Chapter 285: The Dark Dragon King sees Qin Feng

The Prince of the Bright Dragon is also a veteran of the battle, and he made the most appropriate reaction at the moment.

It was definitely not a good idea to go toe-to-toe with Qin Feng, and he used the Extreme Light Element to condense a huge shield.

The dark dragon's breath spewed onto the shimmering shield on the other side, like ink spraying onto a white piece of paper.

The Extreme Darkness Element quickly spreads across the Extreme Light Shield, and the Extreme Light Element resists the Extreme Darkness Element.

At the same time, the Bright Dragon Prince was also rapidly retreating, and Qin Feng also began to retreat.

Everyone saw that as they retreated, a fierce, black and white light bloomed in the air.

Two extreme elements collided together, and after a violent chemical reaction, a big explosion occurred.

When the explosion occurred, the two flew downward, and then engaged in hand-to-hand combat while the dust from the explosion was still falling.

Qin Feng didn't turn on the thorn buff, only used the invincibility buff, but he found that the defense of the Bright Dragon Prince was also very strong.

It seemed that the white-gold scales were made of diamond, and the dragon claws condensed by extreme darkness could not leave traces on the scales.

The Bright Dragon Prince was also shocked, both the Dark Dragon Clan and the Bright Dragon Clan were known for their absolute attacks, and the reason why his defense was strong was because he inherited the bloodline from his mother's Earth Dragon Clan.

Although it inherited the defense power of the Earth Dragon Clan, it did not affect the purity of the bloodline of the Bright Dragon Clan at all, and inherited the control of the Extreme Light.

However, the Bright Dragon King didn't expect Qin Feng's defense to be so strong, just like his own attack didn't fall on Qin Feng, how did he know that his attack was really immune to the invincible buff.

"Brother Long, why don't we compare with each other?"

"Than what?"

"Listen to you!"

The best weapon of the dragon clan is the dragon lance, and generally the high-level dragon clan will have a dragon spear of their own, and the Bright Dragon Prince is no exception.

"Let's compare to a gun!"

After the Bright Dragon Prince finished speaking, his body quickly shrunk, and at the same time fell towards the ground, and when he landed, he had already turned into a human form.

Qin Feng saw that in the hand of the Bright Dragon Prince, there was a very slender dragon spear that shimmered with white-gold light.

As soon as the dragon spear came out, it immediately became the focus of the entire arena, as if it was the source of light for all things.

While Qin Feng turned off the transformation buff, he also used the extreme dark element to condense a spear.

Although it is condensed, after it appears, it has an momentum that is not inferior to the dragon spear of the Bright Dragon Prince.

The two quickly fought together.

In the VIP seats.

"Do you know this kid?"

"I don't know it yet. "

"Is it a product of your romance back then?"

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense on such a serious occasion. "

"Hehe, do you want to gamble?"

"Bet on what?" The Dark Dragon King glanced cautiously at the Light Dragon King, and the two of them bet that the Dark Dragon King had never won.

"I read that this kid can beat my son. "

"Hehe, I have seen the strength of the virtuous nephew, I don't have to be weak for my eldest son, it is impossible to lose to an unknown person, I bet that he can win. "

"Well, if I lose, let you go to my treasury and pick three treasures. "

"Okay, if I lose, I'll give you the Elder Dragon Spear I collected!"


At this time, Qin Feng and Prince Bright Dragon in the battlefield did not know about this bet.

Qin Feng restrained his output, wanting to defeat the Bright Dragon Prince without killing him.

The Bright Dragon Prince actually had a spare hand, he didn't want to hurt Qin Feng, but the more he fought, the more he felt that Qin Feng's strength seemed to be a bottomless pit.

After about a cup of tea, the two didn't know how many rounds of fighting, and the audience at this time was already extremely excited.

Now it doesn't matter who wins and who loses, one is a rising star, the other is the Prince of the Bright Dragon, both of whom are very much in tune with the audience's appetite, and they are worried about both parties at the same time.

The Prince of the Bright Dragon knew that if he continued to consume, he would definitely lose.

At this time, I saw Qin Feng put away the spear condensed by the extreme dark element, and switched to a seven-colored spear.

Colorful Dragon Lance!

Although the additional effect of this dragon lance had already been extracted, when Qin Feng injected the seven elements, this magical weapon was radiant at once.

As soon as this gun came out, even the Light Dragon King and the Dark Dragon King were a little stunned, but they didn't expect that the finale of the auction would be auctioned away by Qin Feng.

After Qin Feng took out the dragon spear, the first thing he did was to smile at the Bright Dragon Prince with bad intentions, and then in the next second, the entire arena was lit up with a seven-colored light.

Elemental Storm!

Although it is not an all-elemental elemental storm, seven elemental storms that have reached the extreme, even beings beyond the Protoss will be torn to pieces by this magic.

Seeing this, the Prince of the Bright Dragon wanted to resist, but he was already unable to act because of the powerful elemental storm.

Not even the dragon lance is no longer under control.

I saw Qin Feng rushing in front of the Bright Dragon Prince with an arrow step, the colorful dragon spear reaching his throat, and he could take his life as long as he wanted to.

"Referee, can you announce the result?"

The referee had long been attracted by this battle, and he was very fascinated by it, if it wasn't for Qin Feng's reminder, he would have forgotten that he was the referee.

"I declare that our Black Dragon Clan players have won!"



The whole arena was in a state of boiling.

"Looks like I've got that Elder Dragon Lance for you. "

"Hehe, I think that's all for today's competitive match, the Bright Dragon Festival will last for seven days!"

The Bright Dragon King deliberately looked at the Dark Dragon King, and then at Qin Feng.

The Dark Dragon King nodded knowingly.

When the referee announced that this was the end of today's game, no one was unhappy because it was such a good game.

Qin Feng and the Bright Dragon Prince left the scene together and walked towards the position of the eldest son of the Dark Dragon King, and at the same time, they saw a burly man who had turned into a human form and was also two and a half meters tall walking in their direction.

Dark Dragon King!

The Dark Dragon King was wearing a very gorgeous evening dress, and the black dress was embellished with some golden patterns, showing his identity.

The eldest son of the Dark Dragon King said respectfully, "Father!"

The Bright Dragon Prince and Xiao Qing'er said, "Uncle of the Dark Dragon King!"

Qin Feng was standing there, seemingly completely unaware of the existence of the Dark Dragon King.

The Dark Dragon Dynasty beckoned to the eldest son of the Dark Dragon King, the Bright Dragon Prince, and Xiao Qing'er, and then walked straight in front of Qin Feng, looking at Qin Feng with golden eyes, and Qin Feng had already turned his pupils into gold with the transformation buff.

The Dark Dragon King said, "Child, where are you from?"

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