Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 318 Light Of The Firmament, Lord!

[Fengxian] The appearance of this id made all those who participated in the Demon Slayer Trial tighten their hearts.

At the same time, those powerful demigods who are qualified to participate in the Demon Slayer Trial.

Unconsciously, he began to speed up killing monsters.

So, half an hour after Lu Fengxian successfully completed the first round of trials.

Another system prompt sounded in Luo Cheng's mind.

[Ding! Player [Light of the Sky] has passed the Demon Slayer Trial Qualification Mission!]

"Light of the sky?"

for this ID.

Luo Cheng is still somewhat impressed.

Because, the light of the sky, is actually converted from a foreign language to the meaning of the Dragon Kingdom.

The light of the firmament, in fact, is one of the three card-faced powerhouses of the Eagle Nation.

Only the Lord of Thunder can crush him.

Internationally, he is also a very famous superpower.

This super demigod completes the first stage of the trial task.

Surely there is no problem.

The only difference is how fast the task is completed.

And what Luo Cheng can do now is to do his best.

Complete your trial tasks as quickly as possible.

for the rest of the time.

In Luo Cheng's ear, a lot of system prompts sounded one after another.

The 'Black Phoenix Flame Spirit' and 'Lei Gang War God' that he is familiar with have all passed the first stage of trials. 270


Luo Cheng also heard a familiar name.

That's 'Desert Butcher' Renekton!

This Renekton was one of the two great battles under the command of the Pagoda Country, the God of Desert Death.

The strength is also incomparably strong.

During the defense of the "City of Storms" in the Sand Sea Realm.

Luo Cheng has also seen with his own eyes the scene of Renekton and the top-level Hades demigod fighting against each other.

Of course, in addition to these familiar, internationally renowned names.

Luo Cheng also heard many demigod IDs that he had never heard before.

Some of these people are old antiques that have lived for hundreds of years.

There are also some newcomers who have just broken through to demigods.

No one knows what kind of powerful characters are hidden in these ordinary-sounding IDs.

After the demigods passed the first round of trials one after another.

In the middle, there was no system beep for a long time in the neutral gear.

Until the end of Luo Cheng's 12-hour login to the world of the heavens.

Only then did the system prompt sound again.

[Ding! Player [Main] has passed the Demon Slayer Trial Qualification Mission!]


This time, it was Luo Cheng's turn.

Because, this Lord, Luo Cheng has heard more than once.

In news information, this name often appears.

The 'Lord' from the Holy City!

According to legend, he possesses the ability to summon angels.

It is recognized that the Blue Star human beings, only the next day since the arrival of the heavens and worlds!

As for the first genius, it was naturally Luo Cheng who slaughtered a demigod with a mortal body.


In Luo Cheng's memory.

There was a piece of news about this "Lord" a week ago.

At that time, the news said that the rank of the Lord, the regiment had only reached 641.

That is, the seventh-order strength.

In such a few days, even if the Lord's strength has improved, it should not be too great.


It is such a seventh-order player.

But it crushed all the haters including him.

The first one completed the trial task under the demigod.

This made Luo Cheng have to pay attention to it.

If the master is very powerful.

In the future trials of the secret realm, it is very likely that he will be a relatively strong opponent.

Of course, it may also be because the realm of the master is not enough, so the difficulty of the trial task is relatively low.

Luo Cheng did not know the specific situation of other people.

For the time being, we can only rely on guesswork to judge the opponent's strength.

However, in any case, in the future, if you encounter this player called 'Master', it is always right to be more cautious.

Luo Cheng opened his task panel.

Check out the progress of your tasks.


Just half a day, about (bcee) more than ten hours.

Luo Cheng and Xiaohuo have successfully killed 3.4 million demons.

About 40% of the mission progress has been completed.

If nothing else.

In the end, he should have no problem completing this trial task.

But just when Luo Cheng was about to log out of the world of the heavens.

The other party is in an independent trial secret realm.

Luo Weiwei exuded silver brilliance, turning into streaks of extreme electricity.

Constantly walking through a group of demons.

All the demons, when encountering the extreme electricity she transformed into.

will be instantly annihilated.

Very fast, less than 30 seconds.

Hundreds of demons died under her attack.

It was at this moment that the system notification sounded again.

[Ding! Player [Wei Xiaoweiwei has passed the Demon Slayer Trial Qualification Quest!]

Luo Weiwei looked around and saw the demon corpses lying on the ground.

There was a trace of extreme excitement in his eyes.

Because, she has not heard the system prompt for 'Luo Cheng' to pass the qualification task of the Demon Slayer Trial.

In other words, her hard work for half a day was not in vain!

She, surpassed Luo Cheng!!

Now, she has the capital to go to grandpa Luo Zhixin to talk about it.

On weekdays, Luo Zhixin always said that she was not as good as Luo Cheng.

It's all right now, let's not mention the combat power for the time being.

At least, she surpassed Luo Cheng in completing the trial task of the first level!


In order to be quick, Luo Weiwei killed 100,000 demons.

Unlocked a lot of skills at the bottom of the box.

For a full ten hours, not even a second was wasted.

Either killing demons, or on the way to kill demons.

The reason is to prevent myself from falling too far behind Luo Cheng.

But, she didn't think of it either.

Luo Cheng's speed is actually so slow.

She, and the 'master' have all completed the trial mission.

As Blue Star's first genius, Luo Cheng hadn't finished yet.

It's really embarrassing!

Luo Weiwei's time to log into the world of the heavens is also coming to an end.

With the corners of her mouth raised, she logged out of the world of the heavens with seven points of complacency and eight points of arrogance.

However, just when she cleaned up and was about to go to her grandfather to announce the good news.

But I heard that Luo Zhixin was on the phone with someone.

"What? Luo Cheng's trial mission requires killing 8.6 million demons?"

The moment Luo Weiwei heard this sentence, she was a little excited, and her footsteps suddenly stopped.

In the study room, Luo Zhixin, who was talking with Jia Yi, naturally sensed Luo Weiwei's arrival.

But he didn't care.

After all, she is her granddaughter.

What he said is not a state secret.

It didn't let Luo Weiwei avoid it.

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