Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 297 The Indus Sacred Tree, Nine Stories Of Treasures!

"Actually, the Vermilion Bird Square, or in other words, the most precious treasure in the entire Chang'an City, except for the Imperial City, is located under this Vermilion Bird statue!"

"This piece of rotten wood?" Luo Cheng frowned.

To his perception, the rotten wood beneath the Vermilion Bird statue was truly remarkable.


In terms of its value, it surpasses the entire five-party formation...  

Is it a bit exaggerated?

However, Li Chumo said firmly: "Yes, it is this 'rotten' piece of wood!"

"Brother Luo, don't underestimate it."

"According to the historical records of Chang'an City, this piece of wood is a part of the legendary sacred tree 'Sacred Tree of Indus Tree', which possesses unfathomable power!"

"Phoenix phoenix tree? The sacred tree of phoenix tree?"

"Yes! This is it."

"The sacred sycamore tree, according to legend, is the first sacred sycamore tree in the world, and the divine beast 'Phoenix' clan lived and multiplied on the sacred sycamore tree.

"It's just that, in the "War of the Heavens" in the historical materials of the heavens, the sacred tree of the phoenix tree was destroyed by a foreign race, and the Phoenix family was also lost..."

As he said that, Li Chumo shook his head, as if feeling sorry for the Phoenix family.

After all, in the myths and legends of the Dragon Kingdom, the phoenix is ​​also a divine bird that suppresses luck and brings blessings.

"According to rumors, there is still a weak ray of vitality in this sacred sycamore tree. The reason why the royal family of the Tang Dynasty put the branches of this sacred sycamore tree here is to think that it can use the fire spirit breath of the large formation to continuously Nurturing, let this sacred tree of sycamore come back to life."

"It is said that once the phoenix tree is revived, the phoenix clan left behind in the heavens and worlds will gather here.

Li Chumo was still explaining.

However, in Luo Cheng's mind, the voice of Xiaohuo suddenly sounded.

"Master, what he said is wrong."

"The vitality of this parasol sacred tree has long been extinct, and the life fluctuations in it are just a ray of breath left over from countless years ago."

"Also, this formation does not use the fire spirit breath in the formation to warm and nourish the sacred tree of the parasol."

"Instead, use the remnant branches of the sycamore tree to warm the Vermilion Bird statue above."

"I feel that this Vermilion Bird statue is almost as strong as a real adult Vermilion Bird!"

After hearing the sound of a small fire.

There was a sudden fluctuation in Luo Cheng's eyes.

It was the first time he knew that Xiaohuo could sense the breath of the outside world in the pet space.

However, after all, Xiao Huo has a complete Golden Crow inheritance, and has some special abilities...

Not too surprising.

What really surprised Luo Cheng was what Xiao Huo said.

This Vermilion Bird statue is about to have the strength of an adult Vermilion Bird!

That is to say...

This statue has the power of a "god" without opening the blessing of the formation.

If the five-party formation is activated again, then...

Perhaps, the power contained in this five-square formation is stronger than he guessed and imagined.


Why is there such a treasure in this Tang country? Why is there such a powerful formation?

Also, in the world where the Blue Star humans live.

It seems that there is only around a city like Chang'an City, there is no monster area, no leveling point.

It doesn't look like the original city of the world of the heavens at all.

Perhaps, behind this Chang'an City and this Tang Kingdom, there are some great opportunities and secrets hidden.

It's just that after so many years, no one has triggered special plot missions.

Naturally, Luo Cheng would not think that he would be the lucky one.

After having Li Qumo as a guide.

Luo Cheng quickly gained a basic understanding of Chang'an City and Vermilion Bird Square.

In every area of ​​Chang'an City, there is a Fangshi.

And the things sold in the square market are very complete.

All kinds of shops are everywhere.

Those shops were opened by players, as well as by aborigines from Chang'an City and Qinglong Realm.

It's just that, relatively speaking, the quality of items in the shops of the aborigines in Qinglongjie is better.

Of course, the price is relatively high.

According to Luo Cheng's needs, Li Qumo brought Luo Cheng to the first destination.

Vermilion Bird Square's largest odd goods and sundries store, with nine floors of treasures!

This shop lives up to its name.

It is really a nine-story treasure building.

Luo Cheng followed Li Chumo to the main street where Jubao's nine-story building was located.

At first glance, I saw this grand and exquisite super treasure building.

The reason why the nine-story building of Jubao is named "Bao".

That's because this building itself is an excellent treasure.

According to Li Qumo's introduction.

The nine-story building of Jubao is placed here, it is a building.

If you put it away, it will be a real artifact-level treasure!

Of course, these are the legends that Li Qumo heard, and they have not been confirmed.

After all, during the more than four hundred years since Blue Star humans entered the world of the heavens and the world of Azure Dragons.

The nine-story building of Jubao has not been touched.

However, when Luo Cheng approached the ninth floor of Jubao.

You can clearly feel that this treasure building is different.

The first is in appearance.

Compared with the quaint and majestic standard buildings next to it, this nine-story treasure house will look more refined.

The building as a whole can be described as carved beams and painted buildings.

There are many god patterns, immortals, insects and beasts depicted on it.

Even, on the two pillars of the main entrance (Li's), there are Pixiu with eyes painted.

It's like coming alive!

Such a delicate and luxurious building.

It was the first time to see Luo Cheng in the past and present.

"Brother Luo, I won't follow here. There will be someone specially assigned to receive you in the treasure building."

"I'll wait for you at the stone bench over there, and you can find me when you come out later."

Arrived near the ninth floor of Jubao.

However, Li Chumo stopped and did not follow in.

After all, the things in the nine-story Treasure Building...

Li Chumo couldn't afford any of them.

Going in and looking at it, I can only be greedy.

So, it is better not to watch.

Anyway, he had already brought Luo Cheng here.

As long as Luo Cheng spends something in it, he can get a certain reward.

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