Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 178 Three Forbidden Curses Of Light! So Scary!

The two characteristics of the Scepter of Holy Light, [Healing Array of Holy Light] and [Guardian of Holy Light] are already powerful enough.

However, these two features are nothing compared to [Holy Light Salvation]!


The resurrection effect of Holy Light Redemption has touched the law of life and death!

Resurrection skills are one of the most difficult skills to acquire in the world of the heavens.

Moreover, ordinary resurrection skills have various restrictions.

However, the salvation of the holy light possessed by the scepter of holy light!

There are no restrictions at all, and it is also a group resurrection skill with a huge range!

Although it cannot revive powerful creatures with the strength of "half-god" and above.

However, it is completely enough to only revive ordinary fighters from rank one to rank nine!

In fact, the skill of Holy Light Salvation may not be very useful in the world of the heavens.

After all, players in the world of the heavens can be resurrected infinitely.

But the key point is that the Holy Light Redemption skill attached to the Holy Light Scepter can also be used in the real world!!

It's a pity that the cooldown of the ability of Holy Light Salvation is a full 30 days.

It's really long.

Luo Cheng looked at the attributes of the Scepter of Holy Light again, and finally put this piece of equipment into his backpack reluctantly.

Luo Cheng did not enter into a contract with the Scepter of Light to recognize its owner.

Because, the use level limit of the Scepter of Holy Light is 910.

And Luo Cheng is only level 500 now, so there is no way to use it.

Moreover, his own talent does not have any blessing effect on the skills of the light department.

He also has not learned any skills of the light department.

Therefore, according to his thinking, the semi-divine weapon of the Holy Light Scepter must be given to the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom, and let them distribute it to those.

It belonged to a demigod powerhouse with light talent.

After putting away the Holy Light Scepter.

Luo Cheng then began to check the attributes of the three skill books that Yekeqi broke out.

[The Temple of Light: (false) light-type forbidden curse.

Summons the projection of the Temple of Light to descend, and indiscriminately suppresses enemies within a large range, causing 3000w (+wisdom*100) light magic damage!

Note: During the coming of the Temple of Light, the space within its envelope will be completely locked, and enemies (below the god level) cannot escape.

Learning requirements: the level is greater than 900, and the basic intelligence attribute is greater than 30w points. 】

[Light Judgment: (False) Light-type Forbidden Curse.

Summon the holy sword of light to lock the enemy, and cause terminal 10000w (+wisdom*50, +strength*50) points of judgment damage to it. Units around the target will receive 50% of the damage received by the locked target as light magic damage.

Note: Guangming Liu will automatically lock on the target, and ordinary people cannot escape.

Learning requirements: the level is greater than 900, the basic strength attribute is greater than 25w points, and the basic intelligence attribute is greater than 25w points. 】

[Holy Judgment: (False) Light-type Forbidden Curse.

In the name of light, summon the clone of the twelve-winged seraphim to launch a verdict attack on a single enemy, causing 10000w fixed real damage. If the enemy's HP is lower than 50% after receiving the verdict attack, the instant death effect will be triggered !

Learning requirements: the level is greater than 900, and the basic intelligence attribute is greater than 300,000 points!]

Luo Cheng looked at the three skill books in his hand, and thought for a long time!

Until the scarlet power of space surged.

After teleporting him back to Storm City, Luo Cheng silently put away the three skill books.

These three pseudo-forbidden spell-level bright skills are really...

Too strong!

The first one, the Temple of Light, Luo Cheng has seen its power before.

In Yekeqi's hands, this skill can almost cover half of the city!

Such a terrifying damage range, plus 3000w points (+wisdom*100) terrifying magic damage...

With one skill, all creatures below the demigod rank should not be able to survive...

And, before learning the skills.

All Luo Cheng can see is the life of this skill level.

As for the other two skills.

Although (bced) is not as large as the Sanctuary of Light.

However, the basic damage value of these two skills has reached a terrifying 10,000w point!!

Especially the [Divine Judgment] skill...  

In addition to causing fixed, 10,000w real damage, it also has a bug-level, instant death effect!

As long as the target's HP drops below 50%, it will die directly!!

It's just... terrifying!


The prerequisites for learning these three skills.

The same is... terrifying.

The basic attribute exceeds 30w points......

That is to have more than 30w basic intelligence attributes without calculating equipment and any other attribute bonuses.

Want to have such high basic attributes.

Even Luo Cheng has to wait until he becomes a demigod. …

After reviewing all the rewards for killing Yekki.

Luo Cheng was in the mood and looked around at the situation.

I saw that in the sky, a large number of human warriors were fighting with the ghosts of the underworld.

At this time, the phantom of the divine power of the God of Light had already shed all the divine power by instinct.

Its huge body is also disappearing.

Those human race warriors, under the blessing of the divine power of light, indeed occupied a considerable advantage in the battle.

However, the scale of victory did not tilt towards the Terran warriors.

Because, the evil ghosts of the underworld have firmly guarded the passage between the two worlds.

At the other end of the passage, a large number of powerful evil spirits are constantly shuttling out of the space passage.

According to this situation, the Terran warriors will not be able to hold on sooner or later.

Especially those natives of the Storm City, once they die, they are completely dead.

There is no way to continue to resurrect and fight like a player.

Also, although players can be resurrected,

However, once they die, they will be in a weak state where all attributes are halved within 24 hours.

It is difficult to maintain the current situation for a long time.

In this regard, Luo Cheng also has no good solution.

The only thing he can do now is to go through the five-story Tongtian Tower first, upgrade his equipment, and further improve his strength.

Then come to think of a way to deal with these underworld evil spirits!

In any case, he will do his best to protect the City of Storms from being breached.

After all, the resurrection stones in all the cities in Ririshahaijie were destroyed.

In addition to all players in the sand sea world, all attributes will be reduced, weak and other penalties.

Human players will also lose a whole world of resources.

It will have a certain impact and impact on the pattern of the real world.

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