Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 158: The Ancient Demon One Finger! Kogas Devoured For The First Time! !

Not far away, after the little ancient demon released the skill [Ancient Demon's Wrath], he did not stop at all.

It shot straight towards Luo Cheng.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the little ancient demon rushed in front of Luo Cheng from two hundred yards away.

Then, its huge fist smashed down towards Luo Cheng fiercely.

Luo Cheng didn't panic about this simple melee physical attack.

Before the fist fell, Luo Cheng activated Void Teleport.

Came behind the little ancient demon.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Cheng's body suddenly flashed a ray of scarlet color!

Bloodbath, open!

The reason to activate this skill is that it can offset the negative effect of the 30% decrease in power brought about by the skill of the Little Ancient Demon and the Fury of the Ancient Demon.

At the same time, in Luo Cheng's hands, the spirit of yellow sand appeared, and the dark purple surrounding energy was attached to it.

"Shua Shua!"

The long-sword-like spirit of yellow sand danced continuously, scratching the thick skin and armor of this little ancient demon.

In an instant, a terrifying damage value floated from the top of the little ancient demon's head.





A normal attack that caused... 379w points of terrifying damage!

Plus an additional 50% true damage added by the True Demonslayer Rune...  

After the second knife hit 750 crit, it hit a terrifying value of 758w points, after calculating the additional damage.

One knife is...a damage value of more than 1100w!

Even if there is no crit, the damage value is more than 550w.

And the total blood volume of the little ancient demon is only 2280w...

In other words, an elite monster with a ninth-order limit, a level 900.

Without a critical hit, Luo Cheng only needed 5 knives to kill him!

Converted into time, about... less than three seconds...

But just when Luo Cheng was about to continue his attack.

The little ancient demon who received a lot of damage suddenly disappeared in front of Luo Cheng and appeared in the sky hundreds of yards away!

When Luo Cheng saw this scene, he was stunned for a while, and then he subconsciously turned on the wind treadmill.

This little ancient demon was the first type of monster that Luo Cheng discovered after entering the ancient demon mountain range, and it would take the initiative to fly.

However, after all, they are ninth-order monsters, and it is normal to be able to fly...

At this time, the wind and the clouds can already provide Luo Cheng with 20 minutes of flight time.

But he has not waited for him to open the void teleportation to find the trouble of the little ancient demon.

The little ancient demon had already roared again.



Although these two roars were loud, they were just ordinary roars and did not cause any harm to Luo Cheng.

But at the same time, the little ancient demon had already stretched out his right arm.

In its left eye, the originally vague scarlet stars suddenly flickered with extremely deceiving rays of light.

Then, a huge finger that was more than ten meters tall than the little ancient demon appeared in the sky.


As the little ancient demon roared again.

That 'Big Mac' finger, engraved with the ancient magic pattern, poked towards Luo Cheng.

Along the way, the space shattered inch by inch, and all the trees below were crushed into powder by its momentum.

Its power can be imagined!

Looking at this huge finger, even Luo Cheng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The diameter of a finger is more than ten meters thick

So how big is the owner of this finger?!

It's just that this finger, although imposing and powerful, is very powerful.

But its speed is not that fast.

But any player with displacement skills, as long as the reaction is timely, can directly avoid it.

Therefore, this skill, with a high probability, can only really cause damage to the target when the target is controlled.

Luo Cheng's reaction speed is naturally not slow.

When this 'Big Mac' finger approached him, he had already moved to the sky 100 meters high.


"Rumble (bccd) rumble------!!"

After the huge finger hit the mountain, it sank directly into the inside of the mountain!

The mountain was knocked out into a bottomless huge cave with a diameter of more than ten meters!

Everything that came into contact with the Big Mac's fingers, including the space [all shattered to dust...  

In midair, Luo Cheng looked at the scene below and couldn't help but feel a little scalp tingling.

Because, from this finger, he felt the aura of destruction similar to the 'Destruction God Thunder'!

Although there is a huge difference in the amount of energy between the two, it is enough for Luo Cheng to have boundless fear of this finger.

Soon, the skills of the little ancient demon, [the energy of the ancient demon finger was exhausted.

Everything around has returned to calm, and the shattered space and environment are healing quickly.

And below, Luo Cheng summoned, the portal to the deep world of the void has also risen to about ten meters.

"Who should I eat first? Summoner!"


Following the low and terrifying opening remarks, a huge, dark purple creature emerged from the space door.

However, Luo Cheng at this time did not have time to reply to Kegas' question.

Because, that little ancient demon had already launched an attack on Luo Cheng again.

But just at the moment when the little ancient demon was about to come into contact with Luo Cheng.

A burst of gold and iron symphony sounded from the void.

"Whoa, whoa-!"

Thick chains spread from the void, directly binding the little ancient demon to the sky.

Luo Cheng just took a knife and fell on the little ancient demon.



After two large damage values ​​floated up.

The blood volume of the little ancient demon is only about 6w points.

But Luo Cheng, did not attack again.

"Korgas, it's yours!"

Luo Cheng shouted at Kegas below, and Kegas was not polite at all, and flew straight from the ground!

Yes, Cho'Gath can fly too!

Just when Cho'Gath flew to the bloodless little ancient demon...



The Void Chain that Luo Cheng had placed on it suddenly broke.

But it hasn't waited for it to attack the 'monster' in front of it, which is similar in size to it.

This 'monster' opened its terrifying mouth!

A huge space suction appeared from Kegas' mouth.

After that, the little ancient demon's body shrank many times in an instant, and was sucked directly into Kegas' stomach.

Immediately afterwards, Coase chewed beautifully.

"Nom Nom Nom...!"

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