Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 149 Equipment Upgrade, Attributes Greatly Improved!

The Spirit of Yellow Sand was promoted successfully.

Luo Cheng promoted the remaining equipment again.

After all the equipment was upgraded, Luo Cheng began to unify their attributes.

The first is two pieces of light equipment.

【Bright God Ring】(Platinum)

Level: 400

Constitution: 2250

Constitution: 2250


Wisdom: 2000

Feature: Growth (4/10 is integrated into the Light God Stone, which can improve the quality of the equipment, Z150.)

Feature: Manifestation (The equipment can be manifested in the other world.)

Features: Exclusive (This equipment is exclusive to Mocheng, it will not be dropped, lost, and cannot be traded.)

Feature: Holy Light Healing (active effect, summon the god of light to bless yourself, instantly restore your blood to full value. Cooldown is 2 hours.)

Feature: Blessing of Light (passive effect, after death, immediately resurrect in place, full HP, and no death penalty! Cooldown: 24 hours.)

Description: The ring that has been blessed by the god of light, has endless gods of light!

【Bright Tears】(Platinum)

Level: 400

Wisdom: 1900

Wisdom: 1900

Constitution: 1800


Energy: 20000

Feature: Growth (4/9 is integrated into the Light God Stone, awakening the power of light contained in the teardrop to improve the quality of the equipment, 0/90.)

Feature: Manifestation (The equipment can be manifested in the other world.)

Features: Exclusive (This equipment is exclusive to Mocheng, it will not be dropped, lost, and cannot be traded.)

Feature: Holy Shield of Light (passive effect, when equipped, increase the HP shield by 30%. After the shield is attacked and broken for 30 minutes, it will be refreshed and reset.)

Description: The goddess of light came to the mortal world, watching the suffering of all beings in the world, and the pain in her heart, she couldn't help leaving tears full of compassion. After a god craftsman obtained this teardrop, he made it into a piece of equipment to protect the world, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

These two pieces of equipment have been promoted from level 300 to level 400. Except for the increase in attributes, other attributes have not changed much.

However, it was originally a promotion of the same quality, and it seemed relatively normal without any special changes.

After putting the two pieces of equipment on his body, Luo Cheng took out the Chiyan Emperor Extreme Crown and checked it out.

【Red Flame Emperor Extreme Crown】(Platinum)

Level: 400

Basic Defense: 10500

Basic magic defense: 10500

Wisdom: 2060

Wisdom: 2060

Constitution: 1960

Fire resistance: 10%

Critical Damage Reduction: 20%

Feature: Growth (4/10 is integrated into the fire spirit spar, which can continuously awaken the ancient true spirit in the extreme crown of the Emperor Chiyan to improve the quality of equipment. 0/150)

Feature: Manifestation (The equipment can be manifested in the other world.)

Features: Exclusive (This equipment is exclusive to Mocheng, it will not be dropped, lost, and cannot be traded.)

Feature: Power of Emperor (active effect, when turned on, it can summon ancient true spirit possession, all attributes increase by 100%, lasts 120 seconds! Cooldown is 2 hours.)

Description: In ancient times, there was an emperor who could control the flames of the world, and was respected by the world as the emperor of red flames. When the ancient catastrophe came, the sea and land were subverted, and the sea water poured into the world of Zegai, the Scarlet Flame God Emperor melted all the sea water with his own power, saving thousands of lives. But he was also exhausted and unfortunately died. Fortunately, the remaining strand of true spirit has turned into the Scarlet Flame Emperor's Extreme Crown. When the Scarlet Flame Emperor's Extreme Crown fully recovers its strength, the Scarlet Flame Emperor will return to the world!

After the Scarlet Flame Emperor is promoted to the extreme crown, the active characteristics it comes with, the duration of the power of the emperor.

From 60 seconds to 120 seconds!

That is to say, after opening, Luo Cheng has a full two-minute attribute multiplication time.

In this way, in some cases, Luo Cheng's combat power can be greatly improved.

Immediately after that, there were two other pieces of equipment that the senior officials of Long Guo gave Luo Cheng.

【Blaze on the Clouds】(Platinum)

Level: 400

Basic Defense: 10080

Basic magic defense: 10080

Constitution: 1860



Dodge: 7%

Feature: Growth (4/8 into the crystal of the wind, activate the formation, can improve the quality of the equipment: 0/120.)

Feature: Manifestation (The equipment can be manifested in the other world.)

Features: Exclusive (This equipment is exclusive to Mocheng, it will not be dropped, lost, and cannot be traded.)

Feature: Wind and Clouds (After opening, you can summon a white cloud, flying in the sky, lasting 1200 seconds. Cooldown: 2 hours.)

…for flowers…………

Description: There are many special equipments with hidden formations, which need to be continuously integrated into the crystals of the wind to improve the ability of the equipment.

After the upgrade of Stormtroopers, the duration of Stormtroopers is increased again.

It reached 1200 seconds, which is a full 20 minutes!

Basically, it is enough for Luo Cheng's use in special cases.

In addition, the upgrade conditions for the wind and the clouds have also changed.

From the relatively low-level wind spar that needed to be integrated before, it has become a relatively high-level material, the crystal of the wind.

However, these things can be bought in the trader's association, so it's not too much care.


Next, is the last piece, and the piece of equipment that Luo Cheng relies on the most, the Dragon Blood Purple Scale Whip!

【Dragon Blood Purple Scale Armor】(Platinum)

Level: 400

Basic Defense: 15600

Basic magic defense: 15600


Constitution: 2180

Agility: 2000

Damage Reduction: 15%

Feature: Growth (4/9 can wake up the dragon spirit and improve the quality of equipment after being poured with enough dragon blood.)

Feature: Manifestation (The equipment can be manifested in the other world.)

Features: Exclusive (This equipment is exclusive to Mocheng, it will not be dropped, lost, and cannot be traded.)

Feature: Dragon Spirit Blessing (After opening, summon dragon spirit bodyguard, clear all negative states, within the next 45 seconds, you will be immune to all damage and control. Cooldown: 24 hours)

Description: Infused with the precious armor of the true dragon spirit, swallowing the blood of the dragon can awaken the sleeping true dragon spirit. Gain supreme power.

The attributes of dragon blood purple scale armor, as usual, did not disappoint Luo Cheng.

The damage reduction in the basic attributes has been increased from 10% to 15%.

Moreover, the duration of the protection of the Dragon Spirit has also increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds!!

That is to say, as long as he doesn't encounter a god-level opponent, even against a demigod, Luo Cheng can still have 45 seconds of output without any scruples!

And with Luo Cheng's current attributes, 45 seconds of real damage output...  …

That's no ordinary horror!!


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