The white clouds are lingering, and the world is speechless.

The Taoist sits on the ninety-ninth floor of the eternal tower, regardless of time.

On this day, He opened his eyes and looked forward.

There is nothing on the ninety-ninth floor, except for a butterfly that always accompanies the Taoist. Since the Taoist is looking, he is naturally looking at Him.

The butterfly was suspended in front of the Taoist without waving its wings, but the message it conveyed was very clear.


"What's the matter?"

The Taoist asked, "When?"

Butterfly shook his head, he didn't know the sun and moon, he only knew freedom.

It’s not that I don’t have the ability to know, it’s that I don’t care.

What does the alternation of the sun and the moon have to do with Him?

In terms of power, the so-called sun and moon are no different than dust in front of Him. Will people pay attention to two grains of sand in the desert?

No one would do such a thing, let alone gods.

Taoists do.

Since He asked, of course He has an answer.

"May Day?"

The Taoist seems to have heard the teacher mention that in ancient times, this day was...Labor Day?

Labor, no matter how it is interpreted, must be done.

That's why He had a thought, but it was not enough. Since it was Labor Day, it was naturally a holiday for labor.

Is there anything you need to do yourself?

Taoists don't know.

So, He decided to go out and see the world.

The Taoist's first stop is Shura Pagoda.

According to Shura's original design, the Taoist and several other powerful people should come to this tower.

After the Shura Pagoda was built, this was the first time the Taoist came.

He walked into the tower and did not appear on the first floor. Instead, he went directly to the ninth floor and sat down.

After a while, a young man in black hurried over, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Third brother, why are you here and you didn't tell me in advance..."

Ye Bai wasn't pretending, he was really a little panicked.

Today, if Ye Bai is willing, nothing in the world can be hidden from those eyes.

After knowing that the third brother came to Shura Pagoda, the first thing Shura did was to check all the worlds again to make sure there were no problems. Then he rushed to Shura Pagoda, which delayed a little time.


Xiaoyao replied calmly, and after finishing speaking, he seemed to feel that it was not quite accurate, so he added,

"Nothing for now."

Ye Bai's heart, which had just been hanging, was completely dead at this moment...

Nothing happens for now, that is to say, something will happen in the future?

Ye Bai asked while looking up and down the river of time,

"What will happen next?"

You can tell the clues by yourself, but it is obviously more labor-saving to ask the third brother directly.

"Nature will know when the time comes."

Xiaoyao looked down, and in the middle of the Shura Tower, a boy with the same black hair was playing a game of picking sticks.

The most powerful demon god who was sealed by the most powerful people back then had grown so big without even realizing it.

The older the child is, the greater the possibility of the return of the most powerful demon.

Xiaoyao retracted his gaze and suddenly spoke,

"Do you know why the eternal fragments are valuable?"

Of course Ye Bai knew the answer,

"The avenues of heaven and earth are ever-changing. For ordinary strong men, if the world changes, their own strength will be greatly reduced.

The strongest person with the eternal fragment is equivalent to having a stable anchor point between heaven and earth. No matter how the world changes, his strength will be at least at a level above. Although there will be certain fluctuations, at least there is a guarantee. "

Ye Bai himself understands this very well.

The nine generations of the most powerful people in the human race are all owners of the Eternal Fragments, and they are all using their own methods to perfect the [Eternal] Fragments.

Xiaoyao said calmly, "So, our strength also fluctuates."


Ye Bai nodded and asked,

"Third brother, are you worried about something happening in the future?"

Xiaoyao rarely said a few more words,

"As long as there are fluctuations, there will be a point in time when the strength of all the owners of the eternal fragments will be reduced to the lowest point."

Ye Bai's expression became serious, "I didn't see this point."

"I didn't see it either."

Xiaoyao calmly replied,

"But there will be."

And what it means when that day comes is self-evident.

His return.

His return is unstoppable. Since He has lost once and died once, he will naturally understand what needs to be done to win.

At least this time, He wouldn't be killed in the same way a second time.

Xiaoyao calculated that that day would definitely come. To be precise, he had known it for a long time, but he remembered it again today and naturally wanted to visit Shura Pagoda.

The Shura Tower is an SSS-level equipment used to suppress the most powerful demon. It is related to Ye Bai's own strength and the strength of all the most powerful people in the human race.

If one day, the strength of all the strongest men drops to freezing point, and the most powerful demon god makes a comeback...

Ye Bai was silent, but it was obvious that he had already begun to prepare for that day.

Ye Bai has his own method.

“The scenery here is nice.”

Xiaoyao left these words, stood up and left.

He left from the top of Shura Pagoda.

So, there was a... hole in the top of Shura Tower.

Ye Bai looked at the hole on the top of Shura Tower, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

In the distance, the roar of Master Fool came,

"Shura! Why is your tower broken again!"

"How many times have I told you that this thing is very expensive to repair!"


After leaving Shura Pagoda, the Taoist went to many places just to look around.

Finally, He came to his good nephew.

Ying Er howled and yelled, "Uncle, I miss my dad!"

Xiaoyao thought for a while and replied, "You will see him."

Ying Er: ? ? ?

"Uncle, don't scare me! I don't want to think about it anymore. I will never dare to think about my dad again. Uncle, let my dad rest in peace. He finally died..."

The bad man was very nervous, but the bad woman was obviously more rational.

"Why panic? Our third uncle didn't say that dad would definitely come back to life. Maybe we will die? Ah... Third uncle! Save me, I don't want to die yet, you should let my dad come back to life!"

"Yes, yes, uncle, that old thing should have come back to life a long time ago, don't let us die..."

Between his own death and his father's life, Ying Er rarely reached a consensus, so it was better to let his father live and suffer.

Xiaoyao didn't say much, but left again.

Finally, He stood in front of a mental hospital again and looked up.

[Nanjiang City Third Mental Hospital]

Since it is labor, you should go to work.

And here is where He works the longest.

The Taoist put on a white coat with a badge on it, and a name appeared on the badge:

[Psychologist: Zhang Xiaoyao]

He walked into the mental hospital...


(Happy Labor Day, Xiaoyao's fourth extra chapter is here, and the next extra chapter will be Ye Bai's, great.)

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