[Ding! Your contracted beast Void Fear-Korgas devoured the [Grey Rune Giant Jiao], and the HP increased by 3180w points! 】

[Ding! Your contracted beast Void Fear-Korgas's skill, the advanced level of Ash Bite and Bite is Ash's Breath, and the current comprehension progress is: 13.1%! 】

【Ding! Your level has increased, the current level is 822!】

[Ding! The level of your pet Xiaohuo (Three-legged Golden Crow) has been increased, and the current level is 831. 】

The continuous system beep sounds again.

Luo Cheng and Xiaohuo gained a lot of experience points, not to mention the level increase again.

The skill that Cho'Gath originally comprehended, Ash Bite and Bite, has actually advanced?!!

grey breath...  

As soon as I heard this name, it was much more domineering than ~ Huibai Biting.

Its damage and fixation are also much higher than the net-defeat bite.

Just now, the fixed attack power of the Giant Flood Dragon Rune was 2000-w points.

But under the breath of gray defeat, it directly hit a damage value of more than 80 million.

That is to say, this skill is at least four times stronger than the skill of Ash Bite!


The gray rune giant flood dragon directly provided Kos with a 0.9% skill comprehension progress.

From the original 12.2% to the current 13.1%.

If he could encounter a few more grey-failed monsters like the giant rune dragon, then the speed at which Cho'Gath comprehends his skills would be greatly accelerated.


The strength of this gray-white rune giant flood dragon is indeed a bit formidable.

Just now, that short one minute.

Cho'Gath was knocked out for a full 6 HP.

Although, the single damage of the gray breath is very high.

But for Cho'Gath, the storm of ashes that defeats the giant rune dragon is the truly deadly skill.

If they encounter more than 3 gray rune giant dragons at the same time, they are afraid that they will only have to escape.

And once Luo Cheng died here, he was sent out of the Demon Killing Realm.

Then, if he wants to find the monsters of the gray defeat series, he doesn't know what year and month it will take.

At least, Luo Cheng has never seen the news of the monsters in the series of gray defeats in other secret realm materials.

Therefore, in the next time, Luo Cheng's actions will be more cautious.

First of all, Luo Cheng sent the huge Chogas back to the deep void world.

It's here, the goal is just too big.

The monsters that I encountered before, such as the gray-scarred Sacred Armor, are not bad, and they do not pose any threat to them.

But now, once Cho'Gath's movement was too loud, it attracted several powerful monsters similar to the giant gray rune dragon.

They will encounter certain dangers.

You must know that, as Luo Cheng's contract beast, there is no way that Kegas can be resurrected after he dies like Xiao Huo.

After sending Cho'Gath back to the Deep Nether.

The task of attracting and fighting monsters, naturally, fell on Xiaohuo.

Every 10 minutes, Luo Cheng will summon Cho'Gath again if there are any monsters of the Defeat series by their side.

Let it use the Void Devour, and comprehend the skill of Ash Breath as soon as possible.

In the following time, Luo Cheng and Xiaohuo did not encounter such powerful monsters as the giant rune dragon.

Soon, Luo Cheng's time in the world of the heavens had reached the upper limit.

After recalling Xiao Huo, he returned to reality.

Jiang Cheng outside the window is very peaceful.

Because of the large-scale invasion of demons, the whole atmosphere of Jiang Cheng was actually very tense.

The commoners had already stocked up a lot of food and stayed at home.

And Jiang Cheng's city guards, also under the orders of Jia 2 and Jia 5, strengthened the city defense.

Therefore, the current Jiang Cheng is unusually quiet.

Luo Cheng has nothing to do.

I took two bottles of happy water and some snacks.

Teleported to the roof of the villa to bask in the sun.

There is no way, he cannot go to the front line, nor can he leave the city.

Outside of him and Jiayi, there is no one else in the villa.

Being bored, he could only choose to bask in the sun and have a good time.

Under the warm sunshine, Luo Cheng's mind was emptied, and he fell asleep quickly.

I don't know how long it took.

Luo Cheng suddenly felt that the sun had disappeared.

He raised his eyelids reluctantly, only to find that...

At this time, the sky is already cloudy, and the devil is in the sky!!

In the sky outside the city, a large number of demons flew over.

Densely packed, I don't know how many.

Moreover, these demons that can walk in the air, except for a small number of flying demon beasts.

Almost all have the strength above the sixth order.

In addition, behind these monsters, there are dozens of huge figures.

Those are all demon powerhouses of the demigod rank!

…for flowers…………

It really made Luo Cheng completely sober.

Or behind the dozen or so demon demigods, two unbridled, extremely tyrannical terrifying auras!

The masters of these two auras are definitely no worse than Liu Qingbai!

Seeing this scene, Luo Cheng's complexion instantly turned ugly.

He was just taking a nap, how come so many monsters suddenly gathered outside?!

Just when Luo Cheng was confused.

Beside him, the armor with the mask flashed over.

"The demon came suddenly and cut off Jiang Cheng's connection with the outside world.

"Looking at their meaning, it seems that they are going to destroy Jiang Cheng directly."

"According to the crisis regulations issued by the high-level, when facing the danger of force majeure, the primary purpose must be to protect your life.

"So, if it's really impossible, I'll find a way to make a way out for you later."

Jiayi's speech was very fast, because the demons rushing from the ground were about to touch Jiang Cheng's defense formation.

"Let's take a look first, if I encounter the danger of force majeure, I will find a way to leave.

Luo Cheng did not reject or refute Jiayi's words.

Instead, it was a teleportation in the void, taking the first step to the side of the west city wall.

Here, is the place where the monsters rushing out from the ground are the first to attack.




Just as Luo Cheng came to the city wall, the demons in mid-air roared and swooped down.

I want to attack the first layer of Xuanhuang defense formation outside Jiang Cheng!

However, the soldiers on the city wall had already set up their positions, formed a legion formation, and launched a saturated tilt attack outside the big formation!

A large amount of magic and arrows flew over, tearing the first batch of demon beasts to pieces.

Although the individual strength of these monsters is not weak, but under the saturated attack of Jiang Cheng's city guards, they are still not very attractive.

This kind of scene made Luo Cheng a little surprised.

Because, in his memory, the last time the demon attacked Jiang Cheng, the attack of Jiang Cheng's guards did not seem to be so fierce?

But the next moment, when Luo Cheng noticed the weapons and equipment in the hands of the Jiang Cheng guards, he understood why the combat power of the Jiang Cheng guards had increased so much.

The equipment in the hands of these soldiers actually flashed with silver 'mechanical' stripes!


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