Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 399 Nine-Story Tongtian Tower!

Luo Zhixin didn't stay on Long Island for too long.

After a few simple words, he left the world of the heavens.

In reality, the dark tide is turbulent and there are many things, and he has to deal with it himself.

As for the future national policy of the Dragon Kingdom......

It all depends on the news that Lu Fengxian brought back after receiving the inheritance of the Demon Slayer leader.

Luo Cheng also left Long Island directly, and went to the nearest city to Long Island with Luo Weiwei and Zhutashan.

The three of them already possessed the strength to break through to the demigod realm.

Long Island and the nearest Fushou Island do not have the building of the Babel Tower.

Therefore, they need to go to the nearest city to prepare to break through the demigods.

The three of them are fast.

Not long after, they came to the sky above a small success called 'Spring Rain City'.

This city is only a secondary city.

The strength of the surrounding monsters is generally not high.

However, all the towers in the city are interconnected.

Wherever you go to the Tongtian Tower, you are all the same daughter-in-law.

It's just that the time the three of them have logged into the world of the heavens today is almost over 680.

To be on the safe side, they made an appointment to log in to the world of the heavens in the early morning tomorrow, and break into the Tongtian Tower together!

After returning to the real world.

Luo Cheng's spirit is still full of energy.

He received a gift from Hongxi today, absorbed the soul power of many 'corrupt demon gods', and expanded the entire soul realm.

Right now, his condition is better than ever.

It is a pity that the time he has logged into the world of the heavens today has ended, and he has nowhere to use it.

In the villa, he could only open the tablet.

Check out some information about the 'Demigod Rank' and 'Baptism of Divine Power'.

Originally, Luo Cheng did not expect that he could reach level 900 so quickly.

Therefore, there is no consideration of breakthroughs.

I didn't know much about breaking through the demigod rank.

As he continued to check the information, in his heart, he had a very comprehensive understanding of the ninth floor of Tongtian Tower, the matter of 'Baptism of Divine Power'.

The ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower is very different from the first eight floors of the Tongtian Tower.

The first eight floors are basically all about killing some guard monsters.

Moreover, according to different occupations, each person's trial content will be different.

However, the ninth floor is a completely independent floor.

All trials are the same.

After entering the Nine-Story Babel Tower, everyone will be attacked by a large number of magical monsters.

Every time you kill a wave of divine power monsters, you can get a trace of 'divine power', which is merged into the player's body.

As more and more divine power gathers, it reaches a saturation state with the player's body.

Players can mobilize divine power and start the baptism of divine power.

The more divine power the player has accumulated, the more difficult it will be to pass through the baptism of divine power.

But once you get over it, you can get more benefits.

Since the arrival of the world of the heavens, it has been in the records of the Blue Star human beings.

There are ninety-nine waves of supernatural monsters on the ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower.

In other words, the player can only obtain ninety-nine rays of divine power at most.

Every player who can obtain ninety-nine strands of divine power, withstand the baptism of divine power, and successfully break through to the demigod rank.

They are all extremely talented and invincible existences.

In the history of more than 400 years, the entire Blue Star has only had more than 100 names baptized with ninety-nine strands of divine power and successfully become demigods.

Like those superpowers that are now well known to the public, the patron saint of various countries.

Most of them successfully advanced to demigods with ninety-nine strands of divine power.

However, normally speaking, as long as you can successfully advance with a divine power value of more than 90 strands.

Basically, in the near future, they can reach the upper demigod realm. (bcej)

On a new day, Luo Cheng entered the world of the heavens.

In front of the Tongtian Tower in Chunyu City, Luo Weiwei and Zhutashan also appeared at the same time.

"Yo, brother, are the three of you here to break through the tower?"

"I don't know which floor you want to break through?"

"I just reached level 500, and I can only get through the fifth floor, and I don't know if I can get through it.

Suddenly, next to the three, another figure appeared.

This person is only level 500, because Spring Rain City is a second-level main city, so he thought that the three Luo Cheng should all be similar to him, who want to break through the five or six-story Tongtian Tower.

Zhu Tashan glanced at the man and said truthfully: "We are going to break through the nine-story Tongtian Tower."

"Nine floors?"


The man next to him suddenly laughed.

"Brother, don't be kidding, if you're not as high as me, don't be brave.

"I won't laugh at you."

"Okay, I wish you all the best of luck, me, sunset!

The man walked into the Babel Tower happily.

His reaction made Zhutashan Luo Cheng and the others dumbfounded.

"Brother Luo Cheng, little sister Weiwei, brother, I wish you all the best wishes in advance, that you have successfully passed the baptism of divine power and become a demigod!"

"Also, in a moment, you must do what you can."

"Once the baptism of divine power fails, you will have to wait at least another year before you can break into the ninth-floor Tongtian Tower again.

Zhu Tashan's words were mainly said to Luo Weiwei.

Because, in his opinion, although Luo Weiwei is also a genius, compared to Luo Cheng, Luo Weiwei is not a star.

Luo Cheng achieves a demigod with ninety-nine strands of divine power, which is basically a sure thing.

And Luo Weiwei....

Not so good to say.

Although Luo Weiwei knew that the main tower mountain was a kind reminder.

However, how could she, who has always been conceited, endure this kind of anger.

"Thank you for the reminder, you too, do what you can!"

Luo Weiwei's words were slightly emotional.

After speaking, he took the lead into the Tongtian Tower.

Zhu Tashan smiled wryly and shook his head, greeted Luo Cheng, and walked into the Babel Tower.

[Ding! Do you want to open the 'Nine-story Tower of Heaven'? 】

"Turn on!"

[Ding! The Nine-story Tongtian Tower is open, you have received the quest Nine-story Tongtian Tower: Trial of God! 】

[Nine-story Tower of Babel: Trial of God

Current wave: 1

Divine Power Accumulation: 0

Supernatural monster: 0/10

(Note: When the divine power is accumulated to 30, the divine power baptism can be started. The more divine power accumulated, the higher the difficulty and intensity of the divine power baptism.)]

【Ding! The monster of supernatural power is coming, please prepare for battle! 】

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