Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 287 Level 9 Civilization! Not Popular!

After a little silence, Luo Cheng answered.

"According to the information, the world of the heavens appeared on the Blue Star together with the invasion of the two worlds of demons and monsters..."

"So, it can be guessed for sure that the advent of the world of the heavens, perhaps, has a certain relationship with the two worlds of demons."

"If you ask me what the world of the heavens is..."

"In my opinion, this world of the heavens, perhaps, is a kind of... game created by some supreme existence!"

After listening to Luo Cheng's guess.

Luo Zhixin's eyelids twitched involuntarily.

Because, Luo Cheng's guess is infinitely close, what he knows... Facts!


"You said that the world of the heavens is a kind of game created by some existence?"

"Then if I told you that your guess was true, would you be afraid?

"Yes!" Luo Cheng answered very quickly, even decisively.

This attitude made Luo Zhixin a little surprised.

After all, in his eyes, Luo Cheng was only a 16-year-old boy who was not even 17 years old.

It's a time when you're young and vigorous, and you don't agree with anyone.


A boy of this age.

Even if you admit it directly, you will be afraid, afraid......

It really surprised him.

"Uncle Robert, if the world of the heavens is really a game created by man.

"Then, the invasion of the two worlds of demons, perhaps, is also part of the game.


"Compared to the entire world of the heavens, the disputes between us humans and demons may be only a very small part of the game."

"After all, in the world of the heavens, there are also higher worlds and real gods.

"If nothing else, they are only part of the 'game'."

"So, we can't imagine how powerful the real 'Creator' is."

Speaking of this, Luo Cheng smiled in relief.

He continued: "However, with the strength of our Blue Star human beings, probably, we can't get into the eyes of the 'Creator'.

"So, we just need to follow the rules set by them, keep working hard to become stronger, and maintain our own survival."

"Thinking about it, it's unlikely that it will cause the special care of the 'creator.

If it is said, Luo Zhixin was a little surprised by Luo Cheng's answer just now.

But after Luo Cheng expressed his inner thoughts.

On the contrary, Luo Zhixin looked at Luo Cheng with admiration.

This talented young man is not only talented.

Spiritual thinking, as well as psychological quality, or survival attitude...

They are not comparable to ordinary people.

In this way, after seeing Luo Cheng's mind clearly.

Luo Zhixin didn't sell any more.

He directly told Luo Cheng what the senior officials of Longguo and Bluestar knew.

"Yes, your guess... is actually very close to the truth."

After speaking, Luo Zhixin waved his hand and called out a stone table and two matching stone benches.

He motioned Luo Cheng to sit down opposite him.

"It has been 416 years, 3 months and 16 days since the world of the heavens came to the Blue Star."

"Under the unremitting exploration of the Blue Star ancestors."

"In fact, we have already mastered a lot of secrets about the world of the heavens."

"It also includes the reason why the two worlds of demons and beasts want to cross the world so much to capture the Blue Star."

This sentence is just an opening statement.

Luo Cheng sitting opposite Luo Zhixin.

Obviously, I saw Luo Zhixin's eyes, the kind of eyes that contained all kinds of emotions, with struggles, beliefs, and confusion.

"The world of the heavens is just a name for this magical place of creation."

"It, in fact, has another name."

"It's called... the road to civilization evolution!"

"Civilization evolution?" Luo Cheng couldn't help frowning when he heard this term.

Luo Zhixin nodded with a wry smile, and confirmed, "Yes, it's called the "Road of Civilization Evolution."

"With your current strength, you may not have come across such news."

"But, last time, you brought back the Sand Empire's scientific and technological civilization inheritance spar' is the inheritance of a human civilization that is about to be promoted to a first-level civilization.

"This...I seem to have a little impression."

Luo Cheng recalled, he seemed to have seen words like "First-Class Civilization".

"Hehe, in your opinion, what is the strength of the Sand Empire?" Luo Zhixin continued to ask.


"At least, the strength shown by our Blue Star is much stronger than what I know!"

In Luo Cheng's mind, it appeared in an instant, when he was in the Empire of Sand.

What I saw... 100,000 mechanical puppets of the Destruction series with advanced high-level demigod level strength!

So many mechanical puppets added together...

I'm afraid that it can directly level the Blue Star!

"Yeah, but even that sand empire is just...... the strength of civilization that is not in the mainstream." "

Hearing Luo Zhixin's words, Luo Cheng opened his mouth to say something.

But nothing was said.

Because what Luo Zhixin said is the truth!

Luo Zhixin didn't pause for too long, he continued: "In the information we know.

"The Fang Yuzhou we are in, and the world of the heavens."

"There are nine civilization levels in total!"

"From one to nine, the larger the number, the stronger the civilization."

"And our Blue Star, as well as the Empire of Nasha, are just civilizations that are not in the mainstream."

(It's over) "As for the demon and demon worlds that invaded our Blue Star, they are all...first-class civilizations."

Although Luo Cheng was mentally prepared.

However, when he heard Luo Zhixin's popular science, his heart was still a little difficult to calm down.

You must know that there are real gods in the two worlds of demons and demons!

However, they are only a first-level civilization.

Above the first-level civilization......

And...eight levels!

"You should also be able to guess that the minimum standard for judging a civilization is whether it has a god-level combat power or not.

"A civilization with gods in charge is a first-level civilization."

"There are more than ten god-level powerhouses sitting in town, which is a second-level civilization."

"There is a main god sitting in the seat, which is the third-level civilization."

"The civilization of the next higher level, with the strength of our Blue Star, has not yet been qualified to come into contact with..."

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