Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 552 Under Fang Han's Order, One After Another Unanimously Spoke Out

"Yes, Great God Nirvana! The predator is none other than [Star Luo Witch], the princess of the Death Star Clan!"

Fang Han sighed: "When a crown fell to the ground, Shi Huxing died wildly. The Valkyrie plane also died!"

this time.

Fang Han has lost interest in continuing to fight 【Eight Winds】.

"Eight Winds, I won't attack and kill you here. Let's go!"

"God Nirvana, you must have received the news."

"That's right, you are a strong man in the Nine Layers of God Realm that I respect. [Shihu Xingkuang] If you die, the Valkyrie plane will be in chaos. Now you go back to the Valkyrie plane, inherit his position as the ruler, and come and fight with me." Yes and!"

Bamianfeng said in surprise: "What, Master Nirvana, you want me to inherit this position?"

"Yes, I just attacked and killed [Voodoo Sea King], and [Star Luo Witch] just killed your ruler [Shihu Xingkuang], and inherited his title of [Xian]. At this time , For me, Nirvana, there is no one who can fight on the Valkyrie plane. So, I want to let you go back. Inherit the position of the ruler of the Valkyrie plane!"

"Hahaha, God Nirvana, thank you for looking up to me [Eight Sides Wind]! But I am not interested in this position. God Nirvana, I am interested in joining the [City-State Alliance Plane]. How about it, let's have a good talk Let's talk!"

As soon as these words came out, the warriors under [Eight Faces Wind] were shocked.

"Master Overlord, you have to think twice."

"Master Overlord, the greatest enemy of our Valkyrie plane in the Nine Layers of Gods is the city-state alliance plane. Why do you want to seek refuge with the ruler of this plane, God Nirvana?"

Bamianfeng was caught in a dispute.

But since he has already made a decision.

I believe that I will be able to convince my subordinates.

Sure enough, when Bamianfeng announced the conspiracy of the Death Star forces, and then told his subordinates the truth about how God Nirvana revitalized the [City-State Alliance Plane].

Most of his men have been persuaded.

"I, Bamianfeng, am willing to lead all warriors from the Valkyrie plane to join the city-state alliance plane, but there is one condition."

"You want me to avenge 【Shihu Xingkuang】?"

"That's right! God Nirvana must agree."

"What if I don't agree?"

"Then I will also lead the warriors from the Valkyrie plane and return to the Valkyrie plane. We can avenge this revenge ourselves. We don't need to rely on outsiders."

At this moment, by Fang Han's side.

The city lord of Alexander, the local force of the Jiuzhong God Realm, advised: "Master Bamianfeng, if you do this, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. Since the Death Star forces have already had the ambition to devour the Valkyrie plane. Now you lead these plane forces back, You will only fall into the trap of the Death Star forces, give me some time, let me persuade God Nirvana to accept you."

Then, Alexander's proposal was approved by [Eight Winds], one of the overlords of the Valkyrie plane.

"Heaven Designated, the Death Star force was originally one of the evil forces of [Nine Heavens God Realm]. Before [Shihu Xingkuang] ordered Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King to lead the army to conquer Misty City, it must have been influenced by [Star Luo Witch] Influence. It seems that the real enemy of our city-state alliance plane is not the Valkyrie plane. It is the driving force behind the Valkyrie plane, the Death Star forces!"

"Okay, I accept your suggestion. I accept this force!"

Then, among the warriors defending the city at the north gate of Misty City.

They witnessed a very strange scene.

Previously he was leading a large number of warriors to attack the overlord of [Eight Winds] in Misty City.

At this time, he suddenly led all the elite [gun repairers] to submit a nomination certificate to God Nirvana.

【Ding! You have received a nomination certificate from the gun repair force represented by "Eight Faces Wind", please choose whether you accept it or not]



【Ding! You have accepted the surrender of Bamianfeng and other forces of the Valkyrie plane as the "Master of the City-State Alliance Plane", and the titles of all players under the forces of the Valkyrie plane have been changed]

Sure enough, under Fang Han's gaze, Bamianfeng and the others had already added a line of words in front of their titles: "City-State Alliance Force."

"Brothers, from now on. We are part of the city-state alliance. God Nirvana promised us to avenge God Shihu. Can we ask God Nirvana to lead us back to the Valkyrie plane?"

"Willing to follow Nirvana God and Bamianfeng Overlord, and fight back to the Valkyrie plane!"

Afterwards, the recruited troops entered Misty City.

"66666, look quickly, God Nirvana has incorporated the enemy without a single soldier."

"Oh, my god, we were almost conscripted to guard the city at the north gate."

"It's awesome, Master Nirvana's operation is really good."

"I love you, God Nirvana!"

With the incorporation of this Martial God plane force, not only the strength of the city-state alliance plane has greatly increased, but also a huge hidden danger has been removed, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After a short rest.

Fang Han still entrusted Bamianfeng to lead the team composed of powerful players from the Valkyrie plane.

[World Teleportation Stone] Teleport!

bang bang bang! ! ! ~

After teleporting from the main city teleportation area of ​​[Misty City] to a certain location on the Valkyrie plane.

These plane powerhouses who just landed found that their [Warrior Plane] was actually occupied by a group of mysterious people!

"Who are you?"

"I still want to ask you, where did you come from? Why don't you have the same plane mark as us?"

"They are the forces of the Death Star Clan! It seems that the Death Star Clan has already occupied the Valkyrie plane!"

[Eight Faces Wind] As soon as this remark comes out.

All of a sudden they were shocked.

at this moment.

"I [Ox Demon God True God], by the order of God Nirvana, come to join us!"

"I [Dragon Sniper Moon] was ordered by God Nirvana to join us!"

"I [Iron Face Student] was ordered by God Nirvana to come to join us!"

The overlords of the three city-state alliances.

Take all the forces that have entered the Consonance Immortal Island.

Bring them all out.

When meeting 【Eight Sides Wind】.

They have become "people of one country". Suddenly, several overlords greeted each other, and under Fang Han's order, they all went out unanimously.

At this time, the [Death Star Commander] who led the Death Star forces had already felt a huge coercion.

"Hurry up and report to our [Star Luo Witch] that Bamianfeng has really surrendered to God Nirvana of the city-state alliance plane, go!"

After the Death Star commander ordered his subordinates, he immediately negotiated with Fang Han.

"God Nirvana, you are late. Since our Death Star forces have a contract with the Valkyrie plane, God Shihu is dead now. His planes, including [Spiritual Rhinoceros Immortal Island], have already belonged to our Death Star forces... ..”

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