Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 597 Why Are You Shivering? I Said Go To Misty City, So I Went To Misty City

[Ox Demon God True God] Seeing that the mysterious old man successfully fused energy fragments, he slapped the table excitedly, and said with a smile: "Okay, mysterious old man. You came to the [Quadruple God Realm] with us, and I saw you looking sick earlier , I thought your supernatural powers were lost. Now it seems that your supernatural powers have not only not been lost, but have also been strengthened. It’s unbelievable! Just for this one, I, the Bull Demon God, will give you a toast!"

【Ding! The mysterious old man spent 45878552 gold coins and summoned the "Main City Mission Ambassador"]

Just when several people were drinking hot drinks.

[Main City Mission Ambassador] suddenly appeared.

Fang Han smiled faintly, exchanged glances with the mysterious old man, and then took the [Main City Mission Ambassador] to his seat.

"Come on, Mission Ambassador, please take your seat!"

"Heaven Designated, you are..."

The mysterious old man said: "I am the one who summoned you here, the mission ambassador, under the order of the Heaven Designated Nirvana God."


"Don't worry, it's not too late to go back to your mission station after drinking. I won't miss you."

The mission ambassador saw [mysterious old man] say so.

I could only sigh and said, "Okay, since this is what Heaven Designated and the mysterious old man mean, I'll get drunk here today. It's okay to go to the mission station tomorrow."

Several people toasted together, and at the suggestion of Nirvana master Fang Han, they made a toast to [Main City Mission Ambassador].

Then, [Mysterious Old Man] winked at Fang Han.

According to the rhythm of the previous discussion, he began to pour the ecstasy soup on the [Main City Mission Ambassador].


"Heaven Designated, do you want to upgrade Misty City from the world's main city (level 3) to the world's main city (level 2)? This will consume a small amount of material resources. Just [Power of Light], [Power of Elements], [ The power of the five elements] will consume millions of dollars..."

After [Main City Mission Ambassador] confided the news to Fang Han in a half-drunk state.

He and the mysterious old man summed up immediately.

According to the materials and various elemental energies they have collected now, they cannot meet the upgrade requirements of [Main City Mission Ambassador] at all!

"Heaven Designated, how far is it?"

"It's still one third away!"

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Foot him, fix him, let him lower the consumable requirements for us, and upgrade the main city of the world!"

The mysterious old man smiled.

Pointing to Fang Han, he said, "Heaven Designated, you and I want to go together. It's not easy to invite [Main City Mission Ambassador] to drink this time. You must seize the opportunity!"

Fang Han made an "OK" gesture.

Then they continued to sit down, and a few people accompanied [Main City Mission Ambassador] to have a drink.


"Well, well, that's enough. If you drink'll be drunk."

[Main City Mission Ambassador], who couldn't walk anymore, was drunk at this time, and even his vision became blurred.

Coupled with the performances of [Bull Demon God True God] and [Tie Mian Sheng], they were very amusing, which made the task ambassador very excited.

The mysterious old man continued to persuasion: "Mission ambassador, this is the wine of the devil's soul brought back from [Boos Shurima] by Heaven Designated [God Nirvana]! "The smell of wine is very evil, and it is worth tens of thousands of gold. I wonder if you dare to try it?"

"Hey, the wine of the devil's soul, it has one more soul word than the magic wine, what does this wine say?"

Fang Han explained: "As the name suggests, the wine of the devil's soul cannot be brewed without the devil's soul of [Desert Evil Soldier]. Some of the evil souls are taken from [Boos Scorpion King], [Boos Desert Boa], that's why its alcoholic properties are so intoxicating, it can be drunk immediately after drinking it, and it can greatly improve the abilities of the drinker!"

"Heaven Designated, is this devil's wine really so wonderful?"

"Naturally! [Director mission ambassador] You are one of us. This wonderful devil soul wine is suitable for entertaining mission ambassadors!"

