Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 293 100W Gold Coins, Brotherhood!

After about half an hour.

Luo Cheng got out of the crowd.

Grabbed too much money and flew away from here.

When Luo Cheng confirmed that no one was following behind him.

This puts too much money on the ground.


"Cheng, Brother Cheng, you..."


Luo Cheng's flight speed just now was too fast.

Although he was carrying people, he couldn't use Void Teleport.

But even so, at the speed of his ninth-order strength, it is not too much money to bear.

More importantly, just now, too much money was lifted up by Luo Cheng by dragging the armor around his neck.

Haven't had a flight experience so much money, I'm almost dumbfounded.

Therefore, as soon as he landed, he kept retching.

"Okay, don't be so hypocritical."

"Thanks to you growing so much flesh, you can't even bear this little bump.

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, if the money is too much, he still retches.

He will definitely give Luo Cheng a roll of eyes back.

After a long time, the state of too much money recovered.

To be honest, this is the first time Luo Cheng has met his 'acquaintance' in the world of the heavens

And, he has a good sense of too much money.

I just wanted to help out with too much money.

Let his strength be accelerated.

After all, when the strength is strong, the 797 can be upgraded quickly, and the strength can be improved faster.


Luo Cheng rummaged through his backpack, but couldn't find any equipment suitable for too much money.

In his backpack, even some sundries.

The usage level has exceeded level 600......

That being the case.

"Brother Qian, take this bag of gold coins and go back to the city to buy some high-end equipment.

"Hurry up and improve your strength, don't be bullied wherever you go.

With that said, Luo Cheng took out a deflated silk bag from his backpack.

Lost too much money.

Too much money took the bag that Luo Cheng threw, and opened the bag rudely.

He has too much money in his life, and he loves nothing but gold coins!!

At this point, he follows his father!

Of course, more importantly, the bag that Luo Cheng threw (bcdh) was deflated.

It doesn't look like there's a lot of stuff in there.

With this little gold coin, he can still feel at ease...


"You and I!!"

"Brother Cheng, this...... this... I really can't accept this!"

For things like money, too much money is very sensitive.

So, after seeing the properties of the bag, and what's inside.

Too much money directly makes people numb.

Although the flesh on his face was shaking tangled.

However, he still insisted on returning the bag to Luo Cheng.

Because, in this bag...

【Premium Money Bag】(Wonderful Item)

Effect: A money bag that can hold up to 1 million gold coins.

Current balance: 100w gold coins

Description: The workmanship is very delicate wallet.


That is, 100w gold coins!

This value has completely subverted the cognition of too much money.

Since he entered the world of the heavens.

I really saw it, what is an outrageous low explosion rate!

these three months.

The gold coins he got from killing monsters, in total, did not exceed 200!

The most gold coin he has ever won.

It was still after reaching level 100 and passing through the first floor of the Tower of Babel.

In his team, Kuo Shao Hu Tian's father gave their team members 150 gold coins to advance equipment...  

That's 150 gold coins.

He had already made too much money, and replaced all his equipment with 100-level half-silver and bronze-level equipment.

And 100......w gold coins, it is an astronomical number that he can't imagine.


Therefore, even if he loves money again, his reason tells him.

He can't take this bag of gold coins!

"Okay, don't cheat, I don't usually use this gold coin."

"Just take it for you."

"Looking back, your strength is stronger. Going to kill a few more monsters in reality will reward me."

Luo Cheng had no reason to take back what he sent out.

And, gold coins.

For him, it's really useless.

First of all, it is not difficult for him to obtain gold coins.

Secondly, in the Azure Dragon Realm, all the material resources he needs.

It's all just a matter of lip service.

You know, when he just arrived at the Azure Dragon Realm yesterday.

The items Zhang Yinger gave him that permanently increased various attributes.

The value has far exceeded 10 million, or even over 100 million gold coins.

As for those, materials and items that cannot be found in the Dragon World.

That's not something you can buy with gold coins.

Therefore, these gold coins are kept as well.

Sending it out may give you too much money for a good fortune.

Even if not much has changed.

It is also good to have too much money to improve strength faster, and to have more self-protection.

After all, in this world, there are really not many people who can be called friends or even 'familiar'.

"This... ok!"

In the end, too much money could not resist the temptation of gold coins.

'Submit' is selected.

After putting the purse away, though.

After thinking about the money too much, he took off a pendant from his body.

"Brother Cheng, I don't have anything good about me."

"You shouldn't even care about it."

"However, you must hold this strange object, otherwise

"I won't be able to sleep at night!"

There is a sparkling color in Qian Duo's eyes.

at this moment.

In his heart, he recognized Luo Cheng as his best brother.


The reason is that 100w gold coins!!

If Luo Cheng doesn't treat him as a brother.

How can you easily give him 100w gold coins?!

If Luo Cheng doesn't consider him the best brother!

Why didn't even blink an eye when giving him 100w gold coins!

If he doesn't regard Luo Cheng as the best brother.

How does he behave!!!

Seeing too much money, he was so excited that he was trembling.... Fat meat.

Luo Cheng was embarrassed to refuse.

Reaching out his hand, he took the pendant in the hand of Too Much Money.

Start with the pendant, and the property panel naturally emerges.

Luo Cheng's eyelids couldn't help but rise slightly on Luo Cheng's plain face.

"This thing..."

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