Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 239 The Secret Realm Promises, The Weak Eat The Strong!


A golden critical damage value as high as 301w rose from the head of the Great Winged Desolate Serpent.

Its head was directly twisted off by the ‘Golden Crow Fire Feet’, and the blood strips were instantly emptied!!

[Ding! You killed the Great Winged Wild Snake] and gained 708000 (+84960~0) experience points. 】

[Ding! Your pet Xiaohuo (Three-legged Golden Crow) has gained 708,000 (+849,600)-experience points. 】

"More than 1.5 million experience points, it's not bad."

Luo Cheng nodded slightly after listening to the system prompt.

"Okay Xiaohuo, come back and leave it to me next."

Luo Cheng saw that Xiaohuo still wanted to go to other big-winged wild snakes for a duel, so he made a statement to let it return to his side.

"Master, why are you calling me back? The current me is a strong group!"

Xiaohuo didn't know where he learned the rhetoric, but it became smaller, raised his head, and continued to be arrogant.

Be confident!

Luo Cheng just smiled slightly and patted Xiaohuo's little head.

He said, "Just follow me."



Void teleportation opened, Luo Cheng's figure disappeared directly in place, and appeared beside a large-winged wild snake.

Immediately afterwards, when the Great Winged Desolate Snake hadn't reacted to what happened.

The spirit of yellow sand in Luo Cheng's hand was attached to the majestic power of the void, and he slashed twice in a row.


Although the hard 'Great Desolate Scale Armor' of the Great Winged Desolate Serpent has the effect of offsetting real injuries, it can stand in the face of the extremely high-quality Void Force.

But it was still cut by Luo Cheng.

At the same time, two large damage values ​​rose!



Because of the basic attributes attached to the Spirit of Yellow Sand, Luo Cheng's current critical strike rate has reached 50%!

Basically, two attacks, you can hit a crit.

Even, with the blessing of Luo Cheng's own luck, the probability of a critical hit will be even higher.

However, even without a crit.

Luo Cheng's two attacks were not something that the Great Winged Wild Snake could endure.

A single, Void Blade's basic attack [is 2207W of terrifying damage.

Twice is the damage value of 4414w.

And the blood volume of the Great Winged Desolate Snake is only 2880w in total.

In addition, Luo Cheng suddenly appeared by means of Void teleportation, and then launched an attack.

The Great Winged Desolate Snake simply didn't have time to react.

He was hacked to death by Luo Cheng.

In the distance, followed by the small fire that flew over, I saw that it was eroded by the majestic power of the void.

The big-winged desolate snake, which was directly decomposed by the power of the void, was very sensible and put away the trace of 'little pride' that had just appeared in my heart!

Compared to it, it took a lot of energy to kill the speed of a big-winged desolate snake.

Luo Cheng's ability to directly kill the big-winged wild snake is many times stronger than it!


Xiaohuo is also happy to relax.

He followed Luo Cheng happily and became a 'big boss who only eats experience and doesn't work'!

However, the small fire is not completely useless.

At least, the items dropped by the monsters killed by Luo Cheng were all picked up by it.

This is also one of the must-have features for pets!

The junction of the Ancient Demon Mountains and the Poisonous Swamp.

Luo Cheng's figure is constantly flickering, looking for an elite monster of level 900, the Great Winged Wild Snake.

The three-legged Golden Crow, Xiao Huo, became a 'vase' with peace of mind, and the small body drew red-golden lines in the sky.

It looks very beautiful.

However, just when Luo Cheng was brushing monsters, he had a lot of fun.

It was not too far away from where they were in a valley.

Three players appeared.

These three players, two male and one female, two white and one yellow.

It was the three demigods that Luo Cheng saw just now, the boss fight!

"It should be here."

Dakong Jingzhong looked excited and looked at the valley below.

"Tabo, the secret key, take it out and sense the location of the entrance to the secret!"

"Well, don't be in such a hurry." Seeing the anxious Well Sora, the white demigod, Phoenix suddenly stopped Tabor, who wanted to take out the secret key.

"Before entering the secret realm, some things need to be said first."

"Huh?" Osora Inaka turned his head to look at Phoenix, frowning slightly, but instantly returned to his original appearance.

With a kind smile, he asked, "Phoenix, what is more important than entering the secret realm?"

Phoenix wasn't polite to Inoka either, she said very bluntly:

"Of course it's the distribution of the spoils!"

"Hehe, didn't we already agree to divide this equally? Now what..."

‥…For flowers…

Although Osora in the well didn't change his face, he still scolded Phoenix in the bottom of his heart!

However, he had no way to turn against Phoenix.

Because, the remnant of their cherry blossom country, in the sand sea world, there is only a fat god like him!

And, in reality, they, the remnants of the Cherry Blossom Country, have to rely on the Eagle Country to live.

Even if Phoenix made any excessive demands, he could only accept it temporarily.

"It was said before, that was before."

"Now, the keys to the Rift are in my and Tabor's hands!"

After finishing speaking, Phoenix hugged Tabor's arm and made some affectionate gestures.

Looking at Osaka Inaka again, he said, "If you want to enter the secret realm with us, then, next, you must listen to us when you act in the secret realm."

"Also, the harvest in the secret realm, we nine, you—!"

Hearing Phoenix's merciless words, even if he had expected it in his heart, it was difficult for him to remain calm on the face.

Because, Phoenix's proposal is really too wolf!

Ninety-one points!!

That is to say, Phoenix and Taber each account for 45%, and he can only get 10% of the total harvest!

This is what they agreed on before, and the harvest is equally divided.

I don't know how much worse!

But even so, Yu Zhongtian took a deep breath.

The corners of his mouth rose, and he said with a smile: "Achieving a success is better than nothing."


"Huh?" Hearing Osora's turning point, Phoenix's eyelids were slightly raised, and her long eyelashes exuded a hint of hostility.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, Phoenix, I mean, since we have determined the ninety-one share, after entering the secret realm, please don't go back on it, how about it?"

Seeing the timid and timid Dakong of Jingzhong, who resignedly admits counsel, a deep disdain flashed in Phoenix's eyes.

He said, "Of course, I talk to Taber, but I'm the most trustworthy! Are you right, Taber?"

"Of course, my beauty, everything you say is right!"

Compared to Phoenix and Osaka Iaka, the most powerful Tabor, on the contrary, looks like a reckless man.

There is absolutely no thought at all.

Whatever Phoenix says, he does.


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