Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 410 The Holy Sword Is Broken, The Trial Is Over!

Luo Cheng was smashed into the ground by the Holy Sword of Judgment.

In mid-air, the arbiter of God stood in the air with an indifferent expression.

Looking at the purple dragon-shaped brilliance dispersed in the air.

It just faintly spit out two words.

Indeed, in the eyes of the arbiter of the gods, Luo Cheng's behavior of activating the protection of the dragon spirit is really - a bit stupid.

And the last guy who survived the final judgment - the same.

Choosing to use external force to resist God's Judgment will only make God's Judgment more powerful.

Theoretically speaking, no matter what kind of shield it is, it is impossible to block the crushing of the Holy Sword of Judgment.

Naturally, Luo Cheng did not know about this.

But even if he didn't know why the power of the Judgment Holy Sword suddenly increased.

But he can also see that before, he was invincible, and he could always protect him from the dragon spirit who took the initiative to block the attack from outside.

Can't stand it anymore!

The shattering of the protection of the dragon spirit is only a matter of time.

But even so, Luo Cheng still has no intention of giving up resistance.

Although, Spirit Blessing is under the oppression of the Holy Sword of Judgment.

It could have lasted three minutes, but it probably wouldn't even last thirty seconds.

But these thirty seconds gave Luo Cheng a chance to gather energy again.

Regardless, he poured a large amount of energy recovery potion into his mouth.

Although, these potions are used repeatedly in a short period of time, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

But Luo Cheng no longer has the time to worry so much.

And, under the blessing of equipping the Holy Light Pendant.

His energy is also recovering rapidly.

Before the protection of the dragon spirit is about to break.

Luo Cheng actually restored his energy to more than 50%.

It's just that he has verified just now that the Reverse Void Territory may not be able to withstand the crushing of the Holy Sword of Judgment.

So, this time, Luo Cheng changed his mind.

Directly shrink the area of ​​​​the void domain to the extreme.

That is, above his head, there is a circular 'plane' with a diameter of only one meter!

The energy in Luo Cheng's body gushed out crazily.

Above his head, a circle exuding a thick dark purple brilliance appeared.

This is the result of Luo Cheng compressing his void domain to the extreme.

He condensed all his limited strength on the thin paper-like plane above his head.

This is also the only way he can think of now to enhance his defense to the maximum.

"Crack, click - bang!!"


Accompanied by a shrill dragon chant, the purple dragon spirit on Luo Cheng's body couldn't resist after all.

It completely fell apart.

It's strange to say.

When the purple dragon spirit dissipated.

Luo Cheng clearly felt that the golden holy sword above his head became much weaker again.

Even, he was much more exhausted than when his breath was weakest just now.

The golden holy sword, which was originally golden, became dim because of this.

The mission of the Judgment Holy Sword has not been completed.

It didn't stop at all, and continued to roll down.


The energy ripples of dark purple and gold spread outwards unceasingly.

The surrounding multi-layer space is the deep void world.

There were indescribable horror shocks in all of them.

If at this time, there are other creatures below the demigod appear around Luo Cheng.

The energy that will definitely be spilled out by these.

And constantly compress the opening and closing space, crushed to death!

A large amount of mental energy is consumed, and the law of the void is overloaded.

It made Luo Cheng's complexion extremely pale.

Can this.

Luo Cheng didn't care at all.

As long as it can withstand the attack of the Holy Sword of Judgment.

He will be able to accept the baptism of divine power and break through to the demigod realm.

All negative states will dissipate.

But if it can't resist the attack of the Holy Sword of Judgment.

Although he will not be completely obliterated by the Holy Sword of Judgment.

However, his future growth path will definitely be greatly affected.

Therefore, Luo Cheng is still persevering, constantly using the remaining spiritual energy.

The void structure that stabilizes the thin void domain shield above.

The Holy Sword of Judgment has gone through the energy consumption of the first two waves.

The current power has obviously weakened.

For a moment, this vast and huge golden holy sword couldn't do anything to the domain shield that Luo Cheng supported above his head, which was converted from the void domain.

Seeing this scene, a glimmer of hope rose in Luo Cheng's heart.

He stuck firmly under the domain shield, preventing the golden holy sword from advancing any further.

In this way, one person with one sword, under the barrier of the shield of the void domain.

There was a stalemate for three minutes.

Three minutes doesn't sound like a long time.

But for Luo Cheng, the torment and pressure he has suffered during this period is something he has never felt in this or two lifetimes.

…ask for flowers………

The will from heaven constantly impacted his heart.

The Wia from the Holy Sword of Judgment kept destroying his spirit and body.

Because he used all his energy to resist the golden holy sword above.

At this moment, his body was cracking everywhere under the enormous pressure.

A trickle of blood continued to flow out.

From a distance, it looks like a ceramic sculpture that is about to shatter.

This kind of scene is also reflected in Luo Cheng's blood volume.

At this moment, his health bar was less than 3% left.

Although he has the Light God Ring, he can directly restore the status to full.

However, the current him can't spare his thoughts and hands to use the Xia effect of the Light God Ring.


The sky above him, as well as the terrifying energy scattered around him.

Finally started to slowly dissipate.

After this three-minute stalemate.

The energy of the Holy Sword of Judgment has finally been consumed.

Just looking at it, it's about to collapse!

After a while.

Luo Cheng's vitality drained away again, and under the huge pressure, his life value was only left with a trace of blood.

In Luo Cheng's feeling, ten seconds at most.

His body will completely collapse due to the strong sense of oppression


"Crack, click, click -!!"

The loud trembling noise caused the surrounding space to crack directly.

The dark purple deep void world was thus exposed.

Above Luo Cheng's head, the dark purple void shield had disappeared.

The golden holy sword above the shield finally turned into a ray of pure golden energy.

Collapsed between heaven and earth.

Luo Cheng was drenched in blood and knelt in the deep pit on the ground trembling.

Now, he really couldn't even raise his strength.


A ray of bright holy light emanated from the Light God Ring on his finger.

The strong healing power of light diffused his entire body.

A moment later, the arbiter of the gods above the sky fell from the sky.

Looking at Luo Cheng who has fully recovered, he said:

"Congratulations, you have the qualifications to become a warrior of Heavenly Dao, enjoy the gift from Heavenly Dao!"


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