Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 280 Cross-World Guardian Teleportation Formation!

The next day, Luo Cheng slept abnormally until the third day.

Today, he has no leveling plan.

The main task is to go to the Azure Dragon Realm.

Then, place the entrance of the 'Ancient Demon's Secret Realm' on Dragon Island.

As for the upgrade...

His current level has reached level 800.

Going up, the experience value required for each level is an astronomical figure.

There is no place where there are many high-level boss-level monsters like the ancient demon mystery.

It's hard to give him a quick upgrade.

Ordinary experience secret realm, if he is dead, he can only be promoted to one or two levels at most.

Therefore, for the next three days, Luo plans to take a good stroll in the Azure Dragon Realm.

After all, the Azure Dragon Realm is the most initial base of the Dragon Kingdom.

There, it has been operated by Longguo for more than 400 years.

I don't know what it will be like!

The senior officials of Longguo didn't make Luo Cheng wait too long.

Soon, Jiayi went to the Jiang Cheng Institute in person and got back a small silver box.

"This thing is very precious. We in the Dragon Kingdom only have this one. Be careful when using it, and don't waste it."

Jiayi's temperament is still so straightforward.

After speaking, he handed the box to Luo Cheng.

He turned around and went back to the room.

Luo Cheng is already familiar with Jiayi's character.

didn't care.

After taking the box, Luo Cheng first went back to his room.

Then, I started to check the items in this box.

On the screen on the box shell, there is a very clear introduction to the items inside.

[Cross-World Guardian Teleportation Array: Open after entering the world coordinates, you can summon a cross-world teleportation array to transmit the life of [Ordinary Ninth Order] and above to the world you want to go to!


(Note: When the cross-world teleportation array is turned on, the momentum is huge. Please try to find an open and hidden place to activate the formation to avoid accidents.)]

After reading the introduction, Luo Cheng opened the box.

The one inside, the formation compass shining with blue-purple brilliance, was put into the space backpack.

After that, Luo Cheng didn't stop for a moment.

When you close the box, you can directly communicate with the imprint of the heavens in your palm and log in to the world of the heavens!

After a strong spatial transformation.

Luo Cheng's figure appeared in the City of Storms.

At this time, the City of Storms has returned to its original appearance.

However, on the street, it was a lot more prosperous.

There seems to be a lot of newcomers.

It seems that many players have benefited from the last underworld invasion.

After breaking through the higher-level Babel Tower, you have the capital to enter the first-level main city.

But these have nothing to do with Luo Cheng at all.

After all, after he went to the Azure Dragon Realm, will he return to this sand sea realm, which is full of yellow sand and the scorching sun.

Not necessarily.

Luo Cheng left the City of Storms.

Turning his head, he glanced at the tall city wall of this city.

Then he left in the direction of the Ancient Demon Mountains.

Because, the opening of the trans-world teleportation array will have a great momentum.

Therefore, Luo Cheng needs to find a remote and uninhabited place.

The ancient Demon Mountains, which are vast and sparsely populated, are the perfect location.

A few minutes later, under Luo Cheng's constant void teleportation.

He has come to a place that is flat and free of monsters and other players.

Luo Cheng let out a light breath.

Then, he took out the compass that exuded a deep blue brilliance.

Luo Cheng fiddled with the compass a few times.

Set the world coordinates he wants to go to, and then choose to open the compass!

[Ding! The trans-world guardian teleportation circle is about to start, please stand in place and do not move, the teleportation will start the countdown: 180 seconds. 】

After the crisp system beep appears.

Around, centered on Luo Cheng.

In other words, it is centered on the dissipated array compass in Luo Cheng's hands.

A large number of blue silk threads appeared.

Luo Cheng can clearly perceive the powerful space force attached to these blue threads.


In terms of quality, this blue silk thread doesn't seem to be as good as the dark purple one, the energy from the void.

Although the two have the same origin, the power of the void is obviously more powerful than the pure power of this blue space.

However, now is not the time to consider these.

According to the request, Luo Cheng needs to stand still and cannot move.

After 3 minutes, the transmission will not start.

In these three minutes, the blue silk thread formed a huge magic circle.

He turned around again and circled Luo Cheng incessantly.

Soon, it was woven into a layer......

Blue energy cocoon!

In fact, this big cocoon is the biggest difference between the [Cross-World Guardian Teleportation Array] and the ordinary [Cross-World Teleportation Array].

With or without the word 'guardian', the difference between the two can be described as a world of difference!

Because, the trans-world guardian teleportation array can provide a layer of extremely high-strength protective energy stars for the teleported person.

It can transmit the 'mortal' life whose physical body is not strong enough!

Without the word 'guardian', it is an existence that can only transmit the strength of a demigod and above.

Those existing physical bodies are relatively powerful, and they are not afraid of the turbulent time and space in the process of cross-world transmission.

Although, Luo Cheng's current strength is enough to kill ordinary demigods.

But his flesh, after all, has not experienced the baptism of divine power.

If there is no protection, it will be transmitted across the world.

It is very likely that they will be strangled in the turbulent flow of space.

Even, completely lost in the spatial turbulence.

This matter, in the history of the Blue 2.4 star human beings, has a criminal record.

Even in the world of the heavens, it is possible for human players to be completely lost and die.

This kind of death is... the kind that cannot be reborn!

Three minutes passed in a flash.

The place Luo Cheng was looking for was indeed off the beaten track.

Even if the brilliance emanating from the trans-world teleportation circle, the movement is relatively vast.

Around, no one came to join in the fun.

[Ding! Cross-world teleportation is about to start, coordinates 5000/0701/0801/1001, please get ready! 】

After the cold mechanical sound prompts.

The scenery around Luo Cheng suddenly dimmed.

Entered the cross-world teleportation channel!

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