Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 139 The Robbery Is Over! It's An Inch!

Luo Cheng stood above the imperial city, his hands clenched tightly.

Out of his heart, Luo Cheng really hoped that Sha Wujiu would be able to ascend to the gods successfully.

After all, his sense of Sha Wujiu is still very good.

In addition, his 'Spirit of the Yellow Sand' is just a ray of true spirit of the former emperor of the Sand Empire, the 'Lord of the Yellow Sand'.

He can also be regarded as having a relationship with the Empire of Sand.

If Sha Wujiu can succeed in ascension to the gods, Luo Cheng is almost considered to have a connection with the other party.

With a god as the backing, in the world of the heavens, it should be easier to obtain some treasures, opportunities and the like.

The most important thing is that the current Blue Star is also facing the threat of 'God'.

If the "god-making" plan to create mechanical gods has been proven to be achievable.

Then, with Sha Wujiu's experience, is it possible for Blue Star to try to realize 'God-making'?

Although "July 20", Luo Cheng has the confidence to train Xiaohuo to the god level when the demon gods and demon gods descend on the blue star.

But, how can Xiao Huo be able to resist all the gods in the two worlds of monsters and demons?

After all, the gods of the two worlds of monsters may not be the only two they know...

Therefore, for the current Blue Star, as long as it is possible to obtain, god-level power and combat power.

It's all about trying more.

No matter what Luo Cheng thinks, the last calamity belonging to Sha Wujiu and the entire Sand Empire is almost over.

The black mass of Destruction God Thunder is constantly shrinking.

The clouds in the sky also began to dissipate slowly because they lost all energy and the attention of the will of heaven.

It wasn't until this time that Luo Cheng heard various voices from the outside world.

It's just that Luo Cheng didn't care about these external things.

He, Xiao Huo, and the black and white angels in the distance.

The eyes of the four were all focused on the black thunder.

Suddenly, the voice of Xiao Huo sounded in Luo Cheng's mind.

"Master, it seems... Failed..."

Xiao Huo, who was born with the personality of a divine beast, has extra perception for various breaths and powers, especially the special power that belongs to the gods.

Since it said that Sha Wujiu failed to overcome the calamity...

With a high probability, it is a fact.

"Is that so..." Luo Cheng unconsciously shook his head slightly.

In my heart, many strange emotions arose.

However, he has not had time to be sentimental.

The group of black thunder that was rapidly disappearing suddenly stopped moving.

Moreover, this black thunder is continuously transforming into a golden color from the inside out.

When all black is eliminated.

These energies began to condense inward again.

This scene is exactly the same as the previous scene where Sha Wujiu absorbs energy!

"Little fire?" Luo Cheng asked a little excitedly.

Xiao Huo sensed Luo Cheng's emotions, and then looked at the golden light in the distance.

The sound transmission said: "Master, you can understand the current situation as... a return to light."

In Xiaohuo's perception, Sha Wujiu really did not survive the last thunder of destruction.

After all, in Xiaohuo's memory inherited from ancient times, no one has ever successfully survived the doom of destroying Shenlei.

And, if there is a living being, survived the thunder disaster, and successfully ascended to the gods.

There will be visions between heaven and earth.

But now, the clouds in the sky have dissipated, and the scorching sun is still hanging there emitting light.

The blue sky appeared again.

In the distance, a wisp of yellow sand was blown up by the breeze, and it didn't seem like there would be any vision at all.

As for Sha Wujiu's failure in crossing the tribulation, Xiao Huo could see it, and the two black and white envoys could naturally see it too.

"It's good to fail! It's good to fail!"

"I heard that creatures that fail to cross the catastrophe will produce a kind of incomplete rule source crystal. If the gods absorb it, they can strengthen their own strength. If demigods like us absorb it

"It will increase the probability of our success in crossing the catastrophe!!"

"Hahahaha, the two of us, maybe...

The black and white envoys looked at each other, and they could see the passion in each other's eyes.

However, whether it is the black envoy or the white envoy, they all kept an eye on it.

After all, there can only be one incomplete rule source crystal...

This also means that only one of them can obtain the incomplete rule source crystal.

At this moment, the golden mass suspended in the air had lost its original brilliance.

The figure appeared again.

However, at this moment, Sha Wujiu no longer has the state of being surrounded by rules and shining like gold when he first appeared on the stage.

At this time, although the energy and aura in his body are still strong.

But his body already has a lot of cracks...

In these cracks, there is a trace of black revealed.

That is the remnant of the power of the 'Destroying God Thunder'.

It's also Sha Wujiu's, a reminder!

Once these energies erupt again, Sha Wujiu will be completely annihilated and die...

Seeing this scene, Luo Cheng couldn't help expending a lot of energy, and directly teleported a distance of several thousand yards to the vicinity of Sha Wujiu.

Under the perception of the void, Sha Wujiu's attribute panel immediately appeared in front of Luo Cheng.

[Mechanical Life Controller - Sha Wujiu] (Pseudo-God BOSS)

Level: 999




Status: Dying soon (12:37)

Description: A small difference is a thousand miles away! The last emperor who turned himself into a machine on which the ancient sand empire placed high hopes! He has great courage and superb means. The mechanical life is the carrier, and he wants to go against the sky, realize the mechanical ascension, and become a god! Unfortunately, the law of heaven cannot be violated, the last emperor of the ancient sand empire, after all, missed a little bit and fell under the thunder of destruction. ...

At this moment, in Sha Wujiu's attribute panel, there is a very clear state.

Dying soon, 12:37...  

Moreover, the latter number is still decreasing.

In other words, Sha Wujiu only has 12 minutes and 37 seconds left to live...

The description at the bottom of the panel is like his epitaph.

And gave him a comment of 0.9, "a small difference, a thousand miles away".

Luo Cheng didn't speak, and his expression was slightly gloomy.

The same is true for the little fire that flew right behind.

It is Luo Cheng's pet, and he can clearly feel Luo Cheng's loss and regret at this time.

On the contrary, it was Sha Wujiu himself, a smile appeared on his mechanically cast, cracked face.

"Brother Mocheng, don't be sad, it's my greatest luck not to be directly destroyed."

Sha Wujiu wanted to say something, but his body suddenly paused.

Immediately afterwards, he just said hastily: "Get ready, if the space spar is in danger, evacuate as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Sha Wujiu turned around and looked in the direction where the Black and White God Envoy was.

However, his eyes did not stay on the body of the black and white envoy...

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