"Okay, Heaven Designated, mysterious old man, then I'll drink this wine! I [Main City Mission Ambassador] want to see the magic power of this demon spirit wine."

【Ding! You have already drank a glass of "Devil Soul Wine", and your "Creation Ability" has increased by 2873 points]

【Ding! You are already in the "quest-inspired state" (Note: In this state, the efficiency of the world's main city is doubled, and consumables can be reduced accordingly to achieve the same upgrade effect)]

The time has come!

Fang Han and the mysterious old man looked at each other.

Then start bargaining with [Main City Mission Ambassador].

In the end, after Fang Han presented ten altars of "Devil Soul Wine", the mission ambassador for the main city agreed to use only 2/3 of the consumables to help Heaven Designated Nirvana upgrade the Misty City where the Quadruple Divine Realm is located to [World II super main city]!

At this time, in Piaomiao City.

On the brightly lit street.

A piece of news suddenly flew across the sky...

[World news: Congratulations to Piaomiao City for successfully upgrading the second-level main city. Within a hundred days, the second-level main city must increase the number of guilds by X120, increase the population of the main city by 431.3256 million, and extend the Boos area to the original area by X7 (not completed within a hundred days. Will lose the upgrade qualification of the main city, and the original consumables will not be returned)]

"Ah, isn't it, Piaomiao City has successfully upgraded to the [secondary main city] within such a short period of time?"

"Boss, stay here! This is five thousand gold coins!"

"It's changed to three thousand! Because Piaomiao City is now a second-tier main city, the consumer price has dropped. Now you can stay in this store, and you only need three thousand gold coins to experience it for one night! How many nights do you want to stay?"

"No way, you can stay here for one night with just three thousand gold coins? My God, the main city of this world has just been upgraded from level three to level two. I never thought that an ordinary guild Warrior like me could enjoy such a discount. What a bargain!"

The store owner said to the player who came to stay: "It's still early, you can store your things in the small store, and you can go to [Piaomiao City Main City Square] to celebrate with everyone! There, maybe you can See [Nirvana] the great god himself!"

"Oh oh oh, God Nirvana is my idol, wherever he is, I will go on a pilgrimage!"


Outside Misty City, Boos area.

In front of the [monster group] surrounded by a certain guild force.

【Ding! Your guild "Love of the Country" has completed the killing of the monster "lv178 Fierce Angel", and the reward is doubled]

【Ding! Because of enjoying the bonus of the "secondary main city", you have gained 421,429,800 double guild experience]

【Ding! Because of enjoying the bonus of the "Level 2 main city", you have received double rewards from props X21]

"My lord, isn't it!"

"Huhaha, my God, we're making money!"

"This Boos area is really not in vain."

"What do you know? This is all the benefits brought by the successful upgrade of Piaomiao City to [Tier 2 Main City]!"

"Ahh, God Nirvana! Thank you, God Nirvana, for the gift you brought to our guild! Little ones, Misty City has now become a [second-level main city], and with the blessing of the second-level main city, our Boos sweep The task has been completed ahead of schedule. Go back to the city and celebrate!" "Yeah!!!!"


Misty City, the main city square.

Near the famous fountain square, even though it was late at night, it was already full of players from all walks of life.

All the players were excited at this time, watching fireworks shows, magic juggling, and various lively activities in the main city square like a festival.

At this time, Fang Han, a great god named [Nirvana], appeared near the fountain square wearing a magic robe, as if he ruled the world.

"God Nirvana is here!"

"God Nirvana, long live Misty City!"

"Long live the main city of the second-level world!"

"Congratulations to God Nirvana for successfully upgrading the world's main city!"

"Thank God Nirvana for bringing us convenience and speed. From then on, mother no longer has to worry about not being able to buy [Life Healing Potion] when she is out of missions!"

"Haha, God Nirvana, long live!"

"We all love you, Lord Nirvana!"

