Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 137 Tianwei! Terrifying Thunder Tribulation!

After the second golden thunder calamity, one hundred half-god-strength mechas were completely destroyed by the thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the thicker and terrifying golden thunder fell again!

This time, more than 400 mechas were completely destroyed.

The fourth golden thunder fell, and thousands of mechas were destroyed!

The fifth path fell, and nearly 3,000 mechas were destroyed!

In the sixth way, more than 4,000 mechas were destroyed!

After the sixth thunder robbery.

The number of mechas gathered in the sky has exceeded 15,000!

These mechas exuding terrifying energy have no fear at all, and are ready to receive the next thunder.

It was also at this time that the cloud in the sky, which turned from gold to black, changed again.

Among the black clouds, a hole suddenly appeared from which one could see the sky.

It's as eye, scanning the bottom, these mechanical beings who dare to provoke Tianwei.

The moment when this hole appeared.

In the sky, the black and white angels who had already withdrawn far away, retreated frantically again.

Their complexions are already hard to see the extreme.

"The Will of Heaven! 757"

"These mechanical beings really aroused the will of heaven!"

"If they can survive the next three thunder tribulations, then..."

The two divine envoys fell silent in unison.

At the same time, Luo Cheng, standing on the roof of the main hall of the Imperial City, and a small fire on his shoulders.

I felt an inexplicable pressure.

This kind of pressure is like an endless mountain, and Luo Cheng can't breathe.

On the contrary, Xiao Huo, who is a divine beast, faced the 'eye' in the sky. Although he felt the pressure, he did not lose his temper.

Perhaps, this is the reason for the life level.

It was also at this moment that Luo Cheng's ears sounded two clear prompting tones one after another.

[Ding! You have been suppressed by Tianwei], all attributes will be reduced by 90%! 】

[Ding! Your pet Xiaohuo (Three-legged Golden Crow) has been suppressed by [Tianwei], and all attributes have been reduced by 50%! 】


Luo Cheng stood on the main hall of the imperial city, and did not bow down because of this terrifying coercion.

Because, he has a feeling.

If he wants to reach the rank of 'God', there is a high probability that he will have to face this eye directly.

Once he chooses to surrender now, then in the future, when he wants to break through to the gods, he will be suppressed even more!

Fortunately, that 'eye' didn't care about the weak Luo Cheng.

What he is watching now is only below, those mechanical beings who dare to provoke his majesty.


Suddenly, a golden thunderbolt shot down from the void without warning.

Those mechanical beings who were the first to come into contact with this thunder were all melted in an instant.

However, there are tens of thousands of mechanical beings floating in the air at this time!

They have condensed the whole body, all the energy bases.

He kept hitting the thick golden thunderbolt.

One after another mechanical life was destroyed, and the thick golden light beam became smaller and smaller.

When nearly 15,000 mechas were all destroyed.

This seventh thunder tribulation was finally transformed into the purest energy.

Afterwards, the tens of thousands of mechas that flew up immediately absorbed all of them, and the conduction entered the ground.

At this time, the number of mechas in the sky has exceeded 30,000!

Count those that were destroyed before.

From that underground, 50,000 mechas have already flown out!

50,000 demigod-level mechas...

Luo Cheng couldn't help but gasped.

If so many mechas appeared on Blue Star, then, whether it was a monster or a human being

I am afraid that (bcda) will be wiped out by them!


The sand empire with such a powerful force was easily destroyed by a god from the underworld.


How strong is it?!

With Luo Cheng's current knowledge, he can't imagine how powerful the real god is.

However, if the god-building plan of the Sand Empire can be successful.

After a while, he will probably be able to see the true power of the gods!

The mechanical beings paid a price of 15,000 to stop the seventh golden thunder.

But the 'eye' in the sky doesn't seem to want to give them a chance to breathe.

In these mechas, the moment when the energy has just been transmitted.

Another thicker, blood-red ray of thunder fell!

"Boom Ka Ka Ka-!!"

The blood-colored light was thin, but it covered all the golden colors, and the whole world was reflected in a scarlet color.

When the thunder that was condensed with pure and huge energy fell on the mechanical beings who were in the battle.

Everything is starting to melt!

With such a simple contact, more than 15,000 mechas were melted into nothingness.

In addition, those mechas, although they tried their best to block, but

Thirty thousand demigod-level mechas are not enough!

Before that blood-colored thunder light completely dissipated.

These 30,000 mechas have been completely consumed.

Fortunately, a large amount of mechanical life flew out from the bottom again, which could be regarded as completely stopping this ray of thunder.

Immediately afterwards, all the remaining mechanical beings had already flown out, absorbing and transforming crazily, spreading the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

At the same time, there was a sudden roar from the earth.

"Crack, Kaka—!"

The buildings that had been folded together spread out again.

I saw a young man exuding golden light all over his body, with mechanical streaks flashing all over his body, slowly ascending into the sky.

Luo Cheng recognized the young man's face.

He is the prince of the Sand Empire, the master of mechanical life——Sha Wujiu!

"Mechanical life controller!"

"It really is it!"

"Such terrifying energy... we, even if we use the power of God, I'm afraid we can't handle it!"

"Huh--! Don't worry, there is still one last strike in Thunder Tribulation, and it may not be able to stop it."

In the sky in the distance, two black and white angels were extremely uneasy in their hearts.

Now they can only pray that their master, the god of the underworld, can come quickly.

Otherwise, when the last thunder tribulation ends.

That mechanical life controller successfully survived the thunder calamity, and they... will surely usher in real death!

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