Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 282 Qinglong Drunken Immortal Tea! !

Following Zhang Yinger, Luo Cheng landed on Fushou Island.

This island is not big, and in the center of the island, there is a small city with a complex of classical Dragon Kingdom buildings.

On both sides of the street.

There are many peach trees planted.

It's just that this kind of peach tree can only bloom, not bear fruit.

The sweet fragrance of peach blossoms is inhaled into the nose and mouth.

It is really a physical and mental enjoyment.

In this kind of scene, the sky is full of gravel, and in the city, there is also a sea of ​​sand with golden sand bricks.

It is completely impossible to exist.

"How about, here, don't you have a sense of belonging?"

Zhang Yinger turned her head and asked Luo Cheng back.

Luo Cheng nodded in approval.

"Indeed, this architectural style is in line with our aesthetics."

In his previous life, Luo Cheng was particularly fond of ancient buildings and ancient costumes.

It's just that, in the previous life, that kind of ancient style building...

Most of them can only be seen in film and television dramas made with virtual special effects.

But now, the buildings and scenery on Fushou Island.

It's all real.

It is more realistic and beautiful than the scenes seen in film and television dramas.

While walking, Zhang Yinger brought Luo Cheng to a relatively grand mansion.

After entering the mansion, it is not like the sand sea world, the kind of stone hall in the castle.

It is a piece of ponds and lakes with pavilions.

On the lake, there is a winding wooden bridge.

Inside the lake, from time to time, there are big golden carp jumping up.

In the islands in the sea, you can see this kind of fish basket that lives in fresh water.

It's also a spectacle.

Maybe it's the wrong time of year.

The lotus in the pond is not in full bloom.

There are only small pieces of lotus leaves floating on the water.

Around the lotus leaves, there are white swans swimming by.

It's like a fairyland on earth.

"How about it, my mansion is not bad`々!"

Seeing Luo Cheng's surprised and delighted expression.

Zhang Yinger does not have the airs of a demigod at all, but is really like the little girl next door.

He asked Luo Cheng ostentatiously.

"That's right, it's quiet, elegant and unique. It's really an enviable thing to be able to live here!"

This is Luo Cheng's admiration from the heart.

After all, the courtyard in front of him was already an unattainable dream in his previous life.

Zhang Yinger raised her eyelids slightly, and said with a slight smile: "If General Luo likes it, you can move here and live with me when you have nothing to do."

Looking at Zhang Yinger's slender eyelashes.

And big eyes full of temptation.

The corners of Luo Cheng's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"Cough, when the demons are driven out of our world, if I have time, I will come to bother you..."

"Okay! Sister, I don't have the ability to fight against demon gods and demon gods."

"If little general Luo can completely repel the invasion of the two worlds of monsters, then, when the time comes, come to my sister's place and stay as long as you want!"

Luo Cheng: "..."

While walking, Luo Cheng and Zhang Yinger walked together and came to the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Zhang Yinger obviously understands life very well.

With a wave of his hand, he took out a whole set of tea sets from the spatial backpack.

Even, a pot of boiled spring water was taken out!

Luo Cheng was sitting opposite Zhang Yinger, and he was not in a hurry.

Just quietly watching Zhang Yinger make tea.

to be frank......

Zhang Yinger's tea art is not so outstanding.

It can even be said that it is just a rough understanding of tea ceremony etiquette.

There is no special tea making technique.

However, this is already the norm in this world now.

Because of the invasion of the two worlds of demons.

Customs, crafts, and skills handed down from the ancient times of the Dragon Kingdom...

It has been mostly forgotten by the world.

Now, people can remember the most basic etiquette and morality passed down from ancestors.

It's already very good.

Soon, Zhang Yinger made the tea.

Although her skills are not special, the tea she uses is not extraordinary.

I saw that there was twice the amount of tea that had already been poured.

There is actually a blue aura, continuously circling around.

The fragrance it emits, you can feel a strong and rich breath of life just by taking a sip.

And, when Luo Cheng looked carefully, he found out.

That wisp of cyan breath.

It turned into the shape of green dragons!

Very miraculous.

"Come, try the top specialty of Qinglong world, Qinglong Zuixian tea."

"Drunken Immortal?"

Luo Cheng looked at the teacup made of white jade in front of him.

Picked it up curiously.

He has heard of drunken fairy wine.

This drunk fairy tea......

Can tea be intoxicating?


Luo Cheng breathed out lightly.

However, he discovered that those surrounding the teacup had the aura in the shape of a green dragon.

Couldn't blow it off at all.

He just had to drink it.

Originally, Luo Cheng wanted to taste the tea first.

But it's impossible to imagine that this tea seems to have life.

When the teacup just touched Luo Cheng's lips.

This Green Dragon Drunken Immortal Tea unexpectedly slipped into Luo Cheng's mouth on its own initiative!

Cyan tea entrance.

It brings a long-lasting fragrance.

At the same time, a ray of energy that seemed to be able to nourish the soul rushed directly into Luo Cheng's mind.

This kind of feeling really makes people feel a little ecstatic and difficult to hold on to themselves.


Luo Cheng couldn't help but snorted.

Then, the crisp system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! It's the first time you drink [Qinglong Drunken Immortal Tea], your wisdom attribute has been improved, wisdom +1000!】

【Ding! You drank [Qinglong Drunken Immortal Tea] for the first time, you gained a state, nourished your soul, and in the next (good) day, every 10 minutes, your wisdom attribute will be improved!】

"This Azure Dragon Drunken Immortal Tea will only have a special effect when you drink it for the first time."

"After taking the first bite, you can increase your wisdom by 1000 points, and you can obtain a state of nurturing your soul.

"Every ten minutes, you can increase the intelligence attribute by 10 points."

"In total, this sip of tea can increase wisdom by 2440 points.'

"How does it feel?"

Zhang Yinger looked at Luo Chenger with a smile.

At this time, Luo Cheng's face was slightly flushed.

The reason for this is that one has the energy of Qinglong Zuixian tea.

Another point is...

Just now, he seemed to make some strange noises.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng's dough is thick enough.

Facing Zhang Yinger's inquiry, he said two words very calmly.

"Well, this tea is good!"

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