Fang Han walked on a straight passage made by the crowd, and greeted the surrounding players under [Demonic Wolf Plane].

A few minutes later, surrounded by players from all walks of life, they finally arrived at the core area of ​​[Fountain Square].

At this time, Fang Han, the Nirvana god who climbed to the height, began to shout to the players around him.

"Dear guild brothers under [Magic Wolf Plane], I now officially announce that [Piao Miao City] has been promoted from a third-level main city to a "second-level main city"! Everyone has enjoyed the benefits of the main city upgrade in advance, I want to ask everyone, how do you feel?"

"Cool, so cool!"

"Aha, God Nirvana, why don't you let me answer your question. I just came back from raiding the Boos area. I have the most right to speak."


Fang Han casually pointed to the most enthusiastic guild leader in the stands: "You speak!"

"Okay, thank you God Nirvana, everyone, the guild and I have just completed the Boos mopping mission. Before Misty City was a third-level main city, the experience value of the mopping mission was only a few billion, and more than 100,000 members of the guild need to share it together. These experiences. But coincidentally, when we finished the last wave of Boos raids, the monsters were still those monsters, but the same monsters can be killed, but the experience points have increased several times!"

"Because of this, the guild was able to return to Misty City in advance to submit the Boos mopping task, and successfully got double the rewards. The brothers in the guild said that our guild was lucky! But the guild leader said, we It wasn't shit luck, but I met a wise master of the plane—God Nirvana!"

"If there is no God Nirvana, we will not be able to upgrade the main city of the world. If we cannot upgrade the main city of the world, we will not be able to enjoy the treatment bonus. If we cannot enjoy the treatment bonus, our guild will fight for at least five days in the wild Boos area , to return to the city to hand in the mission.”

"Just from this point, we can unceremoniously say that God Nirvana has brought us positive changes. Because our guild belongs to [Demonic Wolf Plane], we can always enjoy this positive change. blessing!"

"Long live Nirvana! Thank you Nirvana!"

"Long live Nirvana! Thank you Nirvana!"

"Long live Nirvana! Thank you Nirvana!"


Fang Han saw that his surroundings had turned into a sea of ​​boiling water.

Immediately lost no time to send out the task!

"Brothers in the guild, although Piaomiao City has obtained the qualification of the second-level main city now, there are still three main tasks that need everyone's cooperation to stabilize it. After completing these three tasks, you can enjoy the benefits of the main city forever Already!"

At this time, the player groups in the square have long regarded Nirvana as the master. The head pulling tasks, guild pulling tasks, and material collection tasks assigned by him are all picked up by the guild returning to the city. It only takes ten minutes, and it is extremely grand. The task was "digested" by tens of millions of players!

What's more, the task was submitted on the spot!

【Ding! The "World War I" guild under the Demonic Wolf Plane has completed the task of "Putting People's Heads". The number of guild members has increased by 17,821, and the guild promotion token X1 has been rewarded by Nirvana God.]

【Ding! The "Four Directions" guild under the Demon Wolf Plane completed the material "Siyuan Crystal Stone" collection task, submitted a total of 23,233 materials, and received a reward of Nirvana's gold coin X21323212]

At this time, Nirvana Great God Fang Han himself.

Glancing at the task progress bar.

It took only half an hour to find out.

The progress bar has been upgraded to 53% progress.

According to the development of this situation, it will not take a hundred days to consolidate the victory of the main city's promotion.

With joy, Fang Han used the [World Teleportation Stone] to teleport himself back to the small izakaya of the [Mysterious Old Man].

At this time, [Main City Mission Ambassador] has been sent back to the station in the city.

"Heaven Designated, how is the task of consolidating the main city's level going? Have all of them been distributed?"

"Mysterious brother, don't worry. The guild players under the command of the wolf plane are the same as the players in the previous city-state alliance plane. They have benefited and realized that the promotion of the main city can bring great benefits to all guild players. Profit. As a result, the head of the person who took the task was crushed. In less than ten minutes, I broke the big task into countless small tasks, and all the thousands of tasks were sent out smoothly. The progress bar of the big task is now at wind 59% The high position!"

