Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 251 Open The Boss Again, Luo Cheng's Plan!

Although Agustan's skill damage is not low.

However, Cho'Gath's candor is not false.

Agustan's skill 'Eternal Demon' lasted for more than 30 seconds.

Cho'Gath was also stunned for a full 30 seconds!

Fortunately, when it was time to release the magic way, Agustane could not make other attacks either.

When the black magic breath dissipated.

The figures of Agustan and Kegas reappeared from the black mist.

At this time, Kegas' blood volume had dropped by about 4000w, and his total blood volume was still a little over 4e.

And Agustan opposite Cho'Gath.

There have also been huge changes.

At this time, Agustan had many black bone spurs like thorns all over his body.

Its size has also slightly surpassed Cogas.

Should be 50 yards.

In addition, Agustane's whole body exudes a terrifying magic breath all the time.

Agustane in this state.

The attack attribute of the panel doubled.

From the original maximum attack power of 2230w, it has become a 4460w point!

As Agustan's panel attack power increases.

It also means that Kegas, who could have resisted for more than ten minutes originally.

Now, I can only resist for seven or eight minutes.

This is still based on the fact that Agustan does not continue to release large-scale skills.

According to the output of Luo Cheng and Xiaohuo at this time, they want to kill Agustan in seven or eight minutes.

Obviously an unlikely thing.

However, Luo Cheng didn't want to give up and attacked this boss.

If this time, he, Kegas, and Xiaohuo are still unable to kill this boss.

Then, the ultimate control of this secret realm, with a high probability, has nothing to do with him.

After all, they can't even deal with a boss.

The two teams from the north and the west.

At least, they have already killed two bosses.

"Xiao Huo, wait a while, when Cho'Gath's health drops below 20%, you can activate the body of the gods and demons and withstand the attack of the boss."


"Beep -- don't worry, master!" Xiaohuo let out a soft cry, indicating that he knew.

Since Xiaohuo broke through to the sixth order, it has actually been able to speak.

However, on weekdays, it still prefers to use sound transmission.

After all, sound transmission is fast and convenient, and it will not be affected by other external factors.

With Luo Cheng calling out Xiaohuo again.

And from the backpack, he took out the 'strength' and 'wisdom' boosting potion and drank it.

After increasing the strength and intelligence attributes by 20%.

The two of them rushed up at once.


Void teleportation was activated, and Luo Cheng instantly appeared behind Agustane.

Then, he opened one hand slightly, grasping the void!

"Clatter la la la——!!"

"Crack, Kaka-!!"

The Void Chains imprisoned Agustan's body, interrupting its attack rhythm.

The Void Storm summoned a large number of Void Blades, constantly cutting its body.



The continuous damage value also went beyond Agustan's head.

Although the damage is not very high.

Only 49w per second.

But in terms of output efficiency, Luo Cheng's Void Storm is similar to Xiao Huo's constant skill output.

Of course, passing through the city is the most important output to Agustane.

It is the 'Void Flurry' every 18 seconds.

Because of drinking the strength enhancement potion.

The output intensity of Void Flurry has also increased.

Originally, he could only reduce the blood volume of Agustan by about 1.65e with a single dance of the void.

But after having a 20% increase in strength, he can almost reduce the blood volume of Agustan 2e with a single dance of the void!

Remove the 18-second cooldown, and the one-second skill release time.

Luo Cheng can release Void Flurry up to 3 times in one minute.

Count the output of Small Fire and Netherstorm.

In one minute, it can almost destroy Agustan's 6.5e health!

The figure of 6.5e seems to be quite large.

But, put it on Agustan who has a total HP of 145e.

But nothing.

If it has been at this output rate.

Luo Cheng wants to kill Agustan, at least, it will take 20 minutes.

And because when the BOSS just opened, it attracted a lot of hatred for a layer of meat shield Kogas.

At most, it can only resist the output of Agustan for 8 minutes...

Although a small fire can open the body of gods and demons.

Get 5 times the attribute enhancement.

The upper limit of blood volume can reach as much as 12e.

However, Xiaohuo's defense and stamina were 52 worse than that of Kegas.

To be able to resist Agustan for 3 minutes, it must be the mercy of Agustan.

According to Luo Cheng's calculation, Xiaohuo and Kegas should be able to withstand Agustan for 10 minutes in total.

The 20-minute output time he needs is a full half.


In Luo Cheng's heart, he already had the confidence to kill Agustane.

Agustan's IQ is relatively low.

Perhaps because of the incompleteness of the soul, most of its actions rely on instinct.

That's why it keeps catching Cho'Gath who 'devoured' it and then 'spit' it out.

But not to deal with Luo Cheng who caused the most damage to it.

From this point of view, this boss should not be able to take the initiative to escape.

Since the boss won't run away...

Luo Cheng's confidence in killing this boss has reached more than 80%!

for him.

Now, let Cho'Gath attract hatred and resist Agustan's damage.

He and Xiaohuo aside, cut Agustan's health.

In fact, it's all to really kill this boss, 'paving the way'!

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