Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 284 The Ultimate God Of War, Luo Zhixin!

"This is Dragon Island.

After passing through the white fog.

Luo Cheng looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help muttering to himself.

Because, the scene here...

It's like it was taken out of a picture scroll.

His location is a high mountain vacation.

Below, there is an endless plain blooming with colorful and graceful flowers.

Over the plain, there is a rainbow hanging, competing with the scorching sun.

Beneath the rainbow, there are many creatures with wings on their backs and a single horn on their heads, like a winged dragon.

Fluttering and dancing.

These creatures should all be raised on Dragon Island - spirit beasts.

It's not the kind of monsters from the outside world that can gain experience points.

In the distance, you can vaguely see the shadow of a huge city.

That city should be Dragon Island, the only city, Dragon City.

According to the information Luo Cheng saw in Longguo Curry.

In the Dragon City, there are dozens of secret entrances that are the most precious and valuable of the Dragon Kingdom.

The resources produced in it.

It can even make a natural waste wood into a genius-level character!

Including Luo Cheng's body, the most special equipment, dragon blood purple scale armor.

As well as the Hongmeng experience fruit and attribute fruit he had taken...

They are all produced in the secret realm of Dragon Island.

Of course, resources of that level are too scarce.

Generally speaking, such strategic resources are only given to those real geniuses.

Rather than cultivating a piece of crap into a genius.

How can it be compared to cultivating a genius into a peerless genius!

"Welcome to Dragon Island."

The Scarlet Phoenix Dharma God turned around and said to Luo Cheng.

"Here is the core of our Dragon Country, in the Azure Dragon Realm."

"It can also be seen as the core of our Dragon Kingdom in the world of the heavens!"

Luo Cheng nodded slowly and took a deep breath.

Following the Scarlet Phoenix Law God and Zhang Ying'er, they flew to the Dragon City in the center of the island.

On Dragon Island, as long as the flying height does not exceed the formation height of the island protection formation, it is possible.

Soon, the outline of Longcheng appeared in Luo Cheng's eyes.

It was a huge city with a wall of 100 meters high.

I don't know what material the city walls were made of.

The four walls are completely integrated, and there is no trace of connection.

The buildings in the city are much more atmospheric than the buildings on Fushou Island.

Every house reveals a breath of time.

The history of this city is definitely old.

The Red Phoenix Law God is different from Zhang Ying'er.

Although she was also introducing Long Island to Luo Cheng.

But the purpose is clear.

Soon, the Scarlet Phoenix Law God took Luo Cheng and landed on a high mountain on the east side of Longcheng.

This mountain looks very abrupt.

It was as if someone had forcibly pushed it out from the ground.

Or, it's not so much a mountain.

Rather, it is a thicker stone pillar.

However, it is this stone pillar that looks very abrupt and ordinary...

Stored, the heritage that the Dragon Kingdom spent four hundred years accumulating!

"Chihuang, little Ying'er."

As soon as the three Luo Cheng landed, one of them took care of it very cleanly.

The middle-aged man with a strong aura but a little rich came over.

He first said hello to Chihuang and Zhang Ying'er.

Then, the group headed towards Luo Cheng.

Only, when Luo Cheng saw this middle-aged man.

The pupils in his eyes narrowed suddenly.

This man, he has seen it!

Frequently seen!

In addition to often seen in the news, forums, reports.

Luo Cheng also had a video call with this guy.

This person is the current supreme officer of the Dragon Kingdom.

The ultimate god of war!

"General Luo, this is our first official meeting."

In front of the man who controls the entire Dragon Kingdom, he spoke very gently with a smile on his face.

"Uh... yes!"

"Luo Cheng, I have seen the ultimate God of War!"

Luo Cheng didn't react too much for a while.

He just bowed his head subconsciously.

However, the ultimate God of War on the opposite side hurriedly stepped forward and helped Luo Cheng up.

"Don't be too polite, my real name is Luo Zhixin, just like you, my surname is Luo."

...for flowers...

"Maybe, we used to be our own family, you just treat me as your elder."

The highest official of the Dragon Kingdom, the supreme god of war, Luo Zhixin, had a very gentle attitude towards Luo Cheng.

This also shows how important Luo Cheng is in Luo Zhixin's heart.

After all, Luo Zhixin was the highest officer of the Dragon Kingdom.

Many ordinary demigods of the Dragon Kingdom could not receive such treatment from him.

In this regard, Luo Cheng has absolutely no reason to refuse.

He nodded immediately and said, "Then... Uncle Luo, Luo Cheng has overstepped."

"Hahaha, what can't be surpassed."

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the background of our Dragon Kingdom.

Seeing Luo Cheng nodding, Luo Zhixin was also very happy.

With such a simple face-to-face, he saw a lot in Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng has a deep dragon international certificate.

He is polite and respects his elders.

He is young, but not arrogant.

Moreover, Luo Cheng's eyes were clear and not too deep.

Although, in doing things, it seems a little precocious.


Paired with Luo Cheng's life experience.

His parents left earlier.

It is understandable.

After all, the three years before Luo Cheng entered the world of the heavens and awakened his talents were not easy.

Although, many welfare policies in the Dragon Country have given these, orphans who have lost their loved ones because of the demons...

But no matter how good a policy is, it is only a material foundation.

To survive in society, these children who have lost their parents can depend on it.

only myself.

"Sir, we'll leave first."

When Luo Zhixin took Luo Cheng to see the details of the Dragon Kingdom.

The Scarlet Phoenix Law God next to him said in time.

"Well, hard work."

Luo Zhixin nodded, but did not let Chihuang and Zhang Ying'er accompany him.

After all, next, there are some words that he still needs to communicate with Luo Cheng alone.

Although Chihuang and Zhang Ying'er are also considered to be high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom.

But, there are some things, ordinary demigods, even high-level demigods.

It's hard to make a big difference.


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