Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 328 The Two Who Took The Initiative To Attack!

In fact, in the surrounding area, except for Luo Weiwei and Zhu Tashan.

There are also more than a dozen ninth-level powerhouses from other countries.

It's just that none of the overall power of these ninth-level powerhouses is greater than Yingguo and Jiaopenji.

Therefore, when Yingguo and Jiaopenji teamed up to take the initiative to deal with Luo Weiwei and Zhu Tashan.

The other players around had no intention of trying to persuade or help.

As for the master who doesn't seem to be weak, he has no interest in Luo Weiwei's battle with the Eagle Kingdom.

The reason why he didn't have the qualification to climb the ladder, in fact, was just waiting for Luo Cheng here.

A strong man under a demigod in the entire secret realm trial space.

Only Luo Cheng, who possesses the talent of void, can attract the attention of this person who dares to call himself the 'lord'.

Facing the aggressiveness of the six people in front of him.

Luo Weiwei's and Zhu Tashan's expressions were not so pretty.

Although both of them have 333 confidence in their own strength.

But, the other party has six people after all.

The two of them have not yet grasped how to win more with less.

However, let them call out Tianti Imprint Factory just like that.

Then he left in despair.

They will never do it.

Especially Luo Weiwei.

Her grandfather is Luo Zhixin, the highest official of the Dragon Kingdom.

If she shrinks back now, she will admit cowardly.

That's embarrassing her grandfather!

Shame on the entire Erlong Kingdom!

Especially, among the six people on the opposite side, there are three people from the foot pot chicken family!

For the people of Longguo, it is not impossible to admit cowardice when things cannot be done.

But, if the person on the opposite side is of the foot pot chicken family!

Then, there is only one result!

Either you die or I live!!

Therefore, although Luo Weiwei and Zhu Tashan looked embarrassed.


In the dark, Luo Weiwei had sent a voice transmission to Zhu Tashan.

next moment......

"Holy Shield, open!"

Without warning, Zhu Tashan took a step forward.

A shield that was taller than him and shone with golden brilliance suddenly appeared beside him.

It stood in front of him and Luo Weiwei.

At the same time, a golden chain extended from Zhu Tashan's body to Luo Weiwei's body.

This is Zhutashan's special skill, which can share the damage for the linker!

As long as he is Zhu Tashan, well, the people linked by him cannot be killed before him!

At the same time, Luo Weiwei who was originally looking embarrassed.

He also suddenly pulled out an ice-blue long sword from his backpack.

Her gaze also changed from the 'retreat' just now to an infinite 'iron and blood' color!


Luo Weiwei gave a coquettish cry.

Her figure disappeared in an instant.

This sudden turn of events caught the six people on the opposite side by surprise.

After all, with such a large number of disadvantages, the other party dared to take the initiative to attack them.

This is a bit too contemptuous! (bcdj) "Damn it!!


"!!" [010511512072463391]

After all, these six people are all of the strength of the ninth-order peak.

Although Luo Weiwei and Zhu Tashan seized the opportunity.

But their responses were not slow.

Two long-distance output professional players flickered to the back in an instant, pulling away from Zhu Tashan and Luo Weiwei.

And one of the strong white men also took out his shield and stopped in front of him.

But before the strong white man activated his defensive skills.

Luo Weiwei's attack is here!



The ear-piercing sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

On the heads of the four hostile players who stayed in the front row, high damage values ​​appeared one after another at the same time!

Even the white shield fighter lost 200,000 HP in an instant!

The crispy skin melee of the most foot pot chicken.

It was directly knocked out of nearly half of the blood volume.

From this, it can be seen that Luo Weiwei's talent, skills, and equipment on her body.

Absolutely nothing!

And, at the same time as Luo Weiwei attacked.

The other four were wherever she attacked.

A thick layer of ice began to form.

Although the ice is not enough to freeze four people.

But it can greatly slow down the opponent's movement speed.

It's a pity that there are many people on the other side after all.

Just when Luo Weiwei finished a set of skills and was about to continue to release other skills, she wanted to kill that crispy chicken first.

Bursts of thick, khaki-yellow brilliance suddenly flashed from the body of the white man's shield.

This yellow ray of light scattered all the ice on the four of them.

It also has a great impact on the surrounding space.

Luo Weiwei, who was originally extremely agile.

Suddenly, it seemed to be blocked by a huge force, and the movement became extremely slow.

It is precisely because of this.

Her next combo attack just fell through.

It was escaped by the crispy chicken. .

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