Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 123: Stone Of Resentment, Underground Imperial City!

The attributes of these Frost Wraiths are not very strong.

At level 780, their attributes are not even as high as the ancient soul-devouring demon at level 750.

For the current Luo Cheng, they can almost be called... weak!

Looking around, the frost wraiths constantly Su Xing, Luo Cheng suddenly clenched his left hand and pulled the space barrier violently!


"Crack, Kaka-!!"

The familiar sound of glass cracking sounded.

The next moment, countless Void Blades appeared out of nowhere, with Luo Cheng as the center, constantly cutting and strangling these Frost Wraiths.

Above the heads of these Frost Wraiths, high damage values ​​continued to emerge.



In Luo Cheng's victory over the weak, and the badge of the skeleton tyrant, the damage to undead creatures is increased by 5%.

Void Storm, every second, can cause 13w damage to these Frost Wraiths.

15 seconds is the damage value of 195w.

And the total blood volume of these Frost Wraiths [most of them are above 198w.

Therefore, a Void Storm seems to have no way to deal with them cleanly.

However, it doesn't matter.

There are not many Frost Wraiths near Luo Cheng.

The reason why he released a 'Void Storm' in advance.

It was still a habit formed when killing the Ancient Soul Devouring Demon.

Just make sure that these Frost Wraiths have no 887 counter skills to block damage.

Luo Cheng can rest assured and send them 'liberation'.


Void teleportation was activated, and Xiaohuo was left in place by Luo Cheng.

However, the little fire at this time has come out of the fear just now.

Constantly spewing flames towards these Frost Wraiths.

Although it can, its flames cannot cause any substantial damage to these Frost Wraiths.

However, it has a high blood volume of 444w points, and it is not these Frost Wraiths that can be destroyed in a while.


Luo Cheng waved the spirit of yellow sand in his hand, and the system prompt sounded.

[Ding! You killed the Ming-Frost Wraith, and you gained 106500 (+106500) experience points. 】

[Ding! Your pet Xiaohuo (Three-legged Golden Crow) has gained 106500 (+106500) experience points. 】

Luo Cheng (bcdi) successfully killed a Frost Wraith. He and Xiaohuo both gained more than 20w experience points.

However, Luo Cheng carefully discovered that after he killed this ice grudge.

The quantity and value of the souls swallowed by the spirit of yellow sand did not change in the slightest.

Even undead creatures still have souls.

Therefore, the reason why the Spirit of Yellow Sand did not devour the soul of this Frost Wraith is probably because...

This piece of equipment, the Spirit of Yellow Sand, is unwilling to devour these, the souls of the people of the former Sand Empire.

Aicheng didn't care much about this situation.

He kept turning on the Void Teleport, one knife at a time, and sent all around fifty or sixty Frost Wraiths that had been Su Xing away.

And Xiaohuo's level has been raised twice in a row, reaching level 39.

The blood volume also came to 468w points.

Luo Cheng picked up the items that the Frost Wraiths exploded, a black material filled with holes.

[Stone of Resentment: A special material condensed from the souls that have accumulated a lot of resentment and hatred. 】

The introduction of the Stone of Resentment is very simple, only stating that it is a special material.

What is the specific use, but no expression.

However, each of these level 780 Frost Wraiths only exploded with such a stone, without any other gold coins or equipment.

Thinking about it, this kind of thing should still have some value.

Luo Cheng cleaned up the nearby Frost Wraith, and was not in a hurry to follow the guidance of the Yellow Sand Spirit.

Instead, it kept teleporting, activating all the 'ice sculptures' within its sight range into 'frost wraiths'.

According to the description in the attribute introduction of Frost Wraith.

These ice sculptures are being corroded by the power of death all the time.

They turned into frost wraiths in order to obtain complete 'release'.

In any case, Luo Cheng used to be regarded as having received the favor of the 'Lord of the Yellow Sand' and owed him a favor.

Now, since the other party's people are suffering here.

Then, he shot and freed them all.

It can be regarded as repaying the Lord of Yellow Sand.

Moreover, Luo Cheng's level of experience will soon be full.

By the way, you can also increase the level of the small fire.

As Luo Cheng continued to activate the "ice sculptures" in the city, he sent them relief one by one.

After more than half an hour, Luo Cheng's ears suddenly heard several crisp system prompts in succession.

[Ding! You have killed Ming-Frost Wraith, and gained 106500 (+106500) experience points. 】

[Ding! Your level has increased, the current level is 310. 】

[Ding! Your pet Xiaohuo (Three-legged Golden Crow) has gained 106500 (+106500) experience points. 】

[Ding! The level of your pet Xiaohuo (Three-legged Golden Crow) has been raised, and the current level is 48. 】

[Ding! Your skill Netherstorm proficiency is full, level up [current level is v3!]

[Void Storm lv3: Consume 20,000 energy points to summon a void storm, covering all enemies within 150*150 yards in front, causing 20,500 (+wisdom*5) points of damage every second for 15 seconds!

Cooldown time: 30 minutes

Proficiency: 0/50000】

Luo Cheng's level has been successfully raised to level 310.

Because Xiaohuo's level is low and the experience points needed to level up are few, he followed Luo Cheng in one breath and rose to level 48.

Its blood volume has reached 576w points, almost ten times that of Luo Cheng's blood volume!

In addition, because Luo Cheng constantly uses the void storm.

The proficiency of this skill was finally improved by him, reaching 3.

The base damage has been increased from 13500 to 20500. Although it is not too much, it is better than nothing.

Of course, after the Netherstorm is upgraded to IV3, the biggest improvement is that the coverage area has expanded a lot.

From the previous 100*100, it has been increased to 150*150.

The overall coverage area is more than doubled than before!

Such a large coverage area can actually improve Luo Cheng's output efficiency a lot.

Next, Luo Cheng still didn't rush on his way.

Instead, along the way, continue to help these poor people and send them to liberation.

However, as he got deeper and deeper.

The surrounding ice sculptures gradually decreased a lot.

After Luo Cheng passed through dozens of streets in the city, he finally arrived at the location pointed by the spirit of the yellow sand.

This is an extremely delicate, brilliant, atmospheric, and majestic building complex!

If you look at it from the perspective of the blue star.

This complex of buildings definitely belonged to the emperor's residence.

That is... the Imperial City of the Empire of Sand!

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