Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 562 Guide, I Have A Question

While Fang Han was thinking wildly.

The mysterious old man had already got up and was about to leave the hut and go to another world.

Before leaving, he threw down a sentence and said: "I hope that when I come back, you will already be wearing Xiaguang and become the existence of [Immortal King]. Heaven Designated, I wish you good luck."

【Ding! The mysterious old man traded you three "tips" please choose whether to accept]

Good guy, it turns out that this product has been prepared for a long time.


After the kit was traded, the last voice of the mysterious old man came from the void before he left: "When you are going through the catastrophe of the world with the body of eternal annihilation, if you encounter a hurdle that you can't get over, please remember to open the kit."

Then, the mysterious old man disappeared completely.

"Uh—that's it??"

It's not bad to get a kit.

Fang Han thanked, [Xuntu SS] flashed, and the person had already flown from the tavern to the square of Misty City.

Then, surrounded by countless players, they entered the ruler's palace.

At this time, the battle rewards from attacking the Valkyrie plane and the rewards from sweeping Lingxi Xiandao have been settled.

After the reward, Fang Han gave priority to the three major forces under his command.

The city lord of Alexander did not participate in the war of planes, but defending the city also contributed.

Therefore, Fang Han also shared a reward with him.

【Ding! There is an invitation from the "Tianxuan Old Man" on Lingxi Immortal Island to ascend to the Immortal, do you accept it?]


Fang Han felt quite agitated.

Boom! ~

After the teleportation, an old man in a white robe appeared in a large formation of immortal magic.

As soon as he saw Fang Han, he immediately spoke to him: "Heaven Designated, you are very punctual."

"Old Man Tianxuan? Are you the ancient immortal saint of Lingxi Immortal Island that the mysterious old man said?"

The other party did not answer, but just said to himself: "Heaven Designated, you have achieved the glory of a small achiever, and now I will give you the title of [Immortal] on behalf of the immortals of the Nine Layers of Gods! I hope you will continue to work hard, In terms of eternal annihilation will and immortal cultivation, become the supreme ruler of the Nine Layers of God Realm!"

Fang Han nodded very seriously.


After all this is done. Fang Han opened his personal attribute panel.

ID: Nirvana (Team Battle Glory, Immortal) [Level]: lv135 (disregarding the world) [Race]: Human (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated) [Occupation]: Annihilation Mage [Lord]: Level 11 HP: 122481.67w/122481.67w mana value: 866493/866493...

Fang Han took another look at the string of small characters behind his ID, and the title of [Xian] came into sight.

"Oh, my God, I can't see that Fang Han has achieved the glory of [Stone Tiger Star Maniac] so quickly! Now, I, God Nirvana, have already become the title holder of [Immortal]!"

After closing his personal attribute panel, Fang Han's blood boiled with excitement.

"No matter what, I want to achieve the goal of being a great achiever and become the existence of the [Immortal King]. World Miserable Thunder Tribulation, here I come!"

Fang Han clenched his fist, feeling that the magical will in his whole body was burning.

This feeling is the feeling of an achiever.

This feeling is the feeling of a winner.

It's very exciting! !

[World News: Ding! Congratulations to God Nirvana for being recognized by the Elder Tianxuan of Lingxi Xiandao and granted the inheritance of "immortal"]

At this moment, Fang Han was undoubtedly excited.

As soon as he turned around, he found that he had returned to Misty City.

"Hey? Old Man Tianxuan!!"

At this time, a message from the old man Tianxuan floated in Fang Han's mind: "Heaven Designated, you can only awaken your immortal power after the first thunder calamity. Now you only have a title, but cannot use the immortal power. Cultivate the immortal power." Skills! Please practice hard for your eternal goal! We are destined to meet again."

Fang Han understood, and said thank you to Void.

Open your own personal properties panel again.

It was found that everything was as the old man Tianxuan said.

His "Xianli - 457 points" is indeed in a gloomy state.

This means that the strength in this state cannot cultivate the corresponding skills.

"Well, it is enough to get the inheritance of the old man Tianxuan. As for the immortal power required for the awakening skills, I can do it myself."

Fang Han began to follow the instructions of the mysterious old man and the old man Tianxuan, who had been the superpowers of the Nine Layers of Gods in ancient times.

Went to the Thunder Tribulation area.

And now Misty City, and the players in the Boos area. I have already seen the news that Fang Han has become the holder of the [Xian] title.

These players instantly weakened.

Especially the players in the city-state alliance plane are even more excited than themselves winning the lottery.

"Look, our ruler Nirvana has finally won the approval of the old man Tianxuan of Lingxi Xiandao, and has become the inheritor of the title of [Xian]!"

"It's such an honor! God Nirvana has accomplished such a great feat with a mere Mage's crispy body. It's amazing!"

"He is our role model, God Nirvana will always be the god of the city-state alliance plane!"

"No more Boos, no more Boos. In order to become the [Xian] title holder for Nirvana, I decided to take a day off for the whole guild. Brothers, go to Piaomiao City for a drink!"

"Oh yeah!!"

"Look, their guild is so floating."

"Of course, their guild is the son of the city-state alliance plane, led by the iron-faced city master himself. Who is the iron-faced student? His shield of glory, the city-lord, was rewarded to him by Nirvana."

"Well, it turns out. As long as we keep up with God Nirvana as always, and cooperate with the guild of the city-state alliance plane. Even if we are not the real son of this plane, we can still get a lot of benefits."

"That's right, I'm going to the city tomorrow for fellowship. It's best to let our guild be incorporated into the City-State Alliance. By then, brothers will eat bones and meat together!"

"Ah, God Nirvana is so popular! Look, there are a lot of casual cultivators and guilds who are playing Boos, and they all went back to the city to celebrate."

"I really want to join them, God Nirvana, 666. Give me an autograph! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."

"Stop daydreaming, God Nirvana is in Misty City. You are worshiping God Nirvana and going crazy! Haha!"


When Fang Han followed the guidance of the Immortal Saint Tianxuan, he came to the first area of ​​thunder tribulation.

Fang Han immediately saw a guide.

"Heaven Designated, may I ask if you are here to cross the tribulation? There are ordinary crossing area, special crossing area, and world-destroying area that can destroy the world. Which one do you want to choose?"

Fang Han nodded to the guide as a greeting.

"Instructor, I have a question."

"Heaven Designated, please."

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