Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 313 Thunder Gang War God, Black Phoenix Flame Spirit!

Luo Cheng looked at Luo Weiwei and then at Luo Zhixin.

These two are really a bit similar.

However, after Luo Zhixin's figure appeared.

But there was no time to say hello to Luo Weiwei or Luo Cheng.

Instead, he turned sideways and looked behind him.


In an instant, three figures appeared behind Luo Zhixin as he turned around.

Obviously, the three figures that are being manifested are the demigod-level powerhouses who are also going to enter the 'Magic Slayer Trial Secret Realm'.

Then, Blue Star's number one powerhouse, Lu Fengxian, the unparalleled god of war.

Definitely one of the three!

When the three figures are fully manifested.

Luo Cheng's perception of the void instantly gave him two extremely majestic terrifying auras.

The sources of these two breaths were a middle-aged strong man and a woman who could not tell her age and was wearing a mask.

The strong man was wearing a battle armor, and it was obvious that he was a professional warrior.

And the woman wearing a mask was wearing a wide robe.

There is no way, from the appearance, to judge what kind of occupation.

In addition to these two, the powerhouses exuding the breath of the peak god of war.

There is also a young man wearing a black armor suit, although his appearance is not bad, but he is not very outstanding!

The 060 that makes Luo Cheng a little suspicious is.

Even if his void perception is always on, he has no way to sense the slightest breath of the other party!

It's as if...

This person doesn't even exist!

There is almost no hesitation or hesitation.

Luo Cheng guessed the identity of this young man.

Unparalleled God of War, Lu Fengxian!!

Even Luo Cheng has never seen Lv Fengxian's real appearance.

However, what he can be sure of is that the middle-aged general who exudes the aura of a peak god of war will definitely not be Lu Fengxian.

And Lu Fengxian is definitely a man.


Even this young man doesn't quite fit the image of the "Unparalleled God of War" that Luo Cheng heard.

After eliminating all wrong answers.

The remaining result, even if there are many, is incredible.

are absolutely true truths.

"These three are all from our Dragon Country, and are powerful at the town level.

"You should have heard of their names."

"Lei Gang God of War, Lei Gang!"

"Black Phoenix Flame Spirit, Black Phoenix!"

"Also, the unparalleled god of war, Lu Fengxian!"

The supreme chief (bcab) official Luo Zhixin didn't have too much nonsense.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he entered the topic.

Introduced to Luo Cheng and the others successively these three super-rope demigods who are well-known in the Dragon Kingdom.

And it turned out that Luo Cheng's guess was completely correct.

The one who looked more ordinary and could not feel the slightest breath.

It is Blue Star's number one powerhouse, the unparalleled God of War, Lu Fengxian!

After introducing the three demigod powerhouses to Luo Cheng's eight people.

Luo Zhixin introduced Luo Cheng and the others one by one.

And Luo Cheng's name.

He did it on purpose and put it at the end.

"This one is the first genius of our Dragon Kingdom, one of the seeds of hope, Luo Cheng!"

"Well, in good spirits!"

"With such achievements at such a young age, your future is much stronger than Lao Lei!"

As soon as Luo Zhixin finished speaking, Lei Gang took a step forward.

Since he appeared here just now, he has actually been looking at Luo Cheng.

Lei Gang's temperament is straightforward, in his eyes.

As long as he can deal with demons, he is his good brother!

In reality, Luo Cheng also has a record as a demigod demon king.

Therefore, although Lei Gang is one of the powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom.

When facing Luo Cheng, he didn't show any air.

"Old Lei, don't hold the child like that, young man, you should beat him more!"

"Boy, if you don't work hard to break through the demigods, and before the gods of the two demons and demons come, you will have the combat power of the gods, don't blame the old woman, I look down on you!"

Wearing a mask and wearing a robe, the black phoenix flame spirit, the voice of the black phoenix was gloomy and hoarse.

If it wasn't for the Black Phoenix doing this on purpose.

Then, Heihuang may have some old wounds that cannot be healed.

In fact, Luo Cheng has also heard of the title [Black Phoenix Flame Spirit].

However, according to the data, the Black Phoenix Flame Spirit should be a...

A super powerful demigod who was active more than 300 years ago!

In the past two hundred years, there has been very little information about the title of Black Phoenix Flame Spirit.

Therefore, Luo Cheng had no way of understanding the strength and combat power of the Black Phoenix.

Also, although what the Black Phoenix said to him...

There seems to be a bit of a threat in it.


Let him have the fighting power of the gods before the gods of the demons and demons come...

Otherwise, she will look down on herself...

This kind of threat, I'm afraid it's not a child's bet, right?!

Luo Cheng nodded in disbelief.

"Senior Black Phoenix, you must try your best!"

"Humph! That old woman, just wait and see!"

"Sister Heihuang, you really..." Lei Gang on the side felt that Heihuang's attitude was a bit inappropriate.

He wanted to say something, but on the black phoenix mask, under those sharp eyes, he obediently closed his mouth.

at the same time.

Aside from Luo Cheng, the seven rank ninth peak slaughtered slaughter.

Including Luo Weiwei, couldn't help lowering their heads.

Then, he secretly clenched his fists.

In the past, with their aptitude and strength, no matter where they went, they were the object of much attention.

But in front of Luo Cheng, a 'monster' level genius.

The brilliance that they exude is so insignificant.

Even Luo Weiwei, the granddaughter of Na Luo Zhixin.

Although there is a trace of jealousy towards Luo Cheng, but...

Luo Cheng's strength and record are there.

In the 'Battle of Jiang Cheng', with a weak, less than fifth-order strength, behead a demigod demon king!

During the Guarding Battle of the Storm City in the Sand Sea Territory, with the power of one person, the slaughter of the demigods is unbelievable!

In the 'Ancient Demon's Secret Realm Contest' a few days ago, Luo Cheng single-handedly defeated several demigods in the Eagle Kingdom.

Won the control of the ancient demon secret realm......

These are not any special secrets.

With their status, they know very well about these things.

And a few of them...

Although talent and talent, there are merits.

Passing through the nine-story Tongtian Tower and becoming a demigod is basically a sure thing.


Even if they become demigods, it may not be the current one, only the opponent of the ninth-rank Luo Cheng!

What's more, with Luo Cheng's growth rate......

The day when he became a demigod was probably not far away.

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