

Without hesitation, it ran into the [puppet body] released by Fang Han!


It seems that there is a different plane burning. "Peng!" "Peng!" When the voice rang endlessly, Fang Han's real body had already stood behind [Amaterasu Evil Emperor].

As for [Amaterasu Evil Emperor], looking at Fang Han's fake body, he was laughing like a devil.

"Hey! ~ God Nirvana is finally dead. It died under the impact of my [Amaterasu Evil Emperor]!"

"No, it seems... There seems to be some kind of breath behind me! No, it's the murderous aura of God Nirvana! This bastard is not dead yet!"

Boos [Amaterasu Evil Emperor] suddenly found that he had "rolled over".

Turn around in an instant.

Sure enough, they looked at each other with a strong man named Nirvana.

Four eyes to two eyes.

[Amaterasu Evil Emperor] with a pair of compound eyes raised a pair of front pincers in shock. Protected his vitals.

As a super god boos.

It shouldn't be so obscene!

But 【Amaterasu Evil Emperor】predicted Fang Han's reaction, but didn't predict this guy, and even managed to escape his boos blow.

That was a blow that gathered all the mighty power of [Amaterasu Evil Emperor] throughout his life! This Nirvana god used shameful flash magic to evade its blow, it is simply unforgivable!

"My lord [Amaterasu Evil Emperor], please help me! I... am about to die!"

"Shut up!"

boos【Amaterasu Evil Emperor】Obviously has no mind, and then pay attention to Prince Mordred who needs its support on the Jianlan battlefield!

According to the will of [Amaterasu Evil Emperor].

It was originally intended to be after killing the great god Nirvana.

Then use thunder means.

Defeat the King of Knights again.

Then, send King of Knights Artoria to hell.

There is no need for the Fairy Lake, or the Fairy of the Lake, or an old knight-king to rule the land.

The field of knights has long been regarded as the territory of its [Amaterasu Evil Emperor]!


Because of the existence of a mighty force called "Nirvana God".

Now, boos [Amaterasu Evil Emperor]'s dream.

It seems to be broken!

So sad!

It's just ridiculous!

As a powerful monster with the ability to dominate the realm of knights, boos [Amaterasu Evil Emperor], after lamenting his fate, suddenly vented all his anger on the great god Nirvana in front of him.

"It's you!"

[Amaterasu Evil Emperor] said hoarsely: "It's you Nirvana God! You ruined my good deed. So, now I don't plan to use traditional war tactics to deal with you."

"What kind of tricks do you want to play? Super god boos! Don't forget your identity, you are just a monster!"

I'm afraid that the boos is out of line. Forgot his identity as a monster. So God Nirvana once again emphasized it emphatically.

"Shut up. You are not qualified to teach me a lesson!"

"I'm not qualified to teach you a lesson. But my magic doesn't care what your identity is. So, are you ready to enjoy my magic feast? My magic is so gluttonous that people can't stop it."

This is sarcasm.

[Amaterasu Evil Emperor] trembling all over.

The eight monster claws, after shrinking, spread out again, with a sound of "Peng!", the claws pierced into the ground. On the high slope of the Jianlan battlefield, ground marks slid angrily.

"As the great [Amaterasu Evil Emperor], I want you to go through repeated cutting before you can relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"Oh, this is nothing new. I thought you were going to use some powerful monster skills to deal with me. Come on, come on, I'll just stand here and cut it for you."

Damn, I was ridiculed by this kid again.

Then let's go to war.

Only with claws and barbs.

To kill this kid!

[Amaterasu Evil Emperor] Thinking of this.

No longer talking to each other.

Even if the other party is the great Nirvana.

It doesn't make sense either.

Then, covering the body with a layer of monster halo, boos [Amaterasu Evil Emperor] attacked Fang Han again.

This time, it is not a temptation!

Because God Nirvana is like a bottomless pit.

Ordinary magic skills can't detect his depth at all.

"The poison of disillusionment!"

Chi Chi Chi!

boos【Amaterasu Evil Emperor】attacked.

As soon as this skill comes out.

The hillside where Fang Han stood was instantly covered by thick smoke.

The aroma of the poison of disillusionment even blew along the hillside to the side of the Jianlan battlefield.

Artoria led the knights to charge the enemy line.


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