Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 275 Features Unlocked, Soul-Eating Power! !

After returning to the sand sea world.

Luo Cheng rushed to the "City of Storms" immediately.

The first thing is to come to the Chamber of Commerce and clean up some sundries.

And buy some materials to upgrade equipment.

Then, Luo Cheng came to the 'Babel Tower' again!

This is already the 4th time he has entered the Babel Tower this month.

After passing through the tower this time.

His rank will reach the highest mortal rank, the ninth rank!

Further up, it is the demigod rank.

When Luo Cheng entered the Tongtian Tower and teleported to the world of the eight-story Tongtian Tower.

The familiar system prompt sound reminds me of it.

[Ding! You have entered the eight-story Tongtian Tower, and the trial task of the eight-story Tongtian Tower has been released. 】

[Eighth-story Tongtian Tower Trial Mission: Under the Gods!

Mission description: You already have the qualification to spy on the realm of the gods. This time, your mission "663" is to go to the Sky Temple (Shadow) and kill the final guardian of the Sky Temple, the Sky God General (Shadow)!

Mission requirements: Kill the 800-level diamond BOSS and open the sky general (shadow)!

Task time limit: 6 hours. 】

"Sky Temple?"

Luo Cheng raised his head subconsciously.

It was found that there was a thick layer of clouds above the sky.

At the edge of the clouds, there is also a ladder that reaches the sky, exuding golden brilliance!

Above the ladder, it seems, there are still some phantoms of the temple.

"It's quite stylish!"

After Luo Cheng glanced at the sky, he didn't care too much.

Because, the sky temple in the sky.

It's just the phantom of the temple of a certain 'God' rank powerhouse.

There is no real god in charge.

Above, the strongest monster is just the one in the mission description, the level 800 diamond boss.

And the 800-level platinum boss...

For the current Luo Cheng, it's like a waistband.

Of course, for those players who only have ordinary talents below the SS level, and who do not have any special abnormal equipment sets.

The same level of diamond-level BOSS, that is......

The Difficulty of Divine Condemnation!

Follow your previous habit.

Before the Babel Trial quest.

Luo Cheng put all the equipment on himself except the 'dragon blood purple scale armor' and 'war suit' that had been advanced.

All taken down.

Then, one by one, the upgrade began.

Only, the equipment on Luo Cheng.

All are diamond quality.

Even if it is upgraded again, it will rise to level 800.

Also just diamond quality gear.

Although the attributes have improved, the magnitude is not very large.

Among them, the duration of the power of the emperor has been increased to 600 seconds.

That's a full 10 minutes.

In addition, there is another piece of equipment that Luo Cheng is looking forward to.

That is now, the last piece of equipment left in his hand.

Weapon, the spirit of yellow sand!

Luo Cheng took out a large amount of 'soul stones' for the spirit of yellow sand to devour.

After about half an hour.

The spirit of yellow sand finally swallowed enough souls.

The system prompt tone also sounded.

[Ding! Your equipment [Spirit of Yellow Sand] has devoured enough souls, do you want to upgrade and evolve now?]


Luo Cheng lifted Huang Zhiling up without hesitation.

Then, the spirit of yellow sand naturally floated in midair.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of wronged souls, along with the former emperor of the Sand Empire, the Lord of Yellow Sand, also appeared!

However, this time, the face of the Lord of Yellow Sand had a little more expression than before.

The sanity contained in his eyes seems to be much more than before.

The Lord of Yellow Sand looked at Luo Cheng with a smile, and then nodded slightly.

Luo Cheng is also very polite in return.

After all, the Yellow Sand Spirit really helped him a lot.

And the spirit of yellow sand itself is transformed by the true spirit of the master of yellow sand.

In other words, the spirit of yellow sand is the emperor of the sand empire!

Therefore, Luo Cheng still respects the Lord of Yellow Sand very much.

After the Lord of Yellow Sand briefly greeted Luo Cheng.

He turned his eyes to the side, the ghosts that danced in the sky.


While the Lord of Yellow Sand turned his palms, he spoke the truth.

With a sound of 'bang', the unjust souls, which numbered as high as one million, were smashed at the same time.

Turned into a wisp, the most pure soul power.

Incorporated into the spirit of yellow sand.

Then, about three minutes passed.

With the Demon Killing Rune attached to the Spirit of Yellow Sand again...

In Luo Cheng's ear, a clear and pleasant prompt sounded.

[Ding! Your equipment [Spirit of Yellow Sand] has been advanced, and the current level is 800. 】

[Ding! The characteristic [Soul Eating Power] of your equipment [Spirit of Yellow Sand] has been fully unlocked. Please check the specific attribute effects. 】

Soul Eater............

Finally unlocked!

Luo Cheng has been looking forward to this feature for a long time.

I just don't know what the specific effect of Soul Eater will be.

After the Spirit of Yellow Sand successfully advanced.

Luo Cheng couldn't wait to open its properties panel.

【Spirit of Yellow Sand】(Diamond)

Level: 800

I: 156000-165000




: 55%

Armor Break: 35%

Feature: Growth (8/9 kill monsters, devour souls, the equipment can grow and evolve continuously, the current progress is 0/1100000.)

Features: Exclusive (This equipment is exclusive to Mocheng, it cannot be dropped, lost, or traded.)

Features: Manifestation (This equipment is true spirit equipment and can be manifested in another world.)

Feature: Dark Ice Congealing Soul (passive effect, when attacking, there is a 1% chance to freeze the enemy's [soul] for 10 seconds.)

Ability: Soul Eater (Enabled!)

Description: A gift from the ancient emperor, the Lord of Yellow Sand, he transformed this weapon into 4.8 with a strand of his true spirit. It has the special ability to devour the soul and grow continuously, and it is a true spirit weapon that can accompany the owner.

"Gather souls?"

Luo Cheng didn't understand the effect of Soul Eater at first glance.

Therefore, he made a special trip to click on the specific introduction of Soul Devouring Power, ready to review it in detail.

[Power of Soul Eater: The ancient emperor, the master of yellow sand once had the talent, with this talent, he established a huge super empire that lasted for nearly ten thousand years, the empire of sand!

Effect 1: Accumulate soul, kill the enemy, absorb the enemy's soul, and accumulate soul power. Different enemies will provide different strengths of Soul Power, each point of [Soul Power] will provide you with 1 point of extra damage, with no upper limit!

Effect 2: Unlocked

Effect 3: Unlocked]

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