Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 520 Consonance Immortal Island Captures Low-Level [Fairy Beast]

"Look, the guards who came out of the palace have become more majestic than before."

"Yeah, when God Nirvana is away, everyone is very happy. It feels like the Boos area under the jurisdiction of the city-state alliance plane has become a barren land. The players mess around as much as they want, it is simply too shameful."

"Well, God Nirvana is still amazing. He brought the city-state alliance plane back to normal so quickly."

"Come on, go over and have a look, what is said in the notice posted from the ruler's shrine."

At this time, the punishment order for the [Thunder Punishment Heavenly Dragon] guild and the announcement of the declaration of war on the [War God Plane] were posted.

The players on the plane of the city-state alliance immediately rushed to call.

The entire city-state alliance plane boiled again.

"Oh my god, no wonder the [Thunder Punishment Dragon] guild incident is so violent, no wonder Nirvana has not been seen for a few days. It turned out to be caused by this incident!"

"Well, it seems that after catching the real culprit of the lurker [Shaking Boss], God Nirvana has made up his mind to start a war against the [Warrior Plane]. It's great. Many guilds on the city-state alliance plane have already grown fat .The players all hope that there will be a plane war to boost morale!"

"But [Xiu Luo Tian Kong] hasn't been wiped out yet! Is it appropriate to declare war on [War God Plane] at this time?"

"Whatever it is, now that the stocking state of the plane is over, players who have upgraded to level 100 can't hide it even if they want to."

At this time, discussions spread in the Announcement Square.

"As long as all these level 100 players are summoned together, it will not be a matter of minutes to clear [Xiu Luo Tian Kong]."

"Well, that makes sense. [Xiu Luo Tiankong]'s entry condition is not only the condition of joining the guild, but also the lv100 limit. Nirvana has been upgraded to lv123. At this time, he is leading hundreds of thousands of lv100 players It’s not an exaggeration to flatten [Xiu Luo Tian Kong]!”

"666, what a double blessing! I want to sign up for [Xiu Luo Tian Kong] Super God Boos battle!"

"I want to participate in the battle of the planes!"

"Haha, look at your itchy skin! Don't worry, players who have joined the city-state alliance plane have plenty of opportunities to participate in the battle. There is no need to grab it!"

"Whoever wants to register for the battle of the planes, come here and fill in the guild identity information!"


"And I."

"I'm signing up too..."


Misty City.

A quiet wine house in a busy street.

After Fang Han submitted the [Knight Field] series of tasks.

Came to the location of [mysterious old man].

"Heaven Designated, you have finally completed the [Knight Field] mission!"

The mysterious old man served Fang Han a cup.

But the color inside the cup surprised Fang Han a bit.

"Heaven Designated, why, you dare not drink this wine? Don't worry, this is not the poisoned wine in the Camelot palace dinner!"

Fang Han raised his eyelids and asked the mysterious old man, "Old guy, how do you know that I participated in Camelot's palace banquet when I was performing the [Knight Field] series of missions?"

"Heaven Designated, don't forget my identity! I am the 'mysterious old man'!!"

Fang Han suddenly realized.

Haha laughed.

Looking at the color in the glass, he said: "This glass of wine, as soon as the wine syrup is poured, a layer of mist is formed, and this layer of breath floating on the wine is like fog and clouds, as beautiful as a fairyland."

"Heaven Designated, you can see it too, right? Yes, this wine was brought from the [War God Plane], and there appeared a master with the title of [Immortal] on their side. A strong person with this title, You can enter a special map and get corresponding fairy grasses, fairy medicines, etc. These things can not only be used for cultivation, but also used to make wine. Taste it, you will deal with it sooner or later!"

[Mysterious old man] This is a pun!

This is the end of the conversation between Fang Han and the mysterious old man.

Know that you are in the right place.

"Okay, mysterious old man, I respect you with this cup!"


If an outsider heard Fang Han's address to the mysterious old man, he would definitely not be able to guess the relationship between the two of them. I don't know, I thought Nirvana was scolding the mysterious old man!

Only the [mysterious old man] himself knows why Fang Han called him that.

"Well, this wine is fragrant in the mouth, and it seems that there is a kind of spiritual power in it. The taste is soft and a bit spicy, and it has a lot of stamina. It is quite a fairy wine!"

Fang Han put down his wine glass and gazed at the mysterious old man with admiration.

"Heaven Designated, there is a titled [Immortal] in the [Warrior Plane], don't tell me you are not tempted at all, God Nirvana!"

"Aha, I have already asked several overlords under my command to study and attack the third layer of [Xiuluo Tiankong]! After breaking through the Xiuluo Tiankong where the super god Boos is located. It is me, the Great God Nirvana, who has fused the forces of the plane and sent [Warrior Plane] It's time to launch a challenge!"

"Well, I love to hear that! The [War God Plane] has the holder of the title [Immortal], which means that the entire [Nine Layers of Gods] has entered a profound spatial change. The power is also ready to move. Your [Arrogance] title, like other high-level world titles, may be shaken by the [Xian] title at any time! Heaven Designated, your status is in jeopardy!"

Fang Han said disdainfully: "Mysterious brother, don't scare me, the two super exiles of [War God Plane] have been defeated by my subordinates [Bull Demon God True God] and the iron-faced city lord. That won [ The master of the Valkyrie plane with the title of Immortal, his strength must be comparable to that of [Eight Faces] and [Voodoo Sea King]. When the city-state alliance launches an offensive on the Valkyrie plane, I believe that in the end The victory still belongs to our city-state alliance plane!"

The mysterious old man didn't say anything more after hearing this.

Instead, after Fang Han completed the [Knight Field] mission, some new missions triggered by him were given to Fang Han.


【Ding! You have completed the "Knight Field" series of missions, triggering the entrusted mission of "Mysterious Old Man"]

Task: Consonance Immortal Island captures low-level [Fairy Beast].

Task props: trapping collar (immortal) X5

Task time limit: 7 days

Task reward: Fairy Beast (low-level) trial space X1


Seeing this, Fang Han understood.

He probed into his bag and found that there was an extra item in his bag: animal trap collar X5.

"Well, mystic brother, thank you very much for sending me this task. Time is running out, so I won't drink with you."

"Heaven Designated, this mission is extremely dangerous. But if you can successfully capture low-level fairy beasts..."

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