Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 234 Adventures In The Cave, The Earth Demon Colossal Python! !

Luo Cheng didn't summon Cho'Gath when he played Dark Giant.

Cho'Gath now has up to 3e health.

It devours a 'dark giant', calculated according to a 1% increase in blood volume.

It can only increase the blood volume of 6w points at most.

This growth rate is really too low.

In addition, Cho'Gath's size is too large and a little too conspicuous.

That's why Luo Cheng didn't summon Cho'Gath.

Of course, if he encounters any powerful monsters later, letting Kegas 'exit' swallow it will always be Luo Cheng's first choice.

With Luo Cheng constantly brushing monsters, more than an hour later~.

Xiaohuo's body finally lit up with a golden light.

[Ding! Your pet Xiaohuo (Three-legged Golden Crow) has been upgraded, and the current level - is 417. 】

After Xiaohuo's level was raised, Luo Cheng looked at his experience bar again.

Now, he already has 16% of the experience value of level 700......

The upgrade is still a long way off!

"Tsk! It's still faster to kill a demigod to level up!"

Luo Cheng felt this extremely low upgrade efficiency and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Unfortunately, in the wilderness of the vast sand sea world, it is impossible for monsters of the demigod rank to appear.

The upgrade of monsters may be relatively new at the beginning.

But once the monsters become a job, it will last for more than ten hours, or even many days.

It becomes a... tedious and tedious 'work' sex act.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Cheng had been in the Ancient Demon Mountains for three days.

In the past three days, he has cleaned up the surrounding elite monsters, the dark giants.

At this time, the level of Xiaohuo has reached level 437.

And Luo Cheng's level was 705.

The upgrade speed has dropped by an unknown amount compared to the previous time when dealing with those 'underworld demigods'.

But, there is one thing to say, under the effect of Luo Cheng's war suit, the blessing of war, and the blessing of BUFF [the winner is king].

The explosion rate of the dark giant is indeed much higher.

Whether it is gold coins or equipment materials, there are a lot more than before.

After cleaning up all the dark giants.

Luo Cheng is ready to go further, to find the level 900 elite monsters that have been spawned and leveled up before, 'Little Ancient Demon'!

The attributes of those little ancient demons are stronger than those of the dark giants.

But in number, it is even rarer.

But just when Luo Cheng was about to activate the void teleportation and leave the training area of ​​the 'Dark Giant'.

In his void perception range, a powerful energy fluctuation suddenly appeared!

Luo Cheng hurriedly teleported over to see what happened.

When he teleported over, he found that the energy fluctuations seemed to come from a cave.

It's just that the entrance to this cave is very small, if you don't pay attention, or you don't have perception detection skills.

For ordinary people, there is absolutely no way to discover the mystery that exists in the cave.

Without any hesitation, Luo Cheng stepped up and walked into the cave.

The entrance to this cave is small.

However, the interior space is unexpectedly huge!

There are also some green stones in the cave, emitting a tiny light.

However, with the self-service light source 'small fire' nearby, Luo Cheng didn't need these green stones to illuminate the way.


Suddenly, inside the cave, there was a hoarse and low roar.

Luo Cheng took three steps and did two steps, then stepped forward quickly.

Sure enough, I saw a huge python about 1.2 meters thick!

In the middle of this boa constrictor, there is also a small fruit tree.

There is a red fruit on the fruit tree, which looks like a good baby.

Before picking the fruit, Luo Cheng, as usual, first gave the huge python that was staring at him coldly, a void probe.

In an instant, the attribute panel of this python appeared in Luo Cheng's mind.

【Earth Demon Colossal Python】(Gold BOSS)

Grade: 845

HP: 18250w


Talent: Stone Skin

Skills: Colossus Shaking the Earth, Meteor Meteor, Hell Spike, Wounding Thorn...  

Description: [Encounter the treasure guard boss in the cave, kill it, and you can get the treasure it guards.


Adventure Cave?!

Luo Cheng looked at the attribute introduction and information description of the giant giant python.

The eyelids involuntarily fluctuated.

...for flowers...

It's time to celebrate the end of the war between the two worlds.

It has been 3 days since the reshaping of the sand sea world was completed.

During this time, Luo Cheng learned about it on an online forum.

After the recasting of the Sand Sea Realm, a place called "Adventure Cave" appeared on the leveling maps of all levels.

Generally speaking, inside the Adventure Cave, there will be one or several valuable treasures.

As long as you can kill the treasure guard boss in the Qiyu Cave, then you can successfully obtain the treasure it guards.

"Greedy human beings, Zhu Jiguo is mine! You don't want to take it away!"

The huge boa constrictor suddenly spit out human words, making the underground space tremble and hum.

Above, even rocks were shaken down.

However, Luo Cheng did not respond at all to the cries of the giant giant python.

Because, he was very sure that this giant python could not pose any threat to him at all.

At the same time, Luo Cheng raised his head and slightly estimated the size of this underground space.

Almost, almost 50 yards tall!

That being the case...

After determining the height of the underground space, the void energy in Luo Cheng's body surged.

In an instant, a huge dark purple portal appeared next to Luo Cheng.

"Summoner, is this long worm my ration?"

Cho'Gath's body hadn't fully come out of the portal yet.

However, its eyes have already locked on the body of the giant giant python.

After seeing Kogas, the giant giant python couldn't help shrinking its head back.

No way, in terms of appearance, Kogas is much more terrifying than it!


Human, you call for help? What a coward!"

This giant giant python obviously has its own mind.

Moreover, it can be clearly seen now that the giant giant python is very afraid of Kogas.

It is an innate suppression at the level of life.

Luo Cheng didn't care at all about the roaring words of the giant giant python.

It just probed and waved at Kogas.

Kogas immediately understood.

Facing the giant giant python, it opened its terrifying mouth.


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