Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 254 Agustan, Pawn! Horror Spirit!

"Void dance!"

After marking Agustan, Luo Cheng started the Void Flurry again.

Destroyed Agustan's 3.5e health.

Then, the Void Chains opened.

Interrupting Agustane's movements, the Void Blade fell on Agustan's body at the same time.

In a short period of time, I took photos of so many noble Agestans.

The anger value has accumulated to the limit.

When its blood volume completely dropped to 15%.

Agustane finally couldn't hold back.

Around it, a terrifying magic energy burst out.

The majestic magic breath blew up all the surrounding sand and gravel.

The ground collapsed by three points due to the impact of demonic energy.

But Luo Cheng turned a blind eye to the demonic energy sweeping over everything.

He kept slashing towards Agustan.

Although Yagustan has tried his best to dodge, it affects Luo Cheng's output efficiency.

Can, Tian seconds of time.

Luo Cheng still hit a damage value of 24e.



The majestic power of the void exploded from Agustan's body.


Ten-digit damage values ​​jumped from the top of Agustan's head.

Originally, there was only 32e of Agustan's blood left, but it was instantly emptied.

His body, under the raging power of the void, burst into pieces!!

And at the moment when the 'Void Hunting Mark' exploded.

Luo Cheng summoned Xiaohuo with ease.

After all, the experience points provided by the BOSS cannot be wasted.

However, just when the golden light representing the upgrade fell on Luo Cheng and Xiao Huo.

In the location where Agustan exploded.

A strong soul wave caught Luo Cheng's attention.

I saw a huge ghost ghost with a 90% transparency that was very similar to Agustan's.

is constantly growing.

From its cold eyes.

Luo Cheng could clearly feel the phantom of this soul, the endless hostility towards him.

Do not know why.

Even with the protection of the Dragon Spirit.

Facing this ghost of the soul.

Luo Cheng's heart was still a little terrified.

It seems that the strength of this soul phantom has completely exceeded the resistance range of the 'Dragon Blood Purple Scale Armor'!

"'Slave' tribe?"

"The sin is unforgivable!!"

Suddenly, a terrified voice came from Luo Cheng's mind.

This, seems to be accountability from the soul.

Let Luo Cheng feel very uncomfortable.

Even, the spirit is a little trance.

On his body, the purple dragon scale armor formed by the protection of the dragon spirit began to shake slightly.

Behind him, the illusory shadow of the emperor summoned by Emperor Chiyan's extreme crown collapsed directly.

[Ding! Your gain status, [The Power of Emperor Ji] has disappeared. 】

[Ding! Your special state, [Dragon Spirit Blessing] has disappeared. 】

[Ding! You have been shocked by the soul of [Ancient Demon God - Agustan]...]

Continuous system beeps sounded in Luo Cheng's mind.

However, Luo Cheng turned a blind eye to these.

There was no reaction at all.

In mid-air, it had grown to a height of nearly 100 meters, becoming the phantom of a terrifying soul like a giant.

He just raised a finger expressionlessly.

"The slaves who commit crimes, perish, is your eternal destiny!"

After the ghost of Naya Gustan's soul left this sentence.

On its fingers, there is already a strong, ancient power that belongs to the ancient devil.



A slender black light shot out from Agustan's soul phantom.

The little fire on the side screamed anxiously.



"Master, wake up! Wake up!"

‥…For flowers‥

In desperation, the moment when the black light shot out.

Xiaohuo directly turned on the state of 'God and Devil's Body'.

It was originally only 5 yards in size.

Instantly increased 30 times!

It became a large fireball with a diameter of 150 yards.

And Luo Cheng was pushed aside by Xiao Huo.



A soft sound.

Xiaohuo's body was suddenly attacked by the assassin.

Above its head, an extremely terrifying damage value appeared.


This is, nearly 100e super high damage!

Even if it is transformed into the body of a god and a demon, the blood volume has increased by 5 times, reaching a small fire of 13e.


It can only be the fate of being killed in seconds.

"Golden Crow? Humph! It's just a bird pulling a cart!"

As the small fire was killed in seconds, the huge body turned into flames and quickly dissipated.

Agustane's phantom soul just snorted coldly.

Then, its fingers turned slightly.

Originally, the black beam of light that had disappeared into the ground.

It pierced the ground directly.

Once again pierced Luo Cheng's body!

No surprise.

Luo Cheng, who no longer had the protection of the Dragon Spirit, was instantly cleared of his blood bar.

The entire body was turned into nothingness by that terrifying energy.

But, after using this attack.

The ghost of Naya Gustan's soul has grown to its limit.

The body that was originally bleak has almost disappeared.

And in its central location.

A splendid spar with mysterious brilliance, slowly taking shape.

Just in Agustan, the 'slaves' of the 'following offenses' felt punished.

When peace of mind dissipates.

It's in the last hours of life.

Suddenly I saw an angel with twelve pairs of holy wings...



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