Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 395: Artifact, Fengling Jade Skull!

"Do not--!"

"I don't agree!!"

"My God is disobedient!!"

"Hongxi! Hongxi! Hongxi..."

In Luo Cheng's soul sea, the figure of the demon god Kluo is constantly blurring and shrinking.

Under the power of Hongxi, Klo was completely unstoppable.

His soul is constantly disintegrating, and the offensive against Luo Cheng has completely disappeared.

Even his comprehension of the law is constantly shattering and splitting.

Into the soul of ~ Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng also understands,

The good fortune that Hongxi said should be the fragments of the law scattered in his soul sea.

However, the current him, because of the lack of realm, has no way to absorb them for the time being.

"Hongxi, you can't die! This god curses you, you can't die!!!"

The demon god Klo, whose soul was about to dissipate, let out a final roar of despair.

But the old man in the linen shirt, Hongxi, didn't feel it at all.

"I can't die? The old man has lived in vain for 50,000 years, and now, it's really a bit of a daughter-in-law to die...

Hongxi turned his right palm down and squeezed it lightly.

Demon God Klo's soul body exploded.

It turned into a strong and pure soul force, and melted into Luo Cheng's soul sea.

【Ding! You have been nourished by the source of [Corrupted Demon God - Klo], and your strength has improved! 】

[Ding! Your level has risen to level 900, please go to the Babel Tower as soon as possible to accept the baptism of divine power. 】

[Ding! Your soul is nourished by the broken will of the gods, and your soul strength has increased. 】

【Ding! You got a shard of comprehension of the law of decay! 】

[Ding! You have obtained a shard of insight into the law of the soul! 】

The continuous system beep sounds again.

Luo Cheng only felt that his soul realm had been injected with a lot of energy.

The area of ​​the soul sea is expanding rapidly.

In a short period of time, his soul power has more than doubled.

In addition to the improvement of soul power.

Luo Cheng's level has also been greatly improved because of the strength of the demon god Kluo.

Even, directly let him skip the most difficult ninth-order upgrade stage.

Reached the 900-level peak of the ninth-order!

When he leaves this secret realm, he can go to the ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower, accept the baptism of divine power, and try to break through the demigod.

And with his strength, breaking through the demigods is a sure thing.

However, for Luo Cheng.

The increase in level is not the biggest benefit he has gained this time.

The biggest benefit he got was actually the fragments of laws scattered in his mixed sea.

You must know that the law understood by the demon god Kluo is 'corruption' and 'soul'!

These two laws, any of which are taken out alone, are no weaker than the Law of Light and the Law of Void.

If he can use these law fragments, after breaking through to a demigod, he can master these four laws at the same time.

Then, his combat power, even among the demigods, will reach a level of opportunity terror.


The increase in the strength of the soul sea has stabilized his foundation.

After all, for Luo Cheng.

His only weakness now is at the soul level.

Before, he basically wouldn't have much resistance to demigods and gods who were good at the way of the soul.

But, now, after the strength of his soul sea has increased.

At least a demigod-level soul attack would not have much impact on him.

A generation of demon god Kluo fell into Luo Cheng's soul so easily.

After tens of thousands of years of wear and tear, what he has left, the power that is less than one, is all under the control of Hongxi.

Transformed into the creation of Luo Cheng.

Life and death, success or failure, who can tell?

Luo Cheng took a deep breath and looked at Zengxi, who was still hanging above his soul sea, as if he was busy with something.

He clasped his fists and bowed, "Thank you senior for helping me, and thank you senior for the good fortune!"

"If the senior has anything to use, he will never quit!"

Luo Cheng's words were not polite words.

That's what he thought in his heart.

returning a Favour many times more.

What's more, Hongxi gave him a life-saving kindness.

Hongxi broke free from the memory and looked at Luo Cheng.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of admiration: "Haha, with your current strength, you can't help this old man for the time being."

"In the future, when your strength is enough, the old man will naturally come to find you."

"When the time comes, I hope you will still remember what you said now!"

"How dare you forget the grace of saving your life!"

"Senior let..."

Luo Cheng also wanted to say some words of assurance.

But, in the sky above his soul sea, Hongxi's figure [has disappeared.

When Hongxi disappeared, Luo Cheng took it to heart.

Then, he left the soul sea.

...for flowers...  

regained control of his body.

The first time he left Soul Sea, Luo Cheng saw the female blue skull in front of him.

However, the current skull has lost its original brilliance.

Luo Cheng took two steps forward and came to the side of the skull.

His mind moved slightly, and the information about this skull appeared in his mind.

[Fengling Jade Skull] (Three Grade Artifacts)


Current Status: Broken

Repair method: Sealed Origin Stone*300

Description: In ancient times, the people of Hongxi Realm used to seal the special props of the devil.

The attribute information of Feng Lingyu Skull is very simple, with only a short list of four courtiers.

But, it's just the words 'Three-Rank Divine Artifact' behind it.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but take a deep breath.


Same as civilization level.

Artifacts are also graded.

Rank 1 to Rank 9, Rank 1 is the weakest, Rank 9 is the strongest.

However, in Luo Cheng's understanding.

In the entire Blue Star, few artifacts exist.

Even if there are, they are all first-grade artifacts...

According to rumors, the scepter in the hand of Nasus, the desert god of death in the pagoda country, is a first-grade artifact.

As for the rest, even the rumors are hard to confirm.


Although this Fengling Jade Skull is a third-grade artifact, its current state is in a damaged state.

To use it, it must be repaired first.

But now the problem is.

The thing needed to repair the Fengling Jade Skull is called Fengzhiyuan Stone!

This is a kind of special stone that contains the power of law.

As far as Luo Cheng knows, this kind of stone can only be obtained in the 'primitive secret realm'.

Each one is extremely precious!

Because, they can enhance the demigod powerhouse's understanding of the law.

Moreover, the yield of various types of Originium is extremely low!

I want to get 300 Origin Stones of Sealing...

It is to mobilize all the demigods of the entire Dragon Kingdom to collect them in the original secret realm.

It may not be possible to complete the collection within sixteen years.

What's more, the divine artifact has requirements for use, and the lowest-level first-grade artifact requires a divine artifact to be used reluctantly.

And the third-grade artifact...

Demigods, may not be able to control.


For Luo Cheng, this thing can only be put aside for now.

When the opportunity comes in the future, it is not too late to try to repair it.

...Ten thousand....

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