Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 164 Bright Statue! God Is Obviously Holy?

[Ding! You have been blessed by the God of Light, and you have gained 100% bonus to all attributes for 24 hours! 】

On the jade tower of holy light, endless holy light gathered in Luo Cheng's body.

He suddenly felt that his life strength and the energy in his body had all been greatly improved.

Within 24 hours, 100% bonus of all attributes! That is, all attributes are doubled!

The buff of 'Blessing of the God of Light' is really powerful enough!

However, according to the sky, the direction of those falling holy lights can be seen.

It seems that only people who are on the eighteen towers can get this level of BUFF blessing.

Also, it must be sitting in a fixed position at the top of the tower.

That is, on the 'jade futon~'.

After all, Luo Cheng did not feel the too powerful force of light pouring in from the priest behind him, Joey Shirley.

When the path that descended from the sky, the thick pillar of holy light, completely enveloped the statue of the God of Light.

The infinite holy light suddenly began to condense and converge.

Immediately afterwards, a huge phantom of the gods slowly emerged in the sky.

When this figure appeared, everyone present, including Luo Cheng, couldn't help but feel a sense of wanting to worship.

It seems that this god's phantom represents the truth of heaven and earth.

It represents all the light and justice between heaven and earth.

Of course, it also represents absolute power!

In Luo Cheng's sense, the imposing aura of this huge phantom of the god of light has completely surpassed that of the 'Ice God of Darkness' who destroyed the Empire of Sand!

This means that the realm of the God of Light is definitely much higher than that of the Ice God of Darkness!

Luo Cheng is not surprised by this.

After all, there is also a weak spleen among the gods.

As the supreme god of the Church of Light [the God of Light], it is normal that he possesses more powerful power than ordinary gods.

It's just that the phantom in the sky belongs to the God of Light.

It seems that it is just a simple projection of power.

There is no will of the God of Light itself.

With the appearance of the avatar of the God of Light, Yekeqi, who was standing in the center of the altar, finally took a step forward.

In his pious and serious face, there seems to be a little....excitement?!

For some reason, Luo Cheng always felt that the aura of the bright archbishop Yekeqi he saw today was slightly different from the aura he saw a few days ago.

However, he couldn't tell what was different.

Just when Luo Cheng was puzzled by this, the power of light in Archbishop Yekeqi of Light had begun to connect with the phantom of the God of Light.

At the same time, Yekeqi also took out a golden holy grail, which was filled with a rich liquid filled with the power of light!

It is the purest holy light pure water produced by the light after purifying the endless evil.

Among them, it contains the purest power of light.

In every light sacrifice, holy light purified water is the best sacrifice.

"Great Lord of Light, Your glory, illumines the heavens and the world!"

"Great Lord of Light, your kindness saves all life!"

"Great Lord of Light, your power, dispel endless evil!"

"Your devout believer Yekeqi, I offer you the most sincere sacrifice of light!!"

With Ye Keqi's continuous singing.

The pure water of holy light in the Holy Grail is also constantly rising and evaporating, and the purest holy light power is continuously integrated into the shadow of the god of light.

Such a glorious and holy scene made the surrounding, all believers of the 'God of Light', the believers of the Church of Light, involuntarily kneel on the ground and worship the figure in the sky devoutly.

Even Joey Shirley, who had been serving behind Luo Cheng, knelt on the ground with his hands up to the sky.

In the teachings of the Church of Light, every time the God of Light sacrifice is performed.

As long as you have enough money in your heart and worship the sky with both hands, then the God of Light may bestow his extremely powerful light power.

Even, the clergy of those small Church of Lights will probably become bishops aloof because of this!

However, the probability of getting the blessing of the God of Light is too small.

Along with the sky, the pure holy light power continuously merges into the body of the god of light.

That huge statue, but it has not yet started the 'Sacred Manifestation' link.

That is to say, this statue of light is only constantly absorbing Yekeqi's sacrifices, but it has not fed back its power to the devout clerics who are kneeling on the ground.

...for flowers...  

But at this moment, the corner of Yekeqi's mouth rose inadvertently.

So far, everything that has happened has not exceeded his expectations.

"It seems that the God of Light has fallen from his own self, and has actively fallen into reincarnation to find the 'future'. It is true..."

"The supreme God of Light has only such a pattern. No wonder, the Church of Light has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but it still looks like it is now!"

I borrowed your power, and then opened the Heaven, Earth, Yang Ming exchange formation, and exchanged the talent with me. …”

Although Yekeqi was looking forward to it, he also knew that the next thing was the most important part.

Once something goes wrong, all his arrangements will be in vain!



With the continuous consumption of the Holy Light Purified Water in the Golden Holy Grail.

Yekeqi, who was standing on the spot, slowly closed his eyes.

And those Bright believers who were kneeling on the ground, devoutly waiting for the gift of the "God of Light", no one looked up to see Yekeqi's state at this time.

As for those invited guests, as well as those from the outside world who came to join in the fun.

I don't know what the process should be at this point.

These people, including Luo Cheng, focused their attention on the phantom of the God of Light in the sky.

At this time, the phantom of the God of Light had become very solid.

Suddenly, in the crowd watching the Light Festival.

I don't know which player called out first.

"God of Light opened his eyes?!"

"Open your eyes, how can you... My God! The Lord of Light has really opened his eyes!"

"This festival of the God of Light is different from the previous one.... It's not the same?" An old player who had experienced many God of Light sacrifices asked in confusion.

"God is obviously holy? Call the brothers to go online, there may be a big task later!"

Old players deserve to be old players!

Although their level and realm are all stuck in the eight-story tower, or the five-story tower.

However, they are very sensitive to the changes in various events, rare tasks and other things that may obtain opportunities in the world of the heavens.

Almost in an instant, many players logged out of the world of the heavens.

Call friends to go.


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