The mysterious old man had already expected this result.

However, when he heard the 59% progress of the task from the mouth of Nirvana, he immediately rolled his eyes.

"Heaven Designated... Damn it, it's so fast! God Nirvana, you have given me [mysterious old man] the hope of rising again!"

"What are you talking about? We all belong to the same plane. Completing this task is beneficial to everyone. Besides, all the brothers and I have always held the grand goal of penetrating the entire Nine Layers of God Realm. Confrontation, annihilation, and merger! You can rest assured. One day, I will let you [mysterious old man] set foot on the paradise of [Ninth God's Domain]!"

"Heaven Designated, wow, I'm so touched! Come on, let's toast you again!!"

"Uh... out of wine!"


At the wine table, the drunken people immediately laughed happily, and the small wine room to which the mysterious old man belonged was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Outside Misty City, a certain [Evil Territory], a woman in a princess gown is rising through hardships.

After killing dozens of Boos in [Evil Territory].

She began to tend to the injuries on her body.

"Princess, don't insist anymore, let's go back to the [Death Star Force] to heal your wounds! Here, looking thousands of miles around, I'm afraid there is no place that has the qualification to sell [Death Star Healing Potion]!"

"I want you to talk more!"

【Star Witch】angrily shut up the 【Death Star Girl Warrior】 beside her.

After briefly dealing with the trauma left over from the fight.

Clutching his chest, he turned around and entered a long and narrow passage.

On the other side of the passage, there was a sound at this time.

"Great, I didn't expect that we could get the blessing of the main city so smoothly."

"Yes, Misty City has now been promoted to a second-level main city. All members can enjoy the blessing of thousands of free attributes. In addition, the rewards for the main city missions are doubled. There is no doubt that our [Magic Wolf Position] Noodles] Under the leadership of the Nirvana master Fang Han, within a few years, they will be able to impact the qualifications of the [first-level world main city]!"

"Oh, this is something I dare not even think about. Dude, we must unite under the command of God Nirvana. Work hard to achieve it! What kind of ruler is there, there will be what kind of plane. Ruler The personality of the person sometimes directly determines the strength or weakness of the plane!"

"You're right at all. Follow Nirvana and eat nine meals a day!"

"Hehe, you pig, you eat so much!"


Shocked, the dozen or so players of the small guild under [Magic Wolf Plane] saw the woman with the [Star Luo Witch] ID on her head walking out with several other Death Star girls Warrior.

Seeing that the IDs above their heads are of different colors, these Warriors under [Demonic Wolf Plane] immediately knew that they encountered strangers, or even enemies!

"Ready to fight!"

"Only by you?"

[Star Luo Witch] Bully her in the past.

next second.

The death star skill [Dancing Stars] knocked down more than 20 small guild players under the command of [Magic Wolf Plane].

[Star Luo Witch] personally chose one of them to plunder the confession.

"If you dare not say it, I will let you lie here forever!"


With the efforts of [Star Luo Witch].

She finally got an important message!

An old opponent who used to be in [Double God Domain].

Fang Han named 【Nirvana Great God】.

He even rebuilt his own power in the [Four God Realm]!

Moreover, what shocked [Star Luo Witch] was even more.

Fang Han actually activated the name of the former main city: Misty City!

"Princess, princess??!"

"Princess, you are distracted!"

"What's the matter with you, princess?"

"Go, go to Misty City!"

"Ah, that is the territory of the enemy [Nirvana Great God]. Princess, you are injured. And even if Misty City already has the qualification of a second-level main city. But you may not be able to buy the [Death Star Healing Potion] that you need to heal your injuries, princess. 】ah!"

"Why are you shivering? I said go to Misty City, so I went to Misty City."


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