Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 301 Luo Cheng's Financial Resources!

Liu Da took a cloth bag that Luo Cheng put on the table.

His face changed and changed.

Because, what Luo Cheng stored in this space bag is actually the ninth-order top-grade material!

It is still very rare and precious, possessing 'ancient demon breath', the product of ancient demon monsters!

It's still the kind of objects that are on the top of the ninth-order peak, and even close to the demigod-level ancient demon!

But, the ancient demon monsters, in the Azure Dragon Realm, have long since become extinct!

This seemingly ordinary-looking guest.

Where did you get so much top-grade material from!

In fact, it's no wonder that Liu Assembly changed his face.

The value of these materials is really not low.

After all, these were dropped by Luo Cheng in the Ancient Demon Realm [kill the Bronze Ancient Demon BOS$.

It belongs to the ninth-order top material.

Those materials inside, just take out a few pieces, you can create a high-grade platinum, diamond-grade 12 other equipment.

After reading the materials in the first space bag, Liu Da.

Completely disregarding his image, he picked up another six space bags one after another.

When he checked all the materials in the six space bags.

It took a deep breath.

"This... honored guest, the materials you took out consist of 7 types, totaling 9,136 pieces.

"Its value...should be above 5000w gold coins."

"As for the specific value, I need to ask our treasure appraiser to come to calculate and evaluate in person.


"Oh, it doesn't matter, you can come." Luo Cheng was not surprised.

These materials are basically ninth-order top-level materials.

Any one, the value must be between 6-8w gold coins.

What Liu Da said was worth more than 5,000w gold coins was just a conservative figure.

Soon, an old man with white hair and white beard hurried over.

From the perspective of breath, this old man is obviously a top-rank ninth-rank powerhouse.

But it is such a top-level powerhouse who acts as a treasure appraiser in the Treasure Collection Building.

In this way, it is enough to see the strength of the round shoulders Jubaolou.

After the old man came in, he didn't say anything.

Instead, he directly picked up the six space bags on the table, and quickly checked and calculated.

His arithmetic is fast.

Just less than two minutes.

The white-haired and white-bearded old man put down all the bags in his hand.

Then, with a smile on his face, he said to Luo Cheng: "My guest, these materials of yours are all of the highest grades of the ninth order.

"According to the market value, the total price of these materials is 5897w gold coins."

"However, you are a distinguished guest of our Treasure Building. With so many materials, we are willing to buy... 6000w gold coins!"

"This price, this old man can guarantee, is definitely the highest amount that can be given in Chang'an City.

The old man is obviously also a veteran of the trading field.

In just two sentences, it not only accurately reported the value of these materials.

He also gave Luo Cheng an extra profit of more than 100w gold coins.

Luo Cheng himself doesn't care much about gold coins.

Therefore, he did not go to bargain again.

Instead, he nodded directly and said, "Thank you, Master, then."

Butler Liu Da sent off the treasure appraiser.

Soon he returned to Luo Cheng's side.

This time, in his hand, he was holding a simple black box.

There are a lot of blood-colored lines on the box.

"Lord Keguan, here is the 'Blood-Draining Formation Inscribed Talisman' that you want.

"Also, in this space bag, there are 3112w gold coins and a VIP card."

"If you come to our store for consumption later, with this card, you can enjoy a 12% discount."

Speaking, Liu Da put the box and a more delicate looking space money bag on the stone table.

For the purse and VIP card, Luo Cheng received them in his backpack.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the black box with blood-colored lines.

The blood-sucking array pattern is engraved with a sigil, which is kept inside.

Only, when Luo Cheng picked up the box.

Suddenly, he turned to look at Liu Da.

Liu Da instantly understood Luo Cheng's consciousness.

"My esteemed guest, since the transaction has been completed, the younger one will wait at the door first."

"If you have any other needs later, you can greet the little one directly."

After feeling Luo Cheng's financial strength.

Liu Da's attitude towards Luo Cheng has changed a lot.

From being neither humble nor arrogant before, to now nodding and bowing.

It's only a momentary thing.

Of course, this does not mean that Liu Da is flattering or anything.

For Luo Cheng's few transactions just now, Liu Da was able to get nearly 30w gold coins for his work remuneration easily!

Even in reality.

A business can make people get 30w commission.

Those sales managers may be even more flattering than Liu Da.

Bow down for survival and profit.

As long as the moral law is not violated, 600 is not a shameful thing.

After Liu Da left Zhuhai.

Luo Cheng-level opened the black iron box.


The moment the box was opened, there was an extremely strong smell of blood.

It was introduced into Luo Cheng's nostrils.

Accompanied by this bloody smell.

There is also a sense of 'blood boiling' of excitement.

Luo Cheng frowned and forcibly suppressed the boiling blood in his body.

Then, the one that was engraved on the blood-colored stone, the blood-sucking array pattern was taken out!

The introduction of the attributes of this talisman is not different from what Luo Cheng saw in the bamboo slips.

The method of use is to combine it with a weapon at will.

But, at the very bottom of its properties panel.

There is also a line of small print.

(Note: The blood-sucking pattern contains the power of the law of blood, and equipment that is not high-quality (diamond or above) cannot be carried.)

At this point, Luo Cheng didn't care much.

After all, the spirit of yellow sand in his hand is the equipment of the diamond rank.

Even grow to the end.

It is very likely that it can be promoted to a demigod!

Carrying a blood-draining rune is more than enough.

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