Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 198 Death Is A Strict Goddess!

Outside the city of storms, the emperor of the pagoda kingdom, the god of desert death - Nasus.

Turned on the 'myth state' and turned into a giant dog-headed giant!

The terrifying body composed of yellow sand is densely covered with a large number of golden mysterious runes.

Under his feet, the height of nearly sixty meters, the underworld witch in the state of the god of the underworld was like a newborn baby compared to him.

Although, the size of the body does not determine the strength of the creature.

However, generally speaking, body size represents the amount of energy that can be accommodated.

In the same realm, the larger the body size, the greater the total amount of energy in the body.

Fighting, relatively, will occupy some advantages.

Of course, for some creatures with special talents, the smaller the size, the more concentrated the energy.

In terms of people, it varies.

"The power of rules! You have already touched the rules!"


"Why is there such a weak creature as the human race, so strong as you?!"

The ghost witch's body was bound by the yellow sand, and it looked up at Nasus, and the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger.

It is very clear, even if the 620 is it has borrowed a trace of divine power belonging to the ugliness.

But in the face of this human being who controls the power of rules and turns into a 'rule god body'.

It can't be the opponent's opponent at all!

You must know that in the underworld, evil spirits like 'Nasus' who control the power of rules are qualified to survive the calamity of the gods.

Just take one step forward and you are a god!

And, to the extent of Insus' understanding of the "rules".

If it is placed in the underworld, basically, 100% can survive the calamity of ascending to the gods!

Because the world level of the underworld is relatively high, the success rate of the native creatures of the underworld who want to transcend the calamity and ascend to the gods in the underworld is very high.

However, the world's top place in the yellow sand world is relatively low.

If you want to break through the calamity of ascending the gods, it is extremely difficult to become a god!

This was also the reason why Nasus, who had a deep understanding of the rules, still did not dare to activate the help of the gods.

And the underworld witch itself......

However, he has not even touched the threshold of mastering the power of rules.

"You, are you ready to fall asleep in the tomb?"

Nasus's voice appeared in the ears of the Nether Witch, as if the heaven and the earth were perfect.

In the City of Storms, all the creatures who heard his voice couldn't help but panic in their hearts.


Crushing from the level of life!

Nasus at this time gave Luo Cheng the feeling.

It was as if he had met the ‘Sha Wujiu’ who had failed to transcend the tribulation in the Sand Empire.

That's an existence that can fight a true god!

Facing the terrifying aura emanating from Nasus, the Nether Witch had completely lost the desire to resist.

Even the idea of ​​arresting Luo Cheng disappeared.

Now, in the bottom of his heart, there is only one thought, and that is..…………Escape!

Sometimes, running away is really not ashamed.

As long as you can save your life, there is still hope for everything!

If you lose your life for 'face', then there is really a problem with your IQ.

Of course, if you make sacrifices for the sake of the righteousness of the country and the spirit, it is another matter.

"Wraith Blast!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

The Nether Witch suddenly shouted loudly without warning.

With it as the center, a large number of resentful souls appear.

Then, a series of explosions began!

During the explosion of these resentful souls, there are still a large number of ghosts fleeing in all directions at an extremely fast speed!

Apparently, the [Wraith Explosion] displayed by the ghost witch was not intended to cause any damage to Nasus.

Rather, it wants to use this method to create a large number of breaths and souls from the underworld.

Then let these souls look for opportunities to scatter and escape.

Disturb Nasus's hearing, hearing and perception with (bccc).

Even, his main body has quietly abandoned the sixty-yard-high 'Pluto Divine Body'

Pretending to be the same existence as those fleeing wraiths, preparing to reduce his sense of existence, he fled into the distance.

As for why it didn't flee directly to the 'City of Storms' and return to the underworld through the passage between the two worlds.

It is also because, even if it is it, it wants to resist the world repelling power of the two worlds, and pass through the two worlds in reverse.

It also takes a short time.

And such a short time is enough for Nasus to interrupt its movements and leave it here completely.


"Boom, boom, boom!!"

In the dark, the ghost witch, who had turned into a wraith, suddenly manipulated the "Pluto god body" he had abandoned, and started the self-destruct!

The body of the evil spirit with a height of nearly sixty yards shattered!

The energy of the superstar, all directed, blasted towards Nasus.

And the ghost witch who turned into a ghost also took the opportunity to merge into a large number of ghosts, and began to jump honey rapidly!

Just leave here and find the other three 'God Attendants of Hades' who are in charge of attacking the other three cities.

The combined forces of the four of them may not be unable to deal with this terrifying human being who has comprehended the rules of the world!


As Nasus said.

Under absolute power, some methods are just false...

"Death, is a stern goddess."

"Struggling is useless, don't worry, turn into dust!"

Nasus suddenly raised the 'axe and scepter' which was taller than it.

Then, endless energy that ordinary people could not comprehend frantically converged towards the 'energy spar' in the center of the axe.

"Death, come!!"


"how can that be?!!"

Facing the terrifying energy triggered by Nasus, Hell Witch turned his head subconsciously.

Then, it turned into a wraith state and fled crazily.

Suddenly there was boundless fear and panic.

Because, on top of its head, an 'axe' shining with an endless breath of death is falling towards it in an unstoppable and inescapable posture.

Panicked, Hell Witch didn't care about anything else, and directly took out his defensive treasure at the bottom of the box, the black semi-artifact shield!

Although, this shield has been eroded by the 'weak water', and its defensive ability has declined.

But, that is a top-level defensive demi-artifact after all.

In Dark Witch's view, no matter what, the shield that had accompanied it for many years could at least block one attack from Nasus.


That golden ax looks like the sickle of death.

It fell down mercilessly.


As a top-level semi-artifact, the Black Shield...

Cut off at the sound!

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