Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 368: The Law Of Creation, Silver Dragon And Bmw!

After feeling this breath, Luo Cheng immediately let go of the idea of ​​chasing the Dragon-horse Demon King and put away the compass of the void battlefield.

at the same time.

Li Tong, whose eyes were red, was still urging Meng Zhongguo.

Let him control the destruction series mecha and chase the dragon horse demon king.

No matter how much he pays, he will 'revenge' Luo Cheng!

But how could the speed of the Dragon Horse Demon King be comparable to that of the Destruction series of mechas.

After the Dragon Horse Demon King broke out of the encirclement and escaped.

Soon they distanced themselves from the army of mechas.

At this moment, a man dressed in black with an ordinary appearance suddenly appeared in front of the Dragon Horse Demon King.


The Dragon Horse Demon King, who turned into an extremely electric escape, suddenly stopped abruptly.

Its breathing stopped involuntarily.

Dangerous! Extremely dangerous!!

The human who suddenly appeared in front of him was definitely not something it could compete with.


Not even a chance to escape!!

The heart of the Dragon Horse Demon King also began to beat uncontrollably.

This is an instinctive reaction that comes from the fear of the soul and spreads to the body.

"You, you are..."


Lu Fengxian looked at 550, the trembling silver dragon horse, with disgust.

Because of this silver dragon horse, he had to withdraw from the state of comprehending the power of the law.

It also wasted a particularly precious 'Big Shift Talisman'.

The Dragon Horse Demon King looked at Lu Fengxian's cold eyes.

Deliberately resisting, but sadly found that now it has lost the ability to resist.

The coercion from Lu Fengxian made it impossible to mobilize even the energy of physical strength.

However, Lu Fengxian did not rush to kill it.

Instead, he glanced up and down on the Dragon Horse Demon King and said, "It's not bad to sell."

"I heard that you killed Luo Cheng. If that's the case, you should turn into a mount and apologize to Luo Cheng."

Lu Fengxian's words made the Dragon Horse Demon King a little confused.

It is indeed not Lu Fengxian's opponent, not even the ability to resist.

But, Luo Cheng, he was obviously beaten to death by the Demon King of Yuyu.

Even if Lu Fengxian had the means to restrict his freedom, how could he apologize to the dead Luo Cheng?

Lu Fengxian did not give the Dragon Horse Demon King much time to think.

I saw Lu Fengxian sticking out his fingers, a ray of energy containing vitality, circling, and about to fall on the Dragon Horse Demon King.

"Make, make...the power of creation!!"

"You, you actually comprehended a trace of the law of creation!!"

"How is this possible! This is impossible!!"

The Dragon-horse Demon King felt the law aura from Lu Fengxian's fingers, and exclaimed repeatedly.

It deliberately spread the news that Lu Fengxian had mastered the law of creation.

But, under the coercion of Lu Fengxian, all its actions were in vain!

At this time, the turquoise green, containing the special energy of the law of creation, has already fallen on its body.


Under the change of green energy.

The body of the Dragon Horse Demon King suddenly shrank rapidly.

Soon, the Dragon Horse Demon King's body, which was more than 20 meters long, was reduced to the size of a horse with Xia Changhan's blood.

The eyes of the Dragon Horse Demon King also changed from original horror and disbelief to...extremely frightened!!

Because it found that the structure and essence of its body had completely changed.

It has the ability to change its size at will.

But now, its life essence and structure have all become an ordinary two meters high.

This unknown terrifying power brought the Dragon Horse Demon King an extreme panic.

However, Lu Fengxian, who was in front of it, still did not stop his movements.

This time, Lu Fengxian reached out again and condensed a gray knife.

The breath emanating from this knife.

It made the soul of the Dragon Horse Demon King tremble uncontrollably.

"Spirit, soul......the law!!"

"This is impossible (bcdi), how is this possible!"

"How can you control two supreme laws at the same time? You are only a demigod!"

Naturally, Lu Fengxian would not help the Dragon Horse Demon King solve his puzzles.

After condensing this gray knife that can cut the soul of life.

Lu Fengxian waved lightly, and the gray knife disappeared into the body of the Dragon Horse Demon King.

"Ang~~~ Ang wow~!!"

After a painful scream.

The eyes of the Dragon Horse Demon King have lost all vigour and become dull.

And Lu Fengxian beckoned gently, and a mass of souls in the shape of a 'pony' fell into its hands.

"It's not bad to apply the law of the soul like this."

Lu Fengxian's mind moved slightly, and let the 'Silver Dragon BMW' transformed by the Dragon Horse Demon King follow behind it.

He is very satisfied with this 'creation' of his own.

In fact, he also just realized the law of creation not long ago.

Using the law of creation to change the essential state of the creature, then cutting the soul with the law of soul, and completely controlling the opponent, this is the first time he has used it today.

From the effect point of view, this method of application is really good.

Lv Fengxian took the Dragon Horse Demon King and walked towards Jiang Cheng.

In the sky, those Destruction series mechas automatically stopped their pursuit of the Dragon Horse Demon King.

It wasn't that Li Tong changed the order.

But these destruction series mechas, because they went to the target!

After all, the current Dragon Horse Demon King is no longer the Dragon Horse Demon King.

On Jiang Cheng's city wall, all Jiang Cheng guards saw the scene just now.

They stared at the 'Silver Dragon BMW' behind Lu Fengxian, one after another, in disbelief.

Until Lu Fengxian came to Jiang Cheng.

Only one general responded.

"Quickly open the formation! That is the unparalleled God of War!!"

Hear what the general said.

All the city guards on the west side of Jiang Cheng were in an uproar in an instant.

Some screamed, some adored, and even worshipped.

But for all this, no one is unhappy, and no one will feel that it should not be.

The first powerhouse of the Blue Star, the strongest patron saint of the Dragon Kingdom, the unparalleled God of War, deserves the cheers and worship of the people!!

at the same time.

In the building where Li Tong is located.

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "Uncle Li, that's the unparalleled god of war, why don't you go and greet him?"

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Li Tong glared at him angrily.

"You boy, can't you tell me in advance? Can't you discuss it with me?"

"Did you know that, if it wasn't for the fear of affecting Jiang Cheng, I would have almost controlled 300 destroying mechas to blow themselves up to avenge you!"

"Haha, I know, I'm fine."

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