"What, what's the situation

?" "The NPCs on both sides know the Thousand Nights God?" "It seems that the Thousand Nights God has long participated in this monster siege mission, this is interesting!Which

side will he listen to?" "The Thousand Nights God is a Terran player, so he must help the Terran NPCs, right?"

This is not necessarily, don't forget that when we first saw the Thousand Nights God, he was on the side of the monsters!"

"Seeing the attitude of the NPCs on both sides towards Yu Fan, the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited.

Yu Fan's combat power is obvious to all, it is the ultimate demon level, which side will he choose to help?

Some viewers think that he will help the Terran NPC soldiers.

Some viewers thought he would help the monsters.

Both audiences have their own reasons.

They thought that no matter how Yu Fan knew the NPCs of these two sides before, he would definitely choose to help one of them now.

But they were all wrong.

Yu Fan has his own plans!

Seeking the Chapter of Courage will inevitably offend the camp of the good order where the Terran Empire is located.

Even if it is successfully bound, the evil and chaotic camp where the demon creatures are located does not mind, but in order to upgrade the chapter of courage, Yu Fan also needs to slaughter a large number of monsters, and the relationship will definitely break down at that time.

So from the very beginning, he was ready to be the enemy of the world.

Besides, in order to explode items to improve his strength, he didn't plan to let go of the NPCs on the scene!

" "I guess you're wondering, why do I have contact with your enemies?"

"It doesn't matter, you'll know the answer to this question in a moment."

Yu Fan answered the questions of Hitra, Hogessi, and Semeline with a flat face, and then under the shocked gaze of these three

, he summoned the fallen angels on the spot! In an instant, ten Lv59-level epic rank fallen angels appeared!

"It's a fallen angel of the demon world, although it is a summon, but it is also a monster, the adventurer Qianye He is indeed polluted by the creatures of the demon world, damn it!" Hogsy recognized the fallen angel and said with an ugly face.

The face of Hitra next to him was equally ugly.

"Didn't I sell him a Legendary-rank Fallen Angel? How could it become an Epic Rank? Something is wrong, something is so wrong!" Semeline muttered to herself, her face no better than Hogsey's or Hitera's.

She has even seen a lot of betrayal scenes in the demon world, and she vaguely understands in her heart that her loyal subordinate Niu Da is probably finished

!" "The situation doesn't look good!"


thought in Semelin's mind raced, " Although I don't know why this guy who was once easily defeated suddenly became so strong, and I don't know why the fallen angel of the legendary rank summoned him after learning it was the epic rank, but now that he has used it without reservation, it is obvious that he has to make a big move...... Oops, I'm in danger!" Thinking

of this, she didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and without saying a word, she directly detonated the energy that had penetrated into Yu Fan's body in the mirror space a few days ago!

[Hint: 'Semelin (Lv45 Legend)'s initiative detonated the skill '???' in your body, and you lost 50,000 points of true damage!]

Looking at the prompt, Yu Fan looked at Semelin a little speechlessly, " You're moving too fast!"

he had just summoned the Fallen Angel, and before he

could experience the thrill of pretending to be exerted for a few seconds, Semeline attacked directly.

If it weren't for Yu Fan's health value exceeding 50,000, he would have been lying down.

"Aren't you afraid that I was originally going to help you, because your attack directly pushed me to the hostile camp?"

Yu Fan asked Se Meilin curiously.

At the same time, for his own safety, he summoned another summon, the Lv59 Epic Rank Holy Angel

, and in an instant,

ten Holy Angels appeared.

The ability of [Life Sharing] made Yu Fan suddenly feel a sense of security.

And in the next few seconds, he once again enjoyed the shocking exclamations of the NPCs on both sides of the scene-

"Under the Crown of Fire" Lord Edward's legendary summon, Holy Angel! How do you know this ability? How can you summon ten heads? Also, isn't the Holy Angel of the Legendary rank? How did it become an epic rank again?"

The NPC soldier captains Hitra and Ho Gessi were shocked on the spot.

NPC Edward is one of the top names in the Terran Empire, and both of them have seen each other's terrifying summons and remember the best of them all.

How could Yu Fan summon the Holy Angel? The Holy Angel was obviously a legend, how could it become an epic rank? Lord Edward could only summon one, how could he summon ten heads in an instant?

These three doubts, the two of them racked their brains and couldn't think clearly.

On the other side, Semeline was also shocked again, she had also followed the Demon King and seen the Holy Angel, the signature summon of Edward "under the crown of fire".

She still remembers the terrifying abilities of the legendary holy angels vividly!

At this time, seeing Yu Fan summon ten epic-rank holy angels, she also had the three doubts that appeared in the minds of Hitra and Hogsey.

The answer to the first question could barely be guessed, and Semerin estimated that Yu Fan didn't know when he learned to summon the Holy Angel from Edward.

And the second question, the third question...... In the history of the Venucia Star Continent, there has never been a similar situation!The

legendary witch couldn't help but think of Yu Fan's identity as an adventurer (player), and had a bold guess in her heart!

"Is this an adventurer?Terrible

, it's terrible!" The Fallen Angel and the Holy Angel appeared at the same time, and the NPCs on both sides on the scene suddenly stopped, and countless players who saw this scene sighed with emotion.

"Damn, I was hit by the Thousand Nights God!" "

The NPCs were all deeply shocked, looking at their expressions at this time, it seemed like the shocked expressions we showed when we had created a thousand nights before and the incredible events!"

"Did you listen carefully to what they said? That Holy Angel and Fallen Angel were originally of legendary quality, but when they were summoned by the Thousand Nights God, they became epic ranks...... I'm 99% sure now that I dare to say that the Thousand Nights God does have S-level quality god-level talents!"

"The Thousand Nights Big Guy Cow Beep! Niu Beep!But it's all loaded, what will he do next? Which side to help?"

The barrage was hotly discussed.

To this day, everyone still thinks that Yu Fan will choose to help one side fight the other

!However, Yu Fan has already experienced the refreshing feeling of pretending, and the next action will make all the audience explode

!"Satisfied, it's time to get down to business!".

Yu Fan muttered to himself, and at the same time, he operated the Holy Angel to release the BUFF, and the Fallen Angel attacked all the NPCs around him indiscriminately!

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