Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 215 Sss-Level Talent, Bright Holy Body! !

The light dissipated and everything returned to calm.

In Luo Cheng's eyes, the color of the holy light is fleeting.

He opened his own property panel to view property information.

Sure enough, his second talent, SS-level Touch of Light.

It has been advanced for the sake of SSS-level talent—the Holy Body of Light!

[Bright Sacred Body: SSS-level talent]

Effect 1: The power of light has permanently transformed your body, and your physique/blood volume has been converted to 1/100!

Effect 2: The consumption and cooldown of light skills are reduced by 90%!

Effect 3: Light resistance increases by 100%!

Effect 4: The power of light skills is increased by 1000%!

Luo Cheng looked at what he had, the second SSS-level talent, the effect of the Holy Body of Light.

Some unexpected surprises "two five seven".

Because, in addition to the expected effects two, three, four.

There is one more effect.

It can increase his physique/blood volume conversion ratio to 1/100.

In other words, the original 1 point of physique can be converted into 40 points of blood.

But now, Luo Cheng will gain 100 HP for every 1 point of physical attribute added!

For now.

Luo Cheng's physique attribute is 72,632 points, after 1/40 conversion, the extra HP added by other equipment and props is counted.

Luo Cheng has a total of 312w more HP.

But now, when Luo Cheng has the SSS-level talent of the Holy Body of Light.

His blood volume has increased to 748w!

Compared with the previous blood volume, it has increased by 1.5 times!


After obtaining the talent of the Holy Body of Light.

Luo Cheng can also learn the skills of the light department.

In addition, cooling and consumption have a 90% attenuation.

Although it is not comparable to the 99% attenuation of Void Affinity, it is also very good.

In addition, the bright holy body talent also comes with 100% light resistance.

That is to say, in the future, Luo Cheng will not be damaged by the light attribute at all when attacked by light-based skills.

In some cases, this effect is very powerful.

As for the last effect, the same is not weak.

The damage of light-based skills is increased by 1000%! That is ten times as much!

Coupled with Luo Cheng's only occupation, the "True Hurt" feature of Void God Hunter.

Undoubtedly, in the case of targeting group enemies, the damage of light-based skills is even higher than that of void-based skills!

However, Luo Cheng did not learn any light-related skills.

You can only wait until you come back and find the right one, and then do the calculations.

Luo Cheng's talent upgrade took nearly an hour.

When Luo Cheng came out of the rented quiet room, he wanted to see if there was anything he needed to help himself.

Outside the City of Storms, there was a terrifying loud noise!

"Boom rumble---!!"

The next moment, Luo Cheng saw a pitch-black energy bomb.

A splendid arc was drawn in the sky, and it landed on the blue-colored moat formation of the City of Storms in mid-air.


A loud noise like the sky cracking rose again.

Even Luo Cheng couldn't help frowning.

Because, that road blocked the defense formation of the Ming army for two days.

It was directly smashed by the black energy bomb!

The black crack, even through the formation, was transmitted to the city wall of Storm City.

The formation magic patterns attached to the city walls have all been damaged to a certain extent.

In this case, if you want to re-open the formation,

Then you must first send someone to repair the magic pattern of the formation, and then you can reopen the formation.


The ghosts of the Underworld did not give the human defenders of the City of Storms time.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"


"Boom Ka Ka Ka-!!"

A large number of area skills came out from the hands of the Ming army in the distance.

Because there is no formation block.

Those soldiers outside the formation outside the formation can only be strangled and turned into powder by those continuous majestic skills.

But these are just the beginning.

As the ordinary ghosts of the underworld began to wash the ground with group attack skills.

Those demigods of the Ming clan also began to shamelessly release a wide range of ''forbidden spell' skills.

Once these skills hit those ordinary players below the demigod, the players will definitely be instantly killed!

So, in the face of this overwhelming terrifying energy.

Those human demigods joined hands one after another and summoned out a large shield of strong energy.

Blocked the attacks of the demigods of the underworld.

"Quick, inform the demigods who have been trimmed and ask them to go online and fight against these underworld monsters!"

"The formation of the City of Storms has been broken, and the army of the Ming clan has launched a general attack, hurry up and report to His Majesty the Emperor!"

In the human race camp, some special people began to log out of the world of heaven.

After a while, a large number of demigod-level human players logged into the world of the heavens.

Among them, there was the most powerful demigod from the Sand Sea Realm who easily suppressed the Nether Witch.

Desert Death - Nasus!!

When Nasus, the desert god of death, appears after Storm City.

All the human players seem to have found the backbone of the chicken blood.

In an instant, a large number of overwhelming skills were reversed, covering the ghosts of the underworld clan outside the City of Storms.

Soon, there are countless evil ghosts, in these skills, turned into strands of experience and merit, and integrated into the human race player's body.

But these low-level Ming clan, in the Ming clan camp, are really not very valuable.

One wave of monsters died, and another wave of monsters rushed up again.

Look at these tidal ghosts of the underworld.

Luo Cheng couldn't sit still.

Immediately plan to go out to help deal with these evil spirits.

But suddenly, Luo Cheng seemed to think of something.

And then gave up the idea of ​​​​making a shot.

Instead, he silently stood in the city and observed.

For some reason, since he came out of the quiet room.

It was as if there were a few vague, vague eyes staring at him.

This look gave him the feeling that it was like...

The former Archbishop of Light, Yekeqi, and the Pluto God Servant, the Underworld Witch, all exuded such feelings.

If Luo Cheng could sum up his feelings about these gazes in one word, it would be......


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