Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 537: Shihu Xingkuang, You Have Been Fooled!

A hidden demon cultivator in the Nine Layers of Gods like [Star Luo Witch].

Shihu Xingkuang, the powerful master of the plane above level 100, also needs to give some face.

"So, are you willing to help me [War God Plane] defend against the City-State Alliance Plane?"

"Of course, I [Star Luo Witch] is willing to consider this matter."

"That's fine, I'll give you the spell. But if you want to lift the spell of the teleportation array, it's absolutely impossible! For no other reason, the Consonance Immortal Island has been open until now, and there is no one in ten thousand who can complete the mission on the island." One! If this secret is known to outsiders, it may be bad for my Valkyrie plane!"

Seeing that both parties backed off a step and the other side was willing to hand over the spell, the Bull Demon God immediately followed Fang Han's instructions and completed the collection of spells.

【Ding! You have obtained Consonance Immortal Island Teleportation Array X10】

"Why so little?"

"[Star Luo Witch], I'll give it to you when I run out, mainly to prevent foreign enemies from intruding. In addition, after I give you the spell. You have to show me the skill [Falling Stars]. In this way, I Only in this way can we evaluate the chances of our two joining forces to destroy the Great God Nirvana in the city-state alliance plane!"

"You think too much!"

"What did you say?"

"Because I am the [Ox Demon God True God] under the command of God Nirvana! Haha! Shihu Xingkuang, you have been fooled!"

【Ding! The power of magic has restored you to your original self! 】

Seeing 【Star Luo Witch】 suddenly turned into 【Bull Demon God True God】in front of him.

Shi Hu Xingkuang, the master of the Martial God plane, was suddenly furious. Furiously said: "It turns out that it is the Bull Demon God of the Bull Demon Domain, and [Star Luo Witch] was played by you. How dare you cheat the teleportation spell, you are looking for death!"

At this time, Fang Han was outside to meet [Bull Demon God True God]. Already used the skill [Sudden SS] to flash in.

He stayed in the fortress for a while, and after using reconnaissance means to obtain the scanning content of the meeting hall, he immediately closed his eyes and used the [Flash Send] skill. Brought out [Bull Demon God True God].

"How about it?"

"God Nirvana, you got it! It was really dangerous just now, just one second away. Only one second away, my old cow will not be able to leave the Dark Temple of Valkyrie!"

Fang Han laughed.

Put [Teleportation Spell] into your own package.

Then let [Bull Demon God True God] leave first.

With his hands on his back.

Wearing a magic shield, standing on the other side of Lingxi Xiandao where the raging waves are beating against the shore, waiting for the arrival of a certain important person.

Sure enough, [Shihu Xingkuang], who was deceived by the fake [Star Luo Witch], led a large number of people, shocked the tranquility of the shore, and tracked down Fang Han in an instant.

"God Shihu, there is someone here!"

"Hey, who are you? Are you looking for death if you dare to stand in the way of my martial arts master!"


Fang Han didn't even look at anyone who came and went.

A [Crazy Bomb] rushed out.

Directly sent the three high-level players of the Valkyrie plane back to grandma's house.

This is an enhanced 【Crazy Bomb】.

The power is three times higher than that of ordinary [Crazy Bomb]!

Seeing that the mysterious person can clean up three planar masters as soon as he makes a move.

As the ruler, Shi Hu Xingkuang was startled and angry.

After using some scanning skills to see through Fang Han's identity information. Shi Hu Xingkuang suddenly realized.

"You finally came!"

"That's right, the person I'm waiting for is you! You're finally here!"

"God Nirvana, there will be a battle between our two planes!"

"Yes, there will be a battle, and this battle will end with the demise of one of the parties, and it will be engraved in the history of the Nine Layers of Gods!"

"You mean!"

Shi Huxing couldn't help but angrily reprimanded.

Fang Han said coldly: "Every other! [Eight Winds] and [Voodoo Sea King] were not expelled by you. Didn't they follow your orders. Secretly sneaked into the plane of our city-state alliance to steal useful information? You must have been planning to annex my city-state alliance plane a few years ago!"

at this time.

Fang Han turned around like a fisherman, looking at each other calmly.

Shi Hu Xingkuang was also looking at him, his eyes were equally cold, but there was an unconcealable anger in his eyes.

After all, Fang Han named 【Nirvana Great God】.

Just now, I successfully sent someone to trick [Teleportation Spell].

In the contest of sending secret agents to infiltrate each other's vital points to spy on the news, Shi Hu Xingkuang was obviously defeated and was caught off guard by Fang Han.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory, world plane leaderboard glory)

[Level]: lv130 level (disregarding the world)

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 10

HP: 112567.67w/112567.67w

Mana: 840493/840493

Multi-dimensional attributes: Wisdom Power 8689, Agility 4399, Magic Defense 7840, Charm 10754, Light Power 2047, Holy Damage, 7135

Defense: 7089 (soul power trigger bonus 45%)

Critical rate: 279%

Anti-riot rate: 228%

Movement Speed: 1913%

Damage Passive: 200%

Group Soul Awakening: 79% (lv5)

Light Defense: 1153...

Compared with when [Eight Winds] was ordered to go to the [City-State Alliance] plane to investigate the ruler's opponent.

Fang Han's level, lord rank, mana value and other important personal cultivation parameters.

It has been raised to the point of explosion!

Now, Fang Han standing in front of the ruler of [Stone Tiger Star Maniac].

Undoubtedly, he has become a "perverted" Master!

A mere crispy Mage has more than 100 million HP. It is not an exaggeration to call him "Fa Ye"! ! ~

Seeing Fang Han's arrogance. Then look at the opponent's personal magic achievements and attributes.

As the owner of the [Xian] title.

The ruler of the Martial God plane [Shihu Xingkuang] had an involuntary tremor.

"This guy is my strongest competitor! I have a fear of being dominated! No, I, Shihu Xingkuang, want to fight him and put God Nirvana under my feet. Only in this way, in the Nine Layers of God Realm In the second level of space, the one who can look down on God's Domain must be my Shihu Great God!"

right here.

Several subordinates couldn't bear it anymore.

Players [Mengtiandu], [Wankong Moxing], and [Just bully you] attacked Fang Han at the same time.

Shihu Xingkuang didn't try to stop him.

My subordinates just want to test Fang Han's strength!

As for the three unlucky ones before, they were attacked and perished, and they failed to detect the true strength of [Nirvana God], which is not considered at all...

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