Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 202 Controlling Things In The Air, A Gift From High-Level People!

Nasus and Jiang He, the two demigod powerhouses.

Looking at the statue in front of him, the size of the creature suddenly grew to over 30 yards.

Invariably, he took two steps back.

"Luo Cheng, this is..." Jiang He asked.

"It's called Cho'Gath. It belongs to the void creature. It can devour other life forms to strengthen its own body. When it grows up, it should be considered a good combat power." Luo Cheng did not hide anything, and directly introduced it to Jiang He and Nasus.

"Devouring other life to strengthen oneself? What a domineering ability!"

Nasus looked in admiration.

In fact, Nasus himself also possessed the ability to devour other life souls to strengthen his own body.

Because of this, he understood better than Jiang He how powerful Luo Cheng's ability to "devour other life to strengthen himself" was.

I just don't know what the conversion rate of this 'Void Life' is, and whether there is any upper limit.

If the conversion rate is extremely high, and there is no phagocytosis cap...

The strength of this void life is an unknown.

After Chogas successfully devoured the Nether Witch, Luo Cheng did not let Chogas stop any longer.

Instead, he opened the passage to the 'Deep Void World' again and sent Kegas back.

After a period of time, because the passage between the two realms in the sky was sealed by Nasus.

The ghosts of the underworld have no reinforcements.

Therefore, it was soon wiped out by the human warriors of Storm City.

Next, although there is still a little time before Luo Cheng can log in to the world of the heavens.

However, Luo Cheng no longer stayed in the world of the heavens.

Even the six-story Tongtian Tower didn't go to it.

After all, in case the trial task of the six-story Tongtian Tower will take more time.

And while he was doing the task, he just reached the time limit for logging in to the heavens.

Forcibly kicked out of the heavens.

A trial mission with a 6-hour time limit will directly declare failure.

And once the trial mission fails, the next time you want to break into the Sky Tower will have to wait until a month later.

This unnecessary waste of time is completely unacceptable to Luo Cheng.

So, just to be safe, Luo Cheng said goodbye to Nasus and Nether Witch.

Then he logged out of the world of the heavens and returned to reality.

The first thing to return to reality is to report safety to Jiayi, Jiawu, Liu Qingbai and the others in the villa.

Afterwards, it was to make a call with the top officer of the Dragon Kingdom to report the situation encountered in the world of the heavens.

When Luo Cheng said that his talent was almost taken away, and he was almost caught in the underworld.

The attitude of the top officer of the Dragon Kingdom was obviously a lot more solemn.

Later, I learned that Luo Cheng was rescued by Nasus, and successfully rose to level 600, and would soon be able to break through to level seven.

The top officer comforted Luo Cheng and asked him to pay attention to his own safety.

He hung up the call with Luo Cheng.

Afterwards, the top chief of the Long Kingdom called for his personal secretary.

"Xiao Wang, send this note to Lao Chen, and let Lao Chen send it to Jiang Cheng as soon as possible.

Xiao Wang stepped forward and took the note from the highest officer.

After seeing the items written on the note, Secretary Xiao Wang's eyes could not help but tremble slightly.

After having this thing, Luo Cheng, I'm afraid it will be hard to die!

Jiang Cheng.

After Luo Cheng finished the phone call with the top officer of the Long Kingdom.

For the first time, he called Jiayi and Liu Qingbai, and accompanied him to the outside of the villa.

An empty lot.

In just one day, Luo Cheng's realm has successfully broken through from the fifth rank to the sixth rank.

Even, it has reached the threshold of breaking through to the seventh order.

He also has a new understanding of the energy manipulation in the body.

For example, Luo Cheng raised his hand slightly, a ray of energy spread out, and in an instant, he grabbed a stone.


Luo Cheng exerted a little force, and the floating stone that was more than ten yards away from him was suddenly crushed into pieces.

Turned into wisps of dust.

This is the additional change that occurs after breaking through to Tier 6!

After the player breaks through to the sixth level, in addition to gaining the ability to fly in the sky.

You can also release the energy in your body, and do some simple actions such as 'taking things from the air' and 'holding things from the air'.

You can even develop some supporting moves and skills yourself as a means of combat.

However, this kind of self-developed skill is generally not as powerful as those high-level skills in the world of heaven.

It won't make too many changes either.

At most, it only plays the role of an auxiliary battle.

There is no major change to the player's own combat power.

After practicing for a while, Luo Cheng has mastered the means of controlling objects in the air.

After possessing such means, Luo Cheng did not intend to develop any skills.

After all, this thing cannot be done in a day and a half.

However, Liu Qingbai offered Luo Cheng some advice.

Said Luo Cheng can take time to learn some ancient martial arts fighting techniques.

The techniques in Count Wu, although not very suitable for combat in the superworld.

However, some of the combat concepts contained in it are still of great help to combat wisdom and the outbreak of combat power.

After returning to the villa, Luo Cheng listened to Liu Qingbai's advice.

Picked up the tablet, searched for some ancient martial arts videos, and started watching.

And smoothly, using his own energy, he opened the refrigerator door, and took two cans of happy water from the air.

Although the efficiency of this kind of taking things may not be as fast as he directly teleports to the void, it is faster to get them by himself.

But this feeling is very new!

""Jingle bell--!"

After Luo Cheng watched the video for a while.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.

Luo Cheng opened it and glanced at it, it was General Li Tong calling.

"Hey, Uncle Li."

"Xiaocheng, I just received a letter from above, saying that there is an item that (Good Wang Hao) made a special trip for you, and I asked you to pick it up."

"I'm waiting for you at the entrance of the research institute, you can ask Bubai Jianxian and the others to come over together. w

"Items sent from above?" Luo Cheng raised his brows slightly.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go right now.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Cheng called Shang Jia and they went to the Jiang Cheng Institute together.

Although, Luo Cheng's strength is already very strong.

But when you go out, you must be accompanied by at least one person around you.

After going through the last time, the "Black Back Demon King" incident, Luo Cheng almost came into danger after his life.

In Jiayi's heart, a ray of friends was born to him.

After all, using Luo Cheng as a bait to attract the Black Back Demon King, she also voted in favor.

If that time, Luo Cheng didn't have the sword and the divine seal left by the demon killer Rogge and the bamboo flute...

Jiayi is afraid that he will regret his choice for the rest of his life